Maura not staying in her lane

She thinks she will be president one day. Fool. Other than people in Mass, nobody ever heard of her.
I recall a few months ago some news channel was interviewing it and it said some shit with its usual catchphrase of being “the first openly gay president.”

We all started ragging on the comment and one of my acquaintances (who is a gay dude) got a little pissy.

When I explained that it wasn’t the fact that it likes to eat hairy lobster rolls we were laughing at, but rather that it thought that was somehow a qualification for being commander in chief. he agreed.
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She thinks she will be president one day. Fool. Other than people in Mass, nobody ever heard of her.
There’s a white guy who is a Mass senator who she will snipe when his term is up, and she’ll win. His term is up in 2027, and so is hers. He’ll be 80 when his term ends, so the powers that be will end his career to make way for a younger female alphabet. I’m sure there’s a minority candidate they would love to replace the fake Indian.

Maybe she bails and takes a cabinet position in Biden’s next term, but I doubt it when she can have a lifelong senate seat if she wants it. I doubt she’s valuable to anyone even as a VP pick. MA is going blue no matter what in the presidential election, so she offers nothing for electoral votes in a swing state.

How about a Bootyjuice/Healey ticket? After Biden’s second term they’re just as good as anyone to oversee the end of the Republic.
I think some of her future aspirations may hinge on this KR trial outcome and how she handles any fallout wrt the SP and NCDAO...
Especially if the feds get something rolling while she's still in office.
She thinks she will be president one day. Fool. Other than people in Mass, nobody ever heard of her.
I hope you are right, but no one had ever heard of Obama either.
And I swear he won his first election because of white guilt. Lots of white folks voted for him so they could say "I'm not racist, I voted for Obama" because they thought he was a black man.
Then, on inauguration day, you could hear the sound of every Jewish voter in NYC, butt hole puckering when he said "I, Barrack Hussein Obama..." and they went ... "Oh shit, he's not just blick, he's a muslim!"
MA is currently running public service announcements against pregnancy centers that don’t offer abortion. Any pretense that the state won’t use public office and taxes to push blatantly partisan agendas is out the window.
She thinks she will be president one day. Fool. Other than people in Mass, nobody ever heard of her.

Nobody ever heard of the bartender before, either. She's a little less visible now, but she'll be baaaack. I predict 2028 possibly, 2032 she'll definitely get in the race.

Viral social media changed all those rules.

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