Mossberg Silver Reserve 12 GA. Over-Under Shotgun

Oct 31, 2008
Feedback: 8 / 0 / 0
does anyone shoot a silver reserve?
I'm thinking of getting one for a skeet/trap gun.

looking for feed back.

I'm looking for a sub 500$ gun. but not sure if I should go with a semi/pump or O/U.


I've got a Silver Reserve Sporting Edition with 28" ported barrels and high vent rib with mid bead. It's a great gun for the money, and even though I have moved on to a Browning Citori, I have kept that gun for friends to use. The early models had problems with firing pins bending and breaking however Mossberg is said to have solved that. They will send you replacement firing pins for free if you need them.

If $500 is your limit, I would recommend one, there aren't too many O/U at that price point.
I have one as well that I bought of a member here last year. I've shot a number of rounds of trap with it and so far it's worked fine. The pins in mine were replaced with stronger ones, which seems to be the biggest negative about these over unders. The only thing I will say is that when you open in, it does take a little force to recock the triggers and open it enough to get the spent casing out of the under bbl. Other then that I am pretty happy with it.
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