Most charges dropped in Manchester gun case

I saw that when it first ran and I thought it was a bunch of BS, it just didn't look right. It is clear if that is the guy writing it and didn't have it re-written by someone else before posting - he is fine. Pretty sure something may have been left out on his side (negative) - but it always is in divorces. I have yet to see either side ever admit any wrongdoing; but do I think he was anything like shown on TV - NO.

I hope he wins big, moves to a free state and gets a NFA Class 3 :D

Their was a guy under indictment back when Reagan was POTUS, it turned out to be 100% BS - he held a news conference and asked the press "Where to I go to get my reputation back?". He explained to them that they had dragged him through the mud nightly and now that he was cleared he'd be lucky if it got 15 seconds at the end of the 11PM news.

Good luck to you.
Hrmm... NOW can we be outraged and take his side? [rolleyes]
I find it shameful that the gun organizations stayed completely silent on the issue other than "we are watching this with interest", waiting to see if the guy was nuts or not. Hope this does not happen to anyone I know.. [sad]
I've been following this case since the very beginning and calling it what it is, bullshit.

Hope he makes them pay, big time.
Don't be too hard on the MSM...."If it bleeds, it leads," is the motto, and this splashed gore to the ceiling.

Stage blood is not the same thing, and, well, the news stations would look pretty silly saying, "We were led on a merry chase by partisan considerations."

The business model is "BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!! WATCH US!!!!!!!!" Not, "Truth before hysteria." And the reporters, etc., who are deliberately uneducated on these technical metters can say, "we're just [STRIKE]repeating[/STRIKE] reporting what the cops told us...."

WRT a media apology...where's the "holding my reath till I turn blue smiley?"
Here's the text of that link, just in case it should disappear from the other site. The author states that it's ok to reprint.

Gregory Girard's Story -- introduction and ending, but no middle.

I was the victim of several very serious crimes committed by my soon-to-be ex-wife and one of her book club friends. Her entire book club, comprised of 40-something radical feminist ultra-liberal city-dwelling woman despise me because I am conservative. My wife, who was a
psychiatrist (M.D.), and in a very high profile leadership role in a Boston area medical facility, was the only one still married. They had been working
on her to divorce me for some time. Ultimately they came up with a plan that would enable my wife to "get it all" and be a widow (first choice) or divorced. The goal was to have my son (16 at the time, and my son from a prior marriage) and I killed resisting a massive police raid -- wife was convinced we would resist. Wife gradually became more of a sociopath over the last few years and there were other incidents that were problematic. She was truly brialliant by any measure and at 45, had a physique and look that would have enabled her to be a Victoria's Secret model, and she was very successful at her work. All these gifts in one person are a burden that can have a severely corrupting influence on the mind, and it really did. This plan I mentioned was the result. The idea was that if I survived the incident, she would use her considerable credentialed influence to have me involuntary hospitalized by pulling all the right strings, using her connections, or if I ended up in jail, she would do everything possible to keep me there. The plan was complicated and it involved different roles for the two woman.

Those two woman set-up the police raid and took every possible action to incite the most force possible. Local police, state police, and BATF were all contacted and involved. There are NO LAWS AGAINST INDOOR RANGES IN MASSACHUSETTS even if they are in a condo complex. It is the unit owners responsibility if something goes wrong. There are no laws about parking too close to a gas meter either, even though if you lopped it off you could blow up the neighborhood. I live in a very large historical home built from the start as a duplex. We have one side of the house, thus it is the same as a single family in most respects. I was doing ductility testing on some aluminum plate samples to measure deformation relative to impact of various weights of 22LR bullets. It was small apparatus like you might see on CSI. It had been set up about 2 days before the raid and was related to collecting data to be used in the selection of materials that I would use in my work. It was completely enclosed for all the worry worts out there that wear plexiglass facemasks and helmets when they open champagne bottles. It was a NON-ISSUE in the whole matter. It is only an issue when someone does not know the law or makes other assumptions that are not true.

The police raid was massive with 23 local, state, and federal law enforcment officers evacuating the neighborhood area. Men with guns and surveillance vehicles were there. The TV crews all showed up, apparently called by the police. The cops when wild tearing the whole house the bits. After three hours they found nothing illegal. They took my 15 firearms "for safe keeping" because they have to suspend my Class A "License to Carry" so I did not have a valid license. My wife still did have her Class A License To Carry. That is a permit for conceal carry, high capacity, and all kinds of cool stuff. We both had one with no restrictions. But the coppers wanted to make publicity movies that are going to cost them quite a lot eventually.

