Mayors’ group pushes for background checks at gun shows

May 17, 2009
Harrison, Maine
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Opponents say proposal goes too far, would create an unlawful database


Some of the offerings at the 2009 Bangor Gun Show. BANGOR DAILY NEWS FILE PHOTO BY KEVIN


AUGUSTA, Maine — Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a group organized by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, is running TV ads in the state urging Maine’s U.S. senators to vote for legislation requiring background checks on all gun sales at gun shows, but opponents say the bill goes much further than that.

“We need to close this loophole,” said Lewiston Mayor Larry Gilbert. “Having dealt with criminals throughout my whole law enforcement career of some 33 years, I know we need to get this loophole closed.”

Gilbert has served as U.S. marshal for Maine and as the police chief in Lewiston. He said the law that allows individuals at gun shows to sell weapons without conducting a criminal history background check on a gun purchaser has been responsible for a lot of firearms ending up in the hands of criminals.

“There have been too many instances where guns bought without a check at gun shows have been used in terrible crimes,” Gilbert said.


MAIG is running a TV ad which implores you to call Brown. They demand that Brown close the Gunshow Loophole.

Everyone should call Brown and tell him that there is no gunshow loophole.

Of course, ratings and comments are disabled. They wouldn't want all the false statements in the ad brought to light.
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“There have been too many instances where guns bought without a check at gun shows have been used in terrible crimes,”

it doesn't appear as if he then goes on to cite any of these "too many instances".

i'm shocked.

in other news i'm really sorry to see toolbags with the MA mindset invading free states throughout new england. [hmmm]
I'll give him a call to tell him to get this bill thrown out ASAP so the Senate can move on to REAL problems.

Oh, and not that facts mater to these people, but Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold acquired their weapons through straw purchases, and the original buyers could have passed a background check anyway, as could Harris and Klebold if they were old enough.
Oh and one of the guns was bought at a gun shop, so whoever bought it DID pass a background check.
Classic liberal stunt. Use a tragedy that inspires fear as the poster child to promote their unrelated agenda.
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There was an ad that ran on this morning's WCVB-TV (Ch. 5) news encouraging us to write to Scott Brown about closing the "gun show loophole," so I did. Of course, my letter doesn't exactly say what the ad's sponsors wanted it to. [wink]
it doesn't appear as if he then goes on to cite any of these "too many instances".

i'm shocked.

in other news i'm really sorry to see toolbags with the MA mindset invading free states throughout new england. [hmmm]

Naw, Bloomberg is behind this abortion. Blame the New Yorkers :)
I doubt Brown will sponsor it...he will vote for it though it looks like..

Brown indicated he supports the following principles concerning gun issues:
# Allow citizens to carry concealed guns.
# Require manufacturers to provide child-safety locks on guns.
# Require background checks on gun sales between private citizens at gun shows.
# Require a license for gun possession.
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It's not really about gun shows. Their End Game is the banning of all private transfers of firearms.
Any gun show I have ever been to does background checks.

FFLs yes, they are bound by the same laws as if they were in their own place of business. Private sales no. Private sales is their ultimate target....but they'll NEVER admit it.
The NRA, SAM and the Maine Citizens Against Handgun Violence partnered with the DOJ for safe gun sales. Never mentioned in the hit piece in the BDN. Solutions can be found on our IMPORTANT LINKS PAGE or ORDER MAINE GUN SELLERS KIT: EMAIL [email protected] OR CALL (207) 771-3294.

You would think a Mayor, former Chief and U.S. marshal for Maine would announce that!!!

MGOA might want to know that too!
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May 5, 2010
Bloomberg Asks U.S. to Close ‘Terror Gap’

Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg is in Washington this morning, testifying before the Senate, as timing would have it, on terrorism. Mr. Bloomberg is one of many elected officials addressing a hearing of the Senate’s Homeland Security Committee on “Terrorists and Guns: The Nature of the Threat and Proposed Reforms.”

The mayor’s speech is a plea for lawmakers to close the so-called “Terror Gap,” a hole in the law that prevents the federal government from blocking the sale of firearms or explosives to people on the the terrorist watch list. Because this kind of stuff is on people’s minds lately, we thought we would post the text of his prepared remarks. Here they are.

Today, the Government Accountability Office has released new data showing that suspects on the terrorism watch lists were able to buy guns and explosives from licensed U.S. dealers 1,119 times between 2004 and 2010. That is a serious and dangerous breach of national security — and it raises a very basic question:

When gun dealers run background checks, should F.B.I. agents have the authority to block sales of guns and explosives to those on the terror watch lists – and deemed to dangerous to fly?

I believe strongly that they should. And so do the 500 mayors who are part of our bipartisan coalition of Mayors Against Illegal Guns. But right now, they don’t. As Senator Lautenberg and Congressman King have just said, it is time to close this “terror gap” in our gun laws.

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