7th Annual NES Gunpowderpig Firearms Festival - NortheastShooter's Green Member Pig Roast and Car Shoot
You must be a GREEN MEMBER of the NES in order to sign up for this shoot. You may also participate as the guest of an NES Green Member.
Saturday August 15, 2014 9AM-4PM
NES Gunpowder Pig Firearms Festival VII at the Monadnock Rod and Gun Club in Peterborough/Jaffrey New Hampshire
Access to the signup/payment thread is through this LINK in the NES Green Member section of the forum. You must be a paid NES Green Member to see the post.
We welcome:
Large Calibers (.50 is fine), Signal Mortar & Cannon (no projectiles unless discussed beforehand), NFA (fully-automatic, suppressed, and SBR firearms), Binary-X ...Tannerite of a decent quality, some sub-standard stuff flashes orange at detonation, and can cause the ignition of fires ...if I witness this type of chemical reaction, that BX will be verboten from further use on our range.
Saturday August 15th 9AM to 4PM
This is a private event for "Green" NortheastShooters (NES) and their guests (limit of 3 guests per Green Member of NES). There is camping available; both tenting and trailer/popup. There are no hookups, but there is pit area for fire by the large pavilion.
Gates open at 4PM Friday for primitive camping. Meet and greet starts at 9AM Saturday morning, waiver/log sign-in runs until about 9:30 or so. Then the firearms range rules are read ...10AM or so, let the shootin' commence. Then a quasi-break for lunch (details below) and again We will break temporarily at 3PM there will be a mass "cleanup" where we will quickly cleanup detritus from the range. Attention campers, Sunday morning 3D Archery starts at 8am.
When you arrive at the event, after parking, proceed to the signup table under the pavilion. Here, you will be asked to sign the MRGCI Waiver (compulsory), and the NES/MRGCI Waivers (compulsory). After signing, you will be issued your nametag on a bull-nose clip. Your NES Screen Name (avatar), (this is your "Paid" ID), and it’s also your meal ticket (that you display to get your meal). Please take care not to lose your tag, and be sure that it’s visible at all times.
NOTE: Since we will not be needing the full 200 yards of the range, EVERYONE is invited to park on the firearms range behind the zero line (unless you’re making a last minute donation). There will be large areas taped-off just behind the zero line for parking and another for setting up your canopies, pop-ups, tables, chairs and what-have-you.
All fees include a $5 donation to a pro-firearms organization, a $5 meal* fee, and (for shooters*** only), miscellaneous "target expenses", and a $10 Firearm's Range compulsory fee
Kitchen starts serving at 12:30pm
Owing to several requests over the last few shoots, the Range will not go "cold" during the lunch break ...with one exception; there will be NO tannerite used between 12:30pm and 1:30pm. We purchase food according to the head count of paid attendees, so when the chow’s gone, it’s gone.
* - The meal is included in the entrance fee and shall consist of:
A heaping plate of roasted pig (if you do not want the pig a substitution of chicken breast is possible, but you must PM me so I have a head count for purchase and preparation), potato salad, macaroni salad, and corn-on-the-cob and a self-serve bucket o’ beverages (water, soda) …there will be free coffee and probably some doughnuts in the morning.
There will be a self-serve condiment area that will have a plethora of BBQ sauces, mustards, relishes, catsup, hot sauces, mayo, vinegar in a spray bottle, etc.
[FONT=&]###[/FONT]Please note, a new rule: If an attendee plans on having more than one plate of food ...in fact, a bottomless plate of food, then add $5 to your entrance fee, and pig out.
You cannot, and will not have the opportunity to pay on-the-spot. This event is a NO CASH deal, all payment must be made before the event please.[FONT=&]###
[/FONT]Targets: At least one vehicle to be named later. Paper targets on strapping frames. Clays, and perhaps some other more interesting objectives. There will be several available. Tannerite is okay to use within reason. Blowing sections from our berm, or blowing up items from home is not allowed. Certainly plastic, glass, large sections of wood, large metal fasteners and anything that would create potentially hazardous schrapnel is verboten.
DO NOT bring any* targets from home.. Not even
soccer balls ...this is not a free-for-all. If you have something exceptional to contribute, and you think that I might be interested, please do not discuss it in the thread beforehand, simply PM me, and it will be taken under consideration, The MRGCI berm is not a place to get rid of the junk at your house
And there will be reasonable limits as far as Tannerite (volume of mixture) is concerned. Big bangs are fun ...we've knocked snow from the pavilion roof in-the-past, and set off car alarms. But it was basically a naked container of binary, ...not enclosed in anything that might create dangerous schrapnel, or a mess. Further, some sub-standard Tannerite-equivalent mixtures, and some with various "additives" can flash orange at detonation, and can cause the ignition of fires ...If I witness this type of behavior, or it is reported to me, then that BX will be verboten from further use on our range.
Our range is a shooting range, and not a junkyard. As careful as we try to be, each event leaves its "residue", and Members are unimpressed when they find chunks of UNK detritus scattered about the area.
*other than paper targets
DO NOT bring any cannon or mortar unless you first consult with me via PM/email/phone call. NO EXCEPTIONS. You show up with a cannon or mortar without consultation, then you're leaving it in the vehicle it arrived in. If you have a problem with that, I will show you to the gate. We have no idea whether these mechanisms have been shot before, and whether they are even proven safe to handle pressures and anything else involved in common use. The only cannon/mortar that have used projectiles in-the-past were proven pieces of equipment run by responsible, proven crews.
Not to be a killjoy, but this has everything to do with safety, respect to the Club property, and insurance oriented factors.
We enjoy these NES Green shoots and are very permissive versus many, most, or perhaps all other Clubs. Please follow the rules, and we will continue to be so.
Brass: Pick up your own brass. RSOs will have an eye-out for brass rats. Violators will be warned, and habitual offenders will be publicly shamed. Tarps to catch brass are welcome if you have a mind to.
Full Auto: The kind folks bringing along the fully automatic hardware have "special needs" and as such, will have a reserved area that'll make it easier for them to get in-and-out, and easier for others to participate and or enjoy the show. For those who are familiar with the layout, the left-side end of the shooting (zero) line will be reserved for the NFA folk (including those bringing suppressed firearms). and an area will be taped-off for this purpose. If you are bringing any full-auto firearms, please PM me to let me know, what you intend to bring, and whether all of your stuff is carried in one vehicle.
Volunteers: If you want to volunteer to be a Range Safety Officer, a Medic, or take part in Setup or Cleanup help, please let me know by PM or in-this-thread. NOTE: a footnote about being a volunteer RSO****
There is no "In" list per se, when your payment is received you (and your guest count) are added in green to the only list below …the PAID list.
Stuff to bring if you got 'em (and care to bring 'em): popup canopy, folding/collapsible chair, personal table, sunscreen, a hat, insect repellant (though we haven’t really had any related issues in-the-past), PPE - personal protection equipment (eye and ear protection, etc.)
So, that's the basic rundown of a an NES shoot at the Monadnock Rod and Gun Club. We've had many over the years, and this will be the 7th Gunpowder Pig Firearms Festival ...and event shirts are in-the-works, available solely to attendees.
Go Green and come on down to a Car Shoot, have some delicious roasted pig, and meet some fine NES people.