Massachusetts man with Nazi flag arrested after ‘frightening and disturbing threats targeting the Jewish community’

Is having cash illegal?
That's what they want people to believe by posting cash next to scary guns.
A few months ago I was buying some stuff at HD and overheard two women behind me in the checkout line saying who, besides criminals, carries that much cash. I told them to dial 911 and tell the operator that a straight white male just made a $300 cash purchase.
I’m guessing this probably isn’t a good case for GOAL to challenge MA re:lowers are firearms now. He’s not a very sympathetic defendant even if this seems like both a free speech and a 2A overreach by the DA.

I wonder what they would have charged him with if he’d had his LTC? This seems like a very toe in the water approach to getting some precedent for classifying lowers as actual firearms.
I’m guessing this probably isn’t a good case for GOAL to challenge MA re:lowers are firearms now. He’s not a very sympathetic defendant even if this seems like both a free speech and a 2A overreach by the DA.

I wonder what they would have charged him with if he’d had his LTC? This seems like a very toe in the water approach to getting some precedent for classifying lowers as actual firearms.
You think he isn't a good plaintiff lol.

This will be indicted for asf and large capacity, improper storage among other charges.
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