Around shoveling this weekend, I cleaned out and reorganized the gun cabinet. With the aquisition of the S/42G, the cabinet is full. But we know that's really not an impediment .
03.1.2009; More snow, more cleaning, and more reorganizing.
Here is the family. From left to right:
1. 1890 Geweher M1888/05 (Commission) 8mm Mauser (S conversion, Lowe/Berlin), #3288, reproduction sling. Bolt parts match (#6805 bolt, safety, cocking piece, and retainer); barrel and receiver match (#9748q). Original dual slotted cleaning rod. Has Turkish ordinance marks. Bluing 40% turning plum and brown, barrel bright, no pitting, excellent. Non import marked.
2. 1916 Geweher M1898/05 8mm Mauser (S conversion, Danzig), #1788. 20 matching numbers (barrel, receiver, bolt, safety, bolt shroud, firing pin, bolt release, sight leaf, upper band, lower band, front sight, trigger, both guard screws, sear, cocking piece, follower, floor plate, and extractor), reproduction sling, original cleaning rod, and original German rubber muzzle cover. Stock, butt plate and bayonet lug match separately (#4936) and date from 1917. Barrel bright, very slight pitting, very good. Returning veteran bring-back; stock has turn down bolt repair. Not import marked.
3. 1935 Geweher K98 8mm Mauser ‘S/42G’ (Mauser/Obendorf) #6600c, Russian capture and rework with mostly mismatched machined parts. Waffenamts from Mauser/Obendorf (receiver and barrel), 135 (stock), and 63 (bayonet lug; S/42G specific code), Berlin-Lubecker 26 (lower band and sight leaf), and 214 (trigger guard), Suhl 37 (upper band and 66 rear screw), Berlin-Suhler-Waffen 4 (trigger), Gustloff-Werke 1 (extractor) and 359 (sight slide), Offenbach 868 (front bolt), and Erma 280 (bolt body). Four matching numbers; barrel, receiver, front sight, and stock. Bolt body, bolt shroud, bolt handle, cocking piece, and trigger guard forced matched. Arsenal rebluing near 90%, reproduction sling, reproduction cleaning rod, original capture screws, and original German hinged muzzle cover. Refinished cupped butt plate heavy pattern laminated stock, and take down lug. Barrel light, no pitting, very good. Import marked, TGI, Knox, TN
4. 1940 Geweher K98 8mm Mauser ‘147’ (Sühl, J.P. Sauer/Son) #5208g (arsenal refinished Mitchell Mauser, in Premium grade and certificate of provenance), with 11 matching number machined parts: barrel and receiver, bolt shroud, safety, bolt, cocking piece, upper and lower bands, sight leaf, trigger guard, and floor plate). All Waffenamts are 37/Suhl except where noted; reproduction sling, original cleaning rod and original WWII German hinged muzzle cover with non-numbered Waffenamt. Other Waffenamts: Suhl 214 (extractor ring), Mauser/Obendorf 63 (take down lug) and Walther 359 (sight leaf and slide). Flat butt plate early pattern laminated stock (with weak “H” (Heer) stamp), and bolt take down lug. Blue finish 99%. Barrel dark, minimal pitting, very good plus. Import marked, Mitchell Mauser, CA
5. 1943 Geweher K98 8mm Mauser ‘bnz’ (Steyr/Daimler/Puch) #8301, Russian capture and rework. Five Waffenamt marked parts remain from Steyr manufacture: 623 and matching serial number (receiver and barrel), 77 (floorplate, bolt shroud, and cocking piece). The sight hood is a correct original (Steyr variant is lower and wider). There are five other Waffenamt manufacturer codes: Suhl 33 (stock) and 37 (extractor claw), Erma 280 (follower), Berlin-Lubecker or Suhl 214 (firing pin), Walther 359 (sight leaf), and Mauser/ Obendorf 135 (sight base) and 655 (front band). SS proof marked “SSZZA4” (SS Zentral Zeugamt 4 or SS Central Ordinance Depot No.4) on rare Astrawerke “I” marked receiver, and “S" proof rune on floor plate (indicates slave labor from the Mauthausen camp complex at Gusen). Original sling (marked "D&C"; manufactured by Dransfeld & Co. of Menden, North Rhine-Westphalia), original cleaning rod, and original capture screws. Four matching numbers; cleaning rod, stock, barrel, and receiver. Refinished cupped butt plate heavy pattern laminated stock with bolt take down lug. Blue finish 90%. Barrel light to medium, very slight pitting, good. Import marked, R Guns, Carpentersville, IL
