If its such a placebo effect, then why do the langdons,wilsons and even variants of the 92 straight from beretta have different ones?its called placebo effect and it’s powerful
i suggest learning more about the locking block design and the problems with boosting recoil spring strength, as the locking lug will take an unnecessary beating.
all of this clown work on a 92 is fine until one starts running high rounds counts otherwise known as actually shooting the pistol, then the effects of retarded mods take their toll on the mechanics.
the solution for the 96 is to sell it and get a 92. For tards who just have to shoot 40 Beretta has kept the 96A1 in production, which has a thicker frame a la 92A1. Again Beretta has already solved whatever problems you may think need solving.
Why do 1911's have variants? And why do people swear by them?
People shit all over the 96, im not one of them.
I also have a 92, so no need to sell it.
Same question kinda applies here.Guide rod swaps are the biggest gun swindle item in existence. You cannot defeat the laws of physics. You can mess with the dwell times and stuff like that at the gun but really you're just robbing Peter to pay Paul... on a good day you're probably just ruining the physics overhead of the gun and making it less reliable.
If they are such a swindle, then why does beretta themselves have different ones in varients of the 92 and wilson and langdon?
There has to be more behind it than just money.
The 9mm usp and 40 are esentially identical.Truth be told it probably does make the recoil /feel/ different but that doesn't mean that the energy levels expressed by the gun or any different because you can't defeat physics....
A classic example of this effect is the HK USP 40.... 40 doesn't feel as faggy and gay in a USP because of the way the dual stage recoil spring system is designed, it takes the sharp impulse and drags it out over time to make the gun not feel as snappy... of course the fact that the guns f****** gigantic helps to but it makes for a 40 that /feels/ more like a 45 ACP handgun when you shoot it....
Minus the barrel and some extra milling on the slide.
Its not really that heavy of a gun.
I edc'd my 9mm the longest out of any of my guns.
Im not trying to be an a**h*** in my reaponses by any means.
But when ive had the chance to compare 4 92' at one singular time within moments of each other theres a definate difference between them.

If you wanted a close up of it there it is