Funny, the media made a huge deal out of 15 firearms and some other defensive supplies like body armor, batons, and cuffs. Essentially everything was described as illeagal and high powered, even the plate of metal on my bullet backstop. Must be that all this defensive gear, like rifle plate body armor, was intended for some terrible crime I had planned, like sailing internationally. I have a 43' long sailing yacht specifically outfitted for long distance (ocean-crossing) ocean voyages. There is an armory cabinet up near the bow and one near the stern. Each one has a rifle, shotgun and pistol, along with a baton, 4 sets of cuffs, ammo box, rifle plate body armor, level III helmet and face shield. You see, there are no police at sea, but there are plenty of criminals in the waters out and around many places looking to rape, rob, and pillage boats entering and leaving ports. And there is virtually never any one else around. The water is three miles deep. An unarmed crew virtually never survives, and even an armed crew are often wouned and could die because help can be days away. These defensive items made for a great survivalist story because they were stored for the winter in black storage bins in my house. My wife knew this and figured it would working into the overall theme she had conceived of the psychotic violent extremist. Among the stored gear were Coast Guard required smoke signaling devices. Perfect, she thought ---GRENADES! The are little smooth black spherical things with short neck that give off 30 seconds of non-toxic smoke. At the right time in the plan, they were described to the police as Green, and pear shaped and the looked like a pineaple. That is the description of the MK2 explosive fragmentation grenade that everyone who has ever seen a war movie is familiar with. The civilian and military term for the MK2 since WWII has been "the Pineaple"

It would take pages of description to tell the "meat" of the story. There are many twists and turns. There is not one single word ascribed to me by the media that I actually said. All those quotes were provided to the police by my wife and her friend as part of the plan to make me look totally gonzo. Just the same, I had to got to Bridgewater State Hospital for a 30 evaluation with all the real lunatics. They were the first to detect the farce and sent me back to jail with and evaluation that said NO SIGNS OR SYMPTOMS OF MENTAL ILLNESS and NO TREATMENT RECOMMENDED.

At one point, the Manchester-by-the-Sea Police had hit me with 14 ridiculously stupid felony charges and one misdemeanor. I could not get bail because of the Massachusetts 58A "dangerousness" statute, which would take a while to explain. It is unconstitutional. After 84 days in jail (30 days in Bridgewater), Bridgewater has officially declared all the outragous mental health allegations false and all but 2 charges were dismissed. I had no less than eight court hearings to attempt to get bail and my total legal fees were over $100,000. I had 2 homemade flash suppressors for use on the boat the police said were silencers, and the 500 foot shooting charge was only still in existance because it a $500 find misdemeanor that we could easily look up and show the judge did not apply to indoor ranges (indoor ranges are EXPLICITLY allowed). So, it was just the silencer charge. I had a trial date and felt I could easily prevail.

However, it was on that eight hearing that the judge made it rather clear that he "got it" about what was going on and that he was disinclined
to let this alleged silencer issue go to trial. He said to the DA and my lawyer "Isn't there some way we can just wrap this up right now?" The DA was a total a**h*** and was a another feminist gun-hater. She would not give an inch. My lawyer knew what the judge was looking for, and told me we are going to propose that this last charge be continued without a finding. But we needed to put some good consessions in so that the judge could represent he did not just vaporize the charge, but fully looked after the interests of the community. So we added a regular
psychiatric eval with reputable psychiatrist after release and a probationary period when I would not play with guns. When the probation is over, my license is reinstated and I can take possession of all my firearms. I retain a perfectly clean criminal record. It seemed like a much better deal that
hanging around rotting in jail for two more weeks waiting for a trial that had a chance of going wrong. I think the judge handled the part well.

I would urge my detractors and other critics to take moment to notice that did not break a single law at any time. You can be sure if I did,
the charges would not have been so easily dismissed or continued without a finding. I literally did NOTHING wrong.

That was the end. The cuffs came off and judge said "Mr. Girard, You'll have to find a new hobby for while. I wish you well."

He basically did just vaporize the last charge because just taking 4 years off (3.5 years now) is far preferable to risking an unpredictable
outcome at a trial that could give me a felony conviction. Chances are I would almost surely prevail; howevery the option the judge would
except of continuing without a finding ended that minute with no risk of tarnishing my record. It was a no-brainer.
Unfortunately, just about every other part of my life was totally destroyed. That is another tale to sad to tell.

After I was released, I had all my firearms and ammo transferred to a buddy. He is now in plinkers heaven enjoying them to their fullest.

Currently, a $10 million medical malpractice lawsuit against my wife (her insurance company) is being filed, likely in a few days. It tells the WHOLE story and is a great read. Since it will be publicly disclosed when filed, I would prefer to simply post it on this sight for those interested. Feel free to distributed it as widely as you like. You can read that to find out what this plan entailed and how it worked.

