"Million Gun Owner March"

May 19, 2007
Livin' the Isle of Rhode
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In light of the new microstamp legislation in California, as well as the new push to make this a federal law, I am wondering when we as gun owners have to stand up for our Second Amendment rights and say that we will not let another bill like this pass on our watch! There was the 50cal ban...then the AWB...then the microstamp bill: All feel-good legislation that impacts law abiding citizens and does not impact those who are willing to break the law.

But the point is this: The other side is willing to go to extremes and base their twisted logic on lies, and yet the gun owners have never stood up. I say that NOW is the time to make a push to state that we are not going to take this barrage any longer and we ARE the collective keeper of the original framers intent for the Constitution: We choose to keep alive the American Spirit for future generations and to show the world what it is truly like to live in freedom.

I am not too sure how one could organize such a march in Washington D.C., but I believe now is the time!
On another pro gun website, the idea of a 'Million Gun Owner March' has been tossed around. What follows is my view on that and current events concerning us gun owners.....my post follows...

Regarding the 'million gun owners march' proposal, if its legit, organized, well planned out and co-ordinated with every gun group and organization we can think of, the cause would be just.

Problem is, I don't want to travel somewhere only to find it's been done with little effort and no-one is really there to support our cause. A situation such as that would do much more harm than good. It would make us appear, as uneducated, unorganized and unresponsive gun owners...it'd be a disaster. If it was done correctly and professionally however, I think a huge statement could be made and would certainly grab some attention and headlines for our cause.

Its about time we ALL did something like this besides sitting back on our keesters waiting for someone else to step up and take up our slack and fight our fight for us.

GET INVOLVED IN THE FIGHT! Its time to put up or shut up.
If you do nothing, don't ever complain or whine again about the state of affairs. As for those that summarily dismiss the idea because you have to work, you have church or your checkers club is meeting that day... for those people, HOW BOUT MAKING A STAND AND OFFERING SOMETHING TO THE CAUSE??!!

I understand people have to work and have commitments and plans that cannot be broken. However, everyone could afford (hopefully) to miss 1-2 days work for such an important cause. If you cant afford a day or two off for something as important as our freedoms, our rights, our constitution, then damn, maybe you don't need to be a gun owner.

Along with that right to keep and bear arms, comes some responsibilities! I am not trying to berate anyone, my point is this, it's time to fight and its time to be heard and this could very well be the most important gathering (if it happens) in the history of gun ownership.

This movement could be the turning point in the war on legally owned weapons, the turning point in the attack on law abiding citizens, the turning point in the attack on companies that make legal weapons products.

PERHAPS MOST IMPORTANTLY, the turning point on the rights GUARANTEED us by our forefathers and given to us by every veteran that served and especially every veteran that died fighting for what he believed was a worthy cause. Those causes being THE AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE, WITH FREEDOMS, WITH CHOICES, WITH THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS!

This fight is going to be long, difficult and expensive in many ways but we all have to sacrifice and give it our all and our utmost attention.

The 'anti's' are counting on us being too 'comfy' in our homes, in front of our tv's with our feet propped up saying, 'I have too much to lose to get involved and my life is going just fine. Let someone else do all the speaking out and take all the risks, I'm not going to.'

If you do nothing and we lose this fight, I hope you can look yourself in the mirror and your kids in the face and have a rational explanation as to why you did nothing while the very basis of our country is trampled on and dismantled by career politicians and those whom have a personal axe to grind.

The U.S. is known as 'the land of the free and the home of the brave', if we stand by and do nothing, we'll be neither one of those things!

Lets get up, get organized, get active, get out there and get our message out to the people that we are not the enemy, we are not the criminal element and we are not the ones to be pushed around any longer........please?!
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