My AR extractor pin broke.

Jun 9, 2008
Virginia Beach, VA
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This happened as I was cleaning it. I fired about 100 rounds through my AR last weekend without a hitch. But when I tried cleaning it tonight, the pin just broke in two. It'll still hold the extractor on there( about a third of it broke off), but i'm not going to shoot until I get another one.

I'm a little pissed, since i've only put 1,500 rounds through the gun.
Who made the rifle? (or if its custom, who made the BCG?) Whoever it is should make good... they shouldn't break that easy.

Well, that's about par for the course for them, but I'd still try to get a free
part from them.


Fortunately, this is just a minor repair. And i've had nothing but good experiences with their products and customer service in the past.

Problem is, my local gun shop won't order small parts. And the Oly Arms website says that any small parts (like an extractor pin) will take 3-4 months to ship if ordered direct from the factory.
Remsport Mfg has parts in stock contact us at Remsport Mfg we are listed in the dealer forum on NES.
413 579 1994
Thank you
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