Multiple Fingerprint Cards Needed For Multiple eForms?


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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If I apply for more than one SBR on multiple eForms, can I send in just one fingerprint card?

I can easily pay for extra fingerprint cards at my PD, but do not wish to take up too much of their time.
Question for MA folks, does the PD have to do the fingerprint card or can they say no?

I think realistically they can say no for whatever reason they like, but the reality is that when you're booking the appointment they have no idea what you want the prints for. Plenty of jobs require them, for example, so it's unlikely that you'll get a "no" on the basis of "because guns."

Not sure if you're working in Boston, but I understand it's easy enough to get the BPD to do them if your locals won't, assuming you can make it over to the station.

My advice is to order a pile of blank cards from BATFE (they're free), and have the PD print off as many cards as you think you might realistically see yourself using.
Supposedly I live in a green town now, but never went threw the process. Gonna file something hopefully tonight as eforms are down on wed.
Question for MA folks, does the PD have to do the fingerprint card or can they say no?
There is only one correct card to be used. The PD has no clue. Call ATF for some of the right cards for SBR registration. The ones that the PD have are only for booking. It has to be the Martinsburg WV card. Jack,
NewGuy looks I screwed the pooch in terms of timing. I submitted and then saw the error in my ways.

I will pm you, but anyone else have one to spare ?
Typically it takes at least three trips to the PD. First, they will use cards that they have, which will be the wrong ones. Then you will go back with the correct ones. When you get home you will notice that the officer who did the prints neglected to sign the cards and you go back again to find that the officer is on patrol. If you are lucky you can get someone else to sign the cards. Also, be sure to get twice the cards printed that you need. They do a shitty job of it. Good luck. Jack.
I had mine done in Chicopee yesterday. Officer looked over my info and made sure the portion I filled out was correct. Only had one issue. Since the PD does digital prints they seldom have use for ink and paper. The ink pads were getting pretty dry. We tried five different pads before we found one that was gtg.
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