My Guns Thread from start to future

As an EDC gun I like Sig's 365 although I have a 9mm Shield too. As home defense I have an AR 15 pistol with "brace" 10.5" barrel in .556. And in NH 30 rnd mags
So I got a couple upgrades for the VP9.
Unfortunatly like a dumbass, I didnt take any pictures. But they are nothing special.
I snagged

1.Enhanced support sleeve. The stock one was plastic and the new one is aluminum.
2. Stainless recoil rod assembly. Also plastic on the stock one.
3.Ultra match spring set

And for the C308, i got some goodies as well. NowI'm putting on my flame resistance suit for this. Because im sure because of my choices, itll start a insult flame war.

1.Extended cocking handle
2. 5HK aluminum mags
3. Magpul angled fore grip
4 UTG bipod
5.UTG 3x9 scope
6. Paddle release kit for the magazines

Im waiting on RobertRTG to get the aim sports handguard back in stock. Im thinking about getting another stock handguard and taking a dremel to it to tinker with mouthing the angled for grip and bi pod.

Still havent shot either yet :(
Good for you! Will enjoy watching this thread grow!
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Those are righteous upgrades. I’m a big fan of the extended charging handle I imagine thats gonna be absolutely huge ergonomically. The SS guide rod is solid I actually grabbed one for my Beretta 92FS along with the rest of the SS parts kit. We need a range report for that C308 of yours.
My recommendation would be a huge safe.
Personal reference ... but I prefer multiple smaller safes. They are easier to move, I prefer to have things organized and not have to remove several guns to get to one on the back, you can have different arrangements; example: one with shelves for handguns, ammo and other small things and one without shelves to maximize rifle storage...
Personal reference ... but I prefer multiple smaller safes. They are easier to move, I prefer to have things organized and not have to remove several guns to get to one on the back, you can have different arrangements; example: one with shelves for handguns, ammo and other small things and one without shelves to maximize rifle storage...

Me too - also easier to buy in installments and arrange as living situations change, not to mention defeating them is a times N factor. I've posted this before, think pretty soon there will be a 4th tall one involved here, probably same model (if not available may even hold out for one 2nd hand as it looks cool)..

Awesome and tasteful customization brosh, have you taken her to the range yet?
Unfortunately no. I was going to go today, but I didn't want to pass up the hand guard .
Between that and a couple boxes of 308, that took the range money up.
And broken car parts that needed to be replaced unexpectedly.
Next paycheck I hope to go.
Looks good. Shooting will prove it out.

I may be a little odd, but I always shoot a firearm 'as-received' after a good cleaning and a thorough inspection.
Just my little peeve. I guess I like to 'feel' and see the improvements over the original or stock version and my add-ons.

For me this does two things. First, I may remove an added part/accessories after installation because original might have been better (for me).
Second, it gives me an operational baseline on the rifles mechanical state. Sometimes an add-on can cause an issue that you just can't figure out.
Knowing it functioned correctly before f***ing with it may help rule that out...

You do you...
and nice gun.
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I'm the polar opposite.
Thats funny as hell.
I do the same with modding a car.
I'll sit on the parts till I have all of them and install in one go and adjust from there.

For the rifle, I haven't done any operational changes really so, essentially in my eyes its still stockist.

The VP9 I did operational changes and it'll be my first fire overall completely
I wouldn't know what it felt like stock.
So it'll essentially be my baseline as modded.
Guitar and bass forums have this same exact debate. Some guys buy a brand-new Telecaster and, before they even play it, they're swapping out pickups, bridges, tuners, the works. Others shake their heads and point out that the new owner might have liked the guitar just fine without dropping the extra coin. Who knows?

Happy shooting, OP. I'm more in tune with @enbloc's philosophy, but it's not my rifle. Enjoy it and be safe!
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Good looking gun. As your collection grows don’t forget to add an M1 Garand to your collection. If you haven’t already, Go to the CMP (civilian marksmanship program) website and order one there. They are not true M1’s, they are refurbished but the feeling you get owning and shooting the rifle that saved the world is awesome!
This gun is going to slap. Seriously, I cannot wait to see the range report.
Hoping its next week.
Only downside is that it'll be a indoor range at 25 yards(cape cod gun works) since no clubs are functioning that I'm aware of for new members.
Or they have a cost I can't swing at the time (i.e. $200-$300 for first time fee + whatever)

It'll be a first shoot for both,and the first shoot for me in a long while.
Hoping its next week.
Only downside is that it'll be a indoor range at 25 yards(cape cod gun works) since no clubs are functioning that I'm aware of for new members.
Or they have a cost I can't swing at the time (i.e. $200-$300 for first time fee + whatever)

It'll be a first shoot for both,and the first shoot for me in a long while.
Ya 25 yards is the greatest length I know of without becoming a member, the range I go to is 60 ft for rifles so I know what you mean. Run some Mozambique drills and other double tap drills and it kind of compensates for the lack of distance but I need to step my range game up soon as well.
So if I may, I'd like to pick the brains of people.

My question is about applying for and sbr license/permit.

After applying and getting approved and all the paperwork back, is there a specific amount of time that you must get the fire arm?

Or can you just sit on it till you get one?
Personal reference ... but I prefer multiple smaller safes. They are easier to move, I prefer to have things organized and not have to remove several guns to get to one on the back, you can have different arrangements; example: one with shelves for handguns, ammo and other small things and one without shelves to maximize rifle storage...
The old school massive safe mentality is dead. Large safes are the biggest fraud in gun culture. Hidden cabinets, hidden furniture caches, small gun cabinets that tuck in the back of a locked closet, that is the way to go. Think modular and compact.
So if I may, I'd like to pick the brains of people.

My question is about applying for and sbr license/permit.

After applying and getting approved and all the paperwork back, is there a specific amount of time that you must get the fire arm?

Or can you just sit on it till you get one?

I recommend checking out this thread and particularly post #3, I’ve been thinking about it for while but haven’t moved on the actual process.
I would if any were open.
Braintree isn't accepting new applicants.
I applied there within a week or 2 of getting the pistol.
Pembroke is around $200-300 last I heard and I'm unaware if they are open for new members.

Stupid "pandemic"
I'm the polar opposite.
Thats funny as hell.
I do the same with modding a car.
I'll sit on the parts till I have all of them and install in one go and adjust from there.

For the rifle, I haven't done any operational changes really so, essentially in my eyes its still stockist.

The VP9 I did operational changes and it'll be my first fire overall completely
I wouldn't know what it felt like stock.
So it'll essentially be my baseline as modded.
I wouldn't mod a gun till I know that prior to it worked as I tended. Then go from there testing mods as