Maspenock Rod and Gun Pistol Shoot Schedule! 1st event April 12th!

Nov 25, 2010
Feedback: 9 / 0 / 0
After a successful first year of pistol shoots eith club members and close friends, Maspenock Rod and Gun in Milford, MA will be opening these shoots to the public.

As we have invested in several different fun items, the monthly pistol shoots will rotate amongst different targets and calibers. Below is the schedule, flyers will be added as they become available.

Shoots are open to all skill levels, we only ask that all competitors are SAFE, and follow all of our RSOs and Event Coordinators instructions.

April 12th - .22 Bowling Pin Shoot
May 10th - Centerfire Dueling Tree Shoot
June 14th - .22 Dueling Tree Shoot
July 12th - Centerfire Bowling Pin Shoot
August 9th - Centerfire Dueling Tree Shoot
September 13th - .22 Bowling Pin Shoot
October 18th - Centerfire Dueling Tree Shoot
November 8th - Centerfire Bowling Pin Shoot

This is the tentative schedule, shoot types/days may change, but notice will be given. More details to come, but we would appreciate your support, the more support we get, the more likely we can get some cool new targets for future shoots down the road!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!
Is there a distance for targets?
Is there a open and iron division?
Is there a time frame in mind for these events?
Sorry if I'm jumping the gun just wondering
Distance - last year it was 30 feet. I see no reason to change it this year.
Divisions - last year we generally only had a max of 10 shooters, and did not create divisions...if we get enough interest, its a possibility. At this time, there is only one division, open.
Time frame - we generally start at 9am, and are done by noon. This allowed us to run two double elimination brackets with everyone, so st minimum every got to shoot 4 times. At the end there is usually a few people who hang around and continue to shoot for fun.

Thanks for the interest, the rules/fine print will be available shortly, my partner in crime who started this last year is putting the final touches on the flyer this week.
Thanks to all who showed up today to support or fledgling program. We are very receptive to suggestions, so if youd like to see something done differently, let us know!

Ok another note, we realized May 10th is mothers day, so we are looking to reschedule. Stay tuned!
I had a great time. Thanks for the help folks and great ideas on how to improve along the way. We will have some different types of matches going forward.
Cancelled -- May 10th - Centerfire Dueling Tree Shoot -- Cancelled

We did not see that May 10th is Mothers day when we started planning. Our next match will be .22 Pistol Dueling tree on June 14th.
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