MGs to become worthless in NY, MA next?

Aug 8, 2008
Central MA, Worcester area
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With a 7 round max mag and any mag over that not grandfathered, what do you think will happen to MGs? Basically they become worthless in NY and I see MA copying this word for word. MG prices could plummet if it looks like this is a done deal in many states.
With a 7 round max mag and any mag over that not grandfathered, what do you think will happen to MGs? Basically they become worthless in NY and I see MA copying this word for word. MG prices could plummet if it looks like this is a done deal in many states.

Can't you just sell them out of state, or does that go against some MG law?
With a 7 round max mag and any mag over that not grandfathered, what do you think will happen to MGs? Basically they become worthless in NY and I see MA copying this word for word. MG prices could plummet if it looks like this is a done deal in many states.

Does NY even allow NFA? To insinuate that such banishment will pass in MA is a bit premature.

It won't affect the prices of MGs at all because they would still be legal in most of the rest of the country. There are a maximum of maybe 6-8 states that can go full retard anti... nothing is going to happen in any of the others.

Does NY even allow NFA? To insinuate that such banishment will pass in MA is a bit premature.
NY has no NFA except for licensed manufacturers and possibly dealers to LE.
Does NY even allow NFA? To insinuate that such banishment will pass in MA is a bit premature.\

This. I actually wrote my rep instead of zOMG'ng!!!!11111 all over the internet, and she told me this, yesterday...

Finally, I do understand the concerns of law abiding firearms owners of the “knee-jerk” reactions by those who want to restrict our 2nd Amendment rights. While you will hear and see a great deal of political posturing by the anti-gun lobby, it is the general consensus here at the State House that there will be no rush to make sweeping or even minor alterations to the current gun laws in the Commonwealth in the near and not-so-near future.
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NFA fun.......7 rds at a time.

....gone in less than half a second out of a MG42
as a MA resident and Machine gun license holder for a number of years I own 4 NFA transferable machine guns. Ruger AC556F, M16 registered receiver, Uzi 9mm registered receiver and an original Reising .45 SMG. I guess I would be lying if I said I have not been asking myself outside of moving to NH what good will my MGs be if the mag ban does in fact go through..... I guess I am not willing to give in yet. as drgrant says, we still may have some hope in MA. It will not get pushed through as quickly as it did in NY (no NFA in NY anyways so NFA is not a concern there) and we have all been writing our reps, legeslators etc and so far seem to be getting some "decent" not "great" responces back and we just might have a chance to get by the mag ban. I am sure we are going to get some of the other stuff jammed down our throats but I am not giving up on the mag issue yet.... if we do lose out then I am heading up to NH..... I'll be damned if I am going to sell the things that make me happy in life that I worked so freakin hard to get.....

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Where in current law does it state this? NFA or not, post ban hi-cap mags are not legal in MA.

By this, I think he means that MFA items were not covered and therefore they are not affected. They would still(most likely) have to have a magazine that conformed to the 7 round law, which does not exist for some of these, rendering the gun useless unless you are willing to use it illegally or move to a place that has not gone full retard.
my understanding is that they are allowed to have post ban magazines because of the nature of the weapon.
Sometimes people like to make up/interpret there own laws to make them feel better.

And if they do it at their own risk, that's their prerogative. When they post them where others who don't know the law might read them and get jammed up, they need to get smacked down.
Wrong. Don't delude yourself.
Mag ban is mag ban. You can keep your machine gun but not be able to shoot it.
Gotta hand it to them, the mag ban is really quite crafty.
None of the noise that a gun ban would generate but pretty much the same effect.

I thought that was how it was handled with NFA machine guns
I thought that was how it was handled with NFA machine guns
There is nothing in the MA AWB (that I have seen) that exempts NFA weapons (like machine guns or short barrel rifles) from magazine or "evil" feature restrictions.
Although there are some class 3 dealers (I know of 2 personally) here in MA that will tell you differently, to make a sale. [shocked]
Moral of the story... don't trust dealer advice. Because you will be the one left hanging... not them. [wink]
This. I actually wrote my rep instead of zOMG'ng!!!!11111 all over the internet, and she told me this, yesterday...
Finally, I do understand the concerns of law abiding firearms owners of the “knee-jerk” reactions by those who want to restrict our 2nd Amendment rights. While you will hear and see a great deal of political posturing by the anti-gun lobby, it is the general consensus here at the State House that there will be no rush to make sweeping or even minor alterations to the current gun laws in the Commonwealth in the near and not-so-near future.

brings a tear of joy to my eye... Let's keep writing and calling!
And if they do it at their own risk, that's their prerogative. When they post them where others who don't know the law might read them and get jammed up, they need to get smacked down.

It's not always to "make them feel better", but applying logic to "fill in the blank" for something not specifically mentioned in law. A classic example is the declaration that moving out of state invalidates an LTC (yes, I know the LTC will be expired by the issuing authority once you send such a notice, but I'm talking of the case where no address change is filed). People on both sides of the issue declare is it invalidated because it is "obvious", but no one has been able to cite a MGL section or court decision that officially established this to be the case -but they still assert they are right because it is obvious.
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