6. 1944 Geweher K98 8mm Mauser ‘DOT’ (Czech/Waffenwerke Brunn), #37762a. THIS WAS MY FIRST MAUSER; 1995. Reproduction sling, original sight hood, original late war cleaning rod, and German rubber muzzle cover. All stamped late war parts; five numbers match on stock #37762: receiver, butt plate, floor plate, trigger, and trigger guard, and five separate matching numbers on bolt #4841with Waffenamt 37/Suhl: bolt shroud, bolt, cocking piece, firing pin, and extractor. Replacement barrel #240155 (Waffenamt 55/Mauser Obendorf, also 135 front band), and Steyr 623 (sight base). Probable East German post-war rework, with addition of stock and lower band sling swivels. Refinished cupped butt plate laminated semi-Kriegsmodel stock (with non-numbered Waffenamt), and bolt take down lug delete. Blue finish 50-90%. Barrel semi-bright, very slight pitting, good. Import marked, Ringefield, NJ.
7. 1931 M1903 U.S. Springfield .306 Rock Island receiver #423882 (1919). Post production assembly variant; barreled at Springfield armory (8/1931), with original finish Springfield stock, original sling, blued finish about 95% turning brown, and an original German rubber muzzle cover. Four well marked cartouches (AA1, AA, S, and P). Barrel bright, no pitting, excellent.
8. Dixie gun works Tennessee Mountain Rifle, .50 cal. left hand flintlock.
9. Hiding behind gun sock, c. 1995 Pedersoli Third Model Brown Bess, nickel plated.
10. 2005 FLL.Pietta M1851 Colt civilian .44 cal revolver.
11. M1898/05 Mauser Butcher Blade bayonet, Carl Eickhorn/Solingen 1916
12. Reproduction Brown Bess bayonet.
13. K98 Mauser bayonet, coi44; 44agv scabbard.
14. c1880 Prussian infantry officer's dress sword.
15. M1850 US infantry foot officer's sword, reproduction.
(Bounty Hunter Tracker IV metal detector)
16. 1989 Bear Super Magnum 44 compound bow, 70 pound draw, 65% let off, 4" overdraw, 26" Easton XX75 2213 arrows, 230 ft/sec.
1890 Loewe/Berlin m1888/05 Commission Mauser
1916 Danzig m1898/05 Gewehr 98
1935 S/42G Mauser K98
1940 147/Suhl Mauser K98
1943 bnz/Steyr/SS Mauser K98
I'll post another picture with the original sling when it comes in.
1944 DOT/Brunn Mauser K98
1931 (barreled) M1903 Springfield
(1919 Rock Island receiver)
c.1995 Pedersoli Third Model Brown Bess, nickel plated, original British flint from 1805.
Original Prussian Musket, M1777, .72 cal., manufactured as a flintlock, converted to percussion 1849. Suhl arsenal, dated 1800 on front band, German regimental markings GSW1B3C82 (Horse Guards Regiment, 1st battalion, 3rd company, #82; stock stamped B over 78), factory cheek piece on stock, non correct but original M1853 Enfield ramrod, have original bayonet. When I first got it in 2001 and cleaned it up, I put about six patched .71 balls through it with an 80 grain load. Not very accurate, but then it wasn't meant to be either.
Dixie Gun Works (1995) Tennessee Mountain rifle, .50 cal, left hand flint lock. Double set triggers, 56 inches long, browned finish, adjustable front and rear rights, exceptionally accurate. I took it to the range this summer and the first shot was a dead bull's eye at 100 yards with 80 grains of 3X powder and a patched .490 ball. Stock has cheek piece, grease plug, and hickory ramrod.
c1850 Prussian Cavalry saber, Eisenhower/Solingen, CS counterstamped on tang.
2005 FLL.Pietta M1851 Colt Civilian .44 revolver, M19-3 SW .357 4" Combat Magnum, M1898/05 Mauser Butcher Blade bayonet, Carl Eickhorn/Solingen 1916, K98 Mauser bayonet, coi44; 44agv scabbard.
