My AR build

Aug 14, 2005
in 1st Place
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I wanted to build a AR for both 3gun and shooting groups.
I started with a White Oaks SPR 18" 1/7 twist full length gas system barrel, added a DMPS carbon fiber handguard to a DMPS upper. It all sits on a Bushmaster lower with a Timney trigger. Right now it is wearing s super sniper 10x, but that will soon get replaced with a 1-4x

The barrel likes 75gr bullets, and when I learn to shot groups, I'm sure it will print some nice ones.

A big thanks goes to the person that built it for me. Thank you


This is best group that I shot, using some russian Match 75gr ammo. all of the 55gr groups were terrible
Shooting a fuzzy target in the late afternoon, with stacked 2x4 for a rear rest, doesn't make for the greatest groups, but I'm happy for the first time out.
Nice rifle! Now you can start to play at other matches. It's addictive, shooting 3 guns.
Was the 55 grain ammo Russian or handloads?
The 55gr was either American Eagle HPBT or it was Black Hill Blue box,

The 75gr was Prvi Partizan Match.

Have not started handloading yet, still haven't decided on a bullet. Thinking Sierra 69gr HPBT, Hornady 68 or 75gr HPBT or Nosler J4 69gr for shooting groups at 300, but I also want an inexpensive bullet for blasting. Not sure what to get for that
Privi is some awesome ammo, but it isn't Russian, I believe they are Serbian. I use the same rounds out of my .223 Remington bolt, and the groups are sub 1".

With a barrel twist of 1:7, the 55gr rounds you shoot end up spinning too fasts and become unstable. You'd find it easier to shoot 55gr if you had a 1:12 barrel, since it wouldn't end up spinning the lighter bullets as much. That said, a 1:7 barrel will shoot 65, 68, and 75gr bullets much better, since it can stabilize the heavier rounds by giving them more of a spin. Stick to the heavier stuff, and you'll get nice accuracy, but I can tell you've noticed that :-p

Nice gun, nice groups!
M193 Ball with 55 gr bullets will shoot fine out of 1/7 twist rifles. It shoots better in my experience than the M855.

nice build Mike! If you are looking to do some load development you are more than welcome to use my press, dies ect. I got all the goodies for .223 reloads
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