More illegal migrants busted running massive gun-running operations

Why aren't the illegal aliens following the law? I just don't understand how this could be. Washington Post and CNN told me that the illegal aliens are MUCH more law-abiding than those horrible white Americans, you know, aside from the whole being-here-illegally thing.
I was told that they are honest hard working people just coming here for a better life for their family.
Looks like a buffet table at the Dorchester/Roxbury Savers and Goodwill sponsored by WU 🤔
That cache is enormous
a local cartel cell, they do not need a whole lot, just stuff that works and shoots.
they are not nes collectors, they actually use that stuff to kill people. we can only hope law enforcement was able to track most of those f#ckers that bidens mayorkas flew first class into most municipalities.

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