Mass compliant S&W M&P/9 Pistol - getting it back to normal trigger pull

Aug 1, 2008
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have a buddy who lives in Mass. this weekend he picked up a Smith & Wesson M&P/9 pistol.

Came with Mass compliant 12 lb (?) trigger pull.

It's been a while since I've worked on these (mostly a Glock guy). Ordinarily I'd pop in an Apex Target Sear and some new sights and call it a day.

What are the parts that need to be replaced to restore this back to 49-state trigger pull spec?

Also, any smiths in the Springfield area doing this kind of work? (S&W is notorious for not selling parts to non-armorers.)

Agreed. It's my understanding S&W will not sell you, "Free state" parts. You might be able to get them through a smith ?, but at that point you'd be better off dropping in an Apex, or just having one of the local NES smiths do the trigger. Larocca is in Worcester. LaRocca Gun Works of Worcester, MA - Gunsmith or John at Remsport

wow. mike is still at it? haven't seen him in ages.
I've put the Apex kit in 3 different M&P pistols. Its very easy if you are at all mechanically inclined.
The M&Ps have a horrible trigger beyond the pull weight. The Apex kit not only reduces the pull weight but also smoothes out the pull. A good smith will do the same. I chose to do the Apex so I didn't have to wait for a smith to do it.
I dropped an Apex trigger into my M&P .40 shield the other day. It is pretty easy, all you need is a punch to knock out a couple pins. Watch the YouTube videos from the Apex website.

The rear sight is an absolute bitch to remove for the USB upgrade.
The MA trigger return spring is the major problem. It can be replaced for $2.75.

Not really. The sear is the big contributor to the bad pull. I left my return spring in for a while actually and the trigger was great.

Apex RAM is a nice add too. It's adds a tactile reset to the trigger that just isn't there out of the box
I did the Apex on both my full size and compact. Very happy with both. The Apex duty/ carry kits can be bought locally so do not have to order them online and save a little money. Guns and Gears in Agawam has them for about $89.00 plus Tax. The rear sight is the hardest part to remove with out a sight tool and not marking it up. The rest of the kit is very easy.
Not really. The sear is the big contributor to the bad pull. I left my return spring in for a while actually and the trigger was great.

Apex RAM is a nice add too. It's adds a tactile reset to the trigger that just isn't there out of the box

Replacing the return spring will substantially reduce the pull weight. The quality of the trigger is a function of the striker and sear which varies from one pistol to another. My M&P 45 was fine with just the stock return spring. I have also had good results with the Apex kit in my 9mm. I recommended replacing the return spring because it is simple and cheap. If that doesn't work you can move on to more expensive mods.
I took my 2009 vintage M&P45 out last week and ran 100 rounds thru it-it's ultra reliable, very, very accurate, but the trigger plain sucks, badly. I was resisting it, but I have to install an Apex sear. It's killing me to do so, but it has to be done.
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