03.1.2009; More snow, more cleaning, and more reorganizing.
Here is the family. From left to right:
1. 1890 Geweher M1888/05 (Commission) 8mm Mauser (S conversion, Lowe/Berlin), #3288, reproduction sling. Bolt parts match (#6805 bolt, safety, cocking piece, and retainer); barrel and receiver match (#9748q). Original dual slotted cleaning rod. Has Turkish ordinance marks. Bluing 40% turning plum and brown, barrel bright, no pitting, excellent. Non import marked.
2. 1916 Geweher M1898/05 8mm Mauser (S conversion, Danzig), #1788. 20 matching numbers (barrel, receiver, bolt, safety, bolt shroud, firing pin, bolt release, sight leaf, upper band, lower band, front sight, trigger, both guard screws, sear, cocking piece, follower, floor plate, and extractor), reproduction sling, original cleaning rod, and original German rubber muzzle cover. Stock, butt plate and bayonet lug match separately (#4936) and date from 1917. Barrel bright, very slight pitting, very good. Returning veteran bring-back; stock has turn down bolt repair. Not import marked.
3. 1935 Geweher K98 8mm Mauser ‘S/42G’ (Mauser/Obendorf) #6600c, Russian capture and rework with mostly mismatched machined parts. Waffenamts from Mauser/Obendorf (receiver and barrel), 135 (stock), and 63 (bayonet lug; S/42G specific code), Berlin-Lubecker 26 (lower band and sight leaf), and 214 (trigger guard), Suhl 37 (upper band and 66 rear screw), Berlin-Suhler-Waffen 4 (trigger), Gustloff-Werke 1 (extractor) and 359 (sight slide), Offenbach 868 (front bolt), and Erma 280 (bolt body). Four matching numbers; barrel, receiver, front sight, and stock. Bolt body, bolt shroud, bolt handle, cocking piece, and trigger guard forced matched. Arsenal rebluing near 90%, reproduction sling, reproduction cleaning rod, original capture screws, and original German hinged muzzle cover. Refinished cupped butt plate heavy pattern laminated stock, and take down lug. Barrel light, no pitting, very good. Import marked, TGI, Knox, TN
4. 1940 Geweher K98 8mm Mauser ‘147’ (Sühl, J.P. Sauer/Son) #5208g (arsenal refinished Mitchell Mauser, in Premium grade and certificate of provenance), with 11 matching number machined parts: barrel and receiver, bolt shroud, safety, bolt, cocking piece, upper and lower bands, sight leaf, trigger guard, and floor plate). All Waffenamts are 37/Suhl except where noted; reproduction sling, original cleaning rod and original WWII German hinged muzzle cover with non-numbered Waffenamt. Other Waffenamts: Suhl 214 (extractor ring), Mauser/Obendorf 63 (take down lug) and Walther 359 (sight leaf and slide). Flat butt plate early pattern laminated stock (with weak “H” (Heer) stamp), and bolt take down lug. Blue finish 99%. Barrel dark, minimal pitting, very good plus. Import marked, Mitchell Mauser, CA
5. 1943 Geweher K98 8mm Mauser ‘bnz’ (Steyr/Daimler/Puch) #8301, Russian capture and rework. Five Waffenamt marked parts remain from Steyr manufacture: 623 and matching serial number (receiver and barrel), 77 (floorplate, bolt shroud, and cocking piece). The sight hood is a correct original (Steyr variant is lower and wider). There are five other Waffenamt manufacturer codes: Suhl 33 (stock) and 37 (extractor claw), Erma 280 (follower), Berlin-Lubecker or Suhl 214 (firing pin), Walther 359 (sight leaf), and Mauser/ Obendorf 135 (sight base) and 655 (front band). SS proof marked “SSZZA4” (SS Zentral Zeugamt 4 or SS Central Ordinance Depot No.4) on rare Astrawerke “I” marked receiver, and “S" proof rune on floor plate (indicates slave labor from the Mauthausen camp complex at Gusen). Original sling (marked "D&C"; manufactured by Dransfeld & Co. of Menden, North Rhine-Westphalia), original cleaning rod, and original capture screws. Four matching numbers; cleaning rod, stock, barrel, and receiver. Refinished cupped butt plate heavy pattern laminated stock with bolt take down lug. Blue finish 90%. Barrel light to medium, very slight pitting, good. Import marked, R Guns, Carpentersville, IL
6. 1944 Geweher K98 8mm Mauser ‘DOT’ (Czech/Waffenwerke Brunn), #37762a. THIS WAS MY FIRST MAUSER; 1995. Reproduction sling, original sight hood, original late war cleaning rod, and German rubber muzzle cover. All stamped late war parts; five numbers match on stock #37762: receiver, butt plate, floor plate, trigger, and trigger guard, and five separate matching numbers on bolt #4841with Waffenamt 37/Suhl: bolt shroud, bolt, cocking piece, firing pin, and extractor. Replacement barrel #240155 (Waffenamt 55/Mauser Obendorf, also 135 front band), and Steyr 623 (sight base). Probable East German post-war rework, with addition of stock and lower band sling swivels. Refinished cupped butt plate laminated semi-Kriegsmodel stock (with non-numbered Waffenamt), and bolt take down lug delete. Blue finish 50-90%. Barrel semi-bright, very slight pitting, good. Import marked, Ringefield, NJ.