An official complaint to the Massachusetts Medical Licensing Board was filed about 2 weeks ago. It is likely the will revoke
her license to practice medicine, and that will apply all over the U.S. An Application for Criminal Complaint was filed a few weeks ago. The hearing was on Friday and the results will be available in a few days. The charge would be against my wife and her friend for BOMB THREAT WITH SERIOUS PUBLIC ALARM, and CONSPIRACY as it relates to that crime. The BOMB THREAT carries a minimum sentence of 3 years in prison, and a range of 3-20. CONSPIRACY significantly adds to it. The raid on my home was the largest in the history of the whole region. There will be an additional civil suit against my wife, her friend, and several others involved for an undisclosed sum after that.

For the record, I am a registered Republican with generally mainstream conservative views, perhaps Constitutionalists is the best description. I am not a "government conspiracy type," whatever that is, nor do I belong or or am active in any militia groups, though it would be might right to do so and I may choose to in the future. I am a long time NRA member and a member GOAL, which is the primary Massachusetts gun owners organization (Gun Owner's Action League). I was a Boy Scout for many years, and I am an avid ocean sailor and mountaineer, among other things.


the original text ends here.
WOW, I hope that bitch and her friends have Hilda and her broomhandle maids at Walpole to play with for many years. That man needs to have a movie made of this as nobody in their right mind could conjure up this crap against him. I wish him well in the future and the satisfaction of jail time for his ex.
I don't know who originally said it, but I credit legendary talk show host Barry Farber, who said it regularly:

"A lie can travel around the world while the truth is still tying its shoes."

I recently had to deal with a bit of that myself, in court, where both sides were given equal time... the problem being, it takes much longer to show a lie is a lie, than it takes to utter the lie in the first place.
Ultimately they came up with a plan that would enable my wife to "get it all" and be a widow (first choice) or divorced. The goal was to have my son (16 at the time, and my son from a prior marriage) and I killed resisting a massive police raid

And the media reported him as the psychotic one? If this even holds one ounce of truth, these women should all be in jail. Each and every member of that book club that had a hand in this lie should spend a year in jail for every day that Mr. Girard did.
Unfortunately, he probably "admitted to sufficient facts" as a part of the CWOF - thus creating a judicial record that there was validity to criminally charging him.
Found this thread while searching for an entirely unrelated matter.

With apologies for resurrecting a thread after 2+years, does anybody know what happened with the victim's lawsuits/complaints? I cannot find any news reference to either of them past late 2010.

Based on the complete lack of news, I'd guess that the lawsuit was settled and all parties agreed to keep their mouths shut...
Also resurrecting these kinds of news stories reminds us that staying within the confines of current law does absolutely nothing to protect you from being prosecuted if they choose to come for you. Being 100% compliant offers zero protection when you show up on the radar.
I seem to recollect he was given a plea bargain, probably with a gag order. His (ex I'm sure) wife is surely living in sin with her boy/girl friend.

If memory serves his most serious crime was complying with the law by possessing a flare gun on his boat.
I seem to recollect he was given a plea bargain, probably with a gag order. His (ex I'm sure) wife is surely living in sin with her boy/girl friend.

If memory serves his most serious crime was complying with the law by possessing a flare gun on his boat.

The article linked to in post 248 made the conclusion of his criminal prosecution quite clear. It's his civil lawsuit against his wife for setting him up, his complaint against her with the MA Medical Licensing Board, his criminal complaint against her for falsely reporting a bomb threat and conspiracy, etc. that I was curious about.
I seem to recollect he was given a plea bargain, probably with a gag order. His (ex I'm sure) wife is surely living in sin with her boy/girl friend.

If memory serves his most serious crime was complying with the law by possessing a flare gun on his boat.

IIRC, the state police lab was declaring the empty soda bottles to be suppressors, the possession of which is a criminal offense in MA.
Found this thread while searching for an entirely unrelated matter.

With apologies for resurrecting a thread after 2+years, does anybody know what happened with the victim's lawsuits/complaints? I cannot find any news reference to either of them past late 2010.

Based on the complete lack of news, I'd guess that the lawsuit was settled and all parties agreed to keep their mouths shut...

I found this link: Manchester man escapes time in jail » Latest Cape Ann News », Gloucester, MA

Girard had charges of discharging a firearm within 500 feet of a dwelling and two counts of illegal possession of silencers continued without a finding for four years by Judge Richard Mori.

...Girard must undergo a mental health evaluation and treatment by a psychiatrist — including in-patient treatment as deemed necessary.

He must also continue to take proper medication, and surrender all weapons and military gear taken upon his arrest. He also has one week to surrender or provide proof of sale of the two firearms that are still missing, Kimball Monahan added.
No jail time, not apparently guilty, but must surrender all his firearms. [thinking]
F that, they can deem people unfit and need mental health evaluations just for the hell of it! So what if this guy was preparing for the worse, doesn't the govt do that for all these incompetent politicians messing up this country.

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