My AR15 with Grip Pod

Jul 13, 2005
Eastern Mass.
Feedback: 27 / 0 / 0
Not sure I've seen a Grip Pod here before so here's my mini review. It's going to be short because I just installed it and haven't used it!

I actually got my Grip Pod on eBay for less than 1/2 price. Then to adapt it to my A2 grips I bought a GG&G Integrated Rail from Midway. It was way more expensive than I thought it would be but it's quality stuff and I didn't want to change my upper that much. It hangs pretty far out there but I'm a big guy so it handles well for me.




It's as sturdy as advertised. I doubt I'll use it as a bi-pod shooting much but it's really handy as a stand-when-you-need-it.

When you go back to the photos from Afghanistan thread, you can see it used a few times:
Looking good!

How do you like the collapsible stock on that rifle?

I've got an A2 in the same configuration sans Grip Pod, and it's so front heavy it's nearly unmanageable off hand. I've been meaning to put a full stock back on it, and maybe add some junk lead into the kit area to balance it out, but haven't gotten around to it.

Good question. So with cold weather I've been doing mods and not so much shooting it. I need to get to the range and try out the collapsible and also my sling with the grip pod. Verdict is still pending for these but I may just be going back to the fixed stock with the HBAR.
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