7. 1931 M1903 U.S. Springfield .306 Rock Island receiver #423882 (1919). Post production assembly variant; barreled at Springfield armory (8/1931), with original finish Springfield stock, original sling, blued finish about 95% turning brown, and an original German rubber muzzle cover. Four well marked cartouches (AA1, AA, S, and P). Barrel bright, no pitting, excellent.
8. Dixie gun works Tennessee Mountain Rifle, .50 cal. left hand flintlock.
9. Hiding behind gun sock, c. 1995 Pedersoli Third Model Brown Bess, nickel plated.
10. 2005 FLL.Pietta M1851 Colt civilian .44 cal revolver.
11. M1898/05 Mauser Butcher Blade bayonet, Carl Eickhorn/Solingen 1916
12. Reproduction Brown Bess bayonet.
13. K98 Mauser bayonet, coi44; 44agv scabbard.
14. c1880 Prussian infantry officer's dress sword.
15. M1850 US infantry foot officer's sword, reproduction.
(Bounty Hunter Tracker IV metal detector)
16. 1989 Bear Super Magnum 44 compound bow, 70 pound draw, 65% let off, 4" overdraw, 26" Easton XX75 2213 arrows, 230 ft/sec.
1890 Loewe/Berlin m1888/05 Commission Mauser
1916 Danzig m1898/05 Gewehr 98
1935 S/42G Mauser K98
1940 147/Suhl Mauser K98
1943 bnz/Steyr/SS Mauser K98
I'll post another picture with the original sling when it comes in.
1944 DOT/Brunn Mauser K98
1931 (barreled) M1903 Springfield
(1919 Rock Island receiver)
c.1995 Pedersoli Third Model Brown Bess, nickel plated, original British flint from 1805.
Original Prussian Musket, M1777, .72 cal., manufactured as a flintlock, converted to percussion 1849. Suhl arsenal, dated 1800 on front band, German regimental markings GSW1B3C82 (Horse Guards Regiment, 1st battalion, 3rd company, #82; stock stamped B over 78), factory cheek piece on stock, non correct but original M1853 Enfield ramrod, have original bayonet. When I first got it in 2001 and cleaned it up, I put about six patched .71 balls through it with an 80 grain load. Not very accurate, but then it wasn't meant to be either.
Dixie Gun Works (1995) Tennessee Mountain rifle, .50 cal, left hand flint lock. Double set triggers, 56 inches long, browned finish, adjustable front and rear rights, exceptionally accurate. I took it to the range this summer and the first shot was a dead bull's eye at 100 yards with 80 grains of 3X powder and a patched .490 ball. Stock has cheek piece, grease plug, and hickory ramrod.
c1850 Prussian Cavalry saber, Eisenhower/Solingen, CS counterstamped on tang.
2005 FLL.Pietta M1851 Colt Civilian .44 revolver, M19-3 SW .357 4" Combat Magnum, M1898/05 Mauser Butcher Blade bayonet, Carl Eickhorn/Solingen 1916, K98 Mauser bayonet, coi44; 44agv scabbard.
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