Merrimack River Lowell/Chelmsford MA Boat Launch

Launched at the Rourke Brothers ramp this morning. Ran upstream today and focused on structure in the middle of the river. Caught a few smallies of no great size but it was fun. Swung by the Southwell ramp on the way back down. Nothing has changed and they haven't done a damn thing to the ramp since they blocked it March of last year.
Well, I did a ride down "memory lane" yesterday. One of the pIaces I checked was the North Chelmsford Boat Ramp. I was the one responsible for town getting the money from the Public Access Board to build that ramp. Yesterday I took a look at the ramp, and it looks like the concrete slabs have been deteriorating for years. Now I suspect that folks in that dump of a town really don't want that ramp repaired, as the parking of cars/trucks and trailers takes away parking for the ball field users.
Now something to think about, The Rivers of the country are in fact "Water Highways" and people have the right pass on them for, Business, Pleasure, or Convivence. I believe that there is case law on that. You will have to do the research.
Now, If you really care, start hounding the Commissioner of The Dept of Fish and Game. Hound your state rep as well. That ramp was built with "Dedicated State Funds". That money comes from you. I no longer (thank God) have a dog in that fight.
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