Marlboro show this weekend

Well, looks like they are done. They cancelled the Wilmington Show. They advertised that Springfield Big E show was the last show in Massachusetts. I sent a message to them and they cancelled the Marlboro show scheduled the end of March. I checked there future schedule and NO Massachusetts shows at all on their calendar. Thats it! Waiting for an e-mail back confirming that.
Wasn’t much of a gun show lately anyway, but it still sucks. Maybe some local clubs can help get something organized with local shops.
It’s a pretty simple formula if someone has the patience to rebuild a gun show in a commie state.

1) get rid of Carole and Homeless Jeff Spicolli - this will result in many of the bad vendors self-deporting
2) Lower admission and make it free for kids under 14
3) Better advertising on social media to attract people under age 75
4) “celebrity” appearances; think guntubers, etc
5) Lower the MFin admission and make it free for kids under 14!

The event will eventually attract better vendors, and eventually they’ll pay more for table space.
The gun show / competition exemption for non-MA residents disappeared with the latest MA gun law rewrite.

Having an FFL does NOT convey an exemption to state level prohibitions on possession, unless provided in the state law. This means that no out of state vendors can bring any guns to the show. Ditto for attendees.

No transfer of >10 round magazines except by bequest is another nail in the coffin.
What will suck is not so much being able to go looking for firearms new and used, but being able to find those hard to get parts, accessories, collectibles etc. that you get to see in person before the purchase, which you do not when you order stuff on line. Plus most gun dealers do not carry most of those items which is why you look at gun shows.
Its official. Martin Fasack the promoter, got back to me and confirmed the new gun laws finished them. I suggested to him that he could fill a hole in Southern New Hampshire say Manchester, where they used to have the two day show by Diprete Promotions. Would be no further for them to travel than the Wilmington show. I gave him all the information on the Doubletree Hotel in Manchester. Hope he looks into it. They would be less constricted with the laws in NH. MA residents can still buy long guns and have MA compliant handguns transferred through a dealer. Plus, all the other stuff NH dealers carry.
Its official. Martin Fasack the promoter, got back to me and confirmed the new gun laws finished them.
That's what I said here, more or less. Chapter 135 was the final nail in the coffin for the MA gun shows. I'm actually surprised that they went forward with West Springfield, but perhaps it was too far along, commitment-wise, to cancel.

Notice that the promoter only cancelled the MA shows. The shows they run in NY and PA are still on.
I suggested to him that he could fill a hole in Southern New Hampshire say Manchester, where they used to have the two day show by Diprete Promotions. Would be no further for them to travel than the Wilmington show. I gave him all the information on the Doubletree Hotel in Manchester. Hope he looks into it. They would be less constricted with the laws in NH. MA residents can still buy long guns and have MA compliant handguns transferred through a dealer. Plus, all the other stuff NH dealers carry.
This is probably the best we can hope for... i.e., a new show in Southern NH that isn't too far North for most interested MA folks to travel to. I don't see this promoter (NorthEast) doing such a show, but maybe someone else might be interested. 🤔
There were some other reasons also that were leading up to it, but no need to post them. The Change in laws finalized it.
With all due respect, the "other reasons" members post to explain the promoter's pull out of MA don't amount to a hill of beans. Attendance had remained high at the bigger show despite fewer gun-displaying dealers and that (good $$$ paying attendance) is what kept the shows going and profitable. To think otherwise is to not understand how promoters work.

No, it was Chapter 135 and all of the legal and business ramifications of that. The promoter didn't kill the shows. Maura and the Legislature killed the shows.
With all due respect, the "other reasons" members post to explain the promoter's pull out of MA don't amount to a hill of beans. Attendance had remained high at the bigger show despite fewer gun-displaying dealers and that (good $$$ paying attendance) is what kept the shows going and profitable. To think otherwise is to not understand how promoters work.

No, it was Chapter 135 and all of the legal and business ramifications of that. The promoter didn't kill the shows. Maura and the Legislature killed the shows.

These shows have been f***ing garbage for a decade though. That has a lot to do with it wether the shitty promoter will admit or not is another thing. They're bowing out because Trump won and they know the other shoe would finally drop.
Is this true??!!

YEP, Eagle Shows must be the new people running the shows rather than not having any in Mass.
If you know any dealers interested in getting tables, let them know.

I bet they get one going in Wilmington this year as well.

YEP, Eagle Shows must be the new people running the shows rather than not having any in Mass.
If you know any dealers interested in getting tables, let them know.

I bet they get one going in Wilmington this year as well.
Whoaa, that was fast. Skeptical though whether the new laws will interfere with this unless these guys did their homework or have good attorneys or both. Hopeful anyway!
Whoaa, that was fast. Skeptical though whether the new laws will interfere with this unless these guys did their homework or have good attorneys or both. Hopeful anyway!
Honestly the laws will have zero to no influence on the promoters at all how they actually conduct their shows in MA remains to be seen. If they act neutrally as possible this could be a good outcome for us on the whole.. because then maybe some dealers will start coming back to these things. Honestly if they were devoid of all the bullshit that drove people away then they possibly fill up the auditoriums again. Even with shit laws there's still plenty of product to go around.
Honestly the laws will have zero to no influence on the promoters at all how they actually conduct their shows in MA remains to be seen. If they act neutrally as possible this could be a good outcome for us on the whole.. because then maybe some dealers will start coming back to these things. Honestly if they were devoid of all the bullshit that drove people away then they possibly fill up the auditoriums again. Even with shit laws there's still plenty of product to go around.
Was doing a check on Eagle Shows and it appears they are a first class show promoter. There ad boasts the largest in PA. Very Hopeful.
Honestly the laws will have zero to no influence on the promoters at all how they actually conduct their shows in MA remains to be seen. If they act neutrally as possible this could be a good outcome for us on the whole.. because then maybe some dealers will start coming back to these things. Honestly if they were devoid of all the bullshit that drove people away then they possibly fill up the auditoriums again. Even with shit laws there's still plenty of product to go around.
If Kamala was elected, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

YEP, Eagle Shows must be the new people running the shows rather than not having any in Mass.
If you know any dealers interested in getting tables, let them know.

I bet they get one going in Wilmington this year as well.
Maybe you should start a separate thread on this so as to get the word out. Most who see this thread will just think its the same old stuff. Just a thought. As was said, the more the word gets out, especially to dealers, it could be a good show. Thanks for the heads up!!
If they play this right it could win. c***face overpriced tables and played games with vendors with rules and so on. This drove people away even years ago. Dealers should be a cheap ask on table fees, sell them cheap tables for the first 8 tables, fill the auditorium and sell tix at $10 w/snotgobblers and women for $5 ea and you are selling gobs of entry tickets.
If they play this right it could win. c***face overpriced tables and played games with vendors with rules and so on. This drove people away even years ago. Dealers should be a cheap ask on table fees, sell them cheap tables for the first 8 tables, fill the auditorium and sell tix at $10 w/snotgobblers and women for $5 ea and you are selling gobs of entry tickets.
I’m pretty sure those things were discussed with the promoter from PA(new guy) and dealers who attend shows in PA also.

It sounds to me if they play their cards right, they are ahead of the game since they did not have to purchase the shows here in Mass for the ones that retired. Hopefully it is advertised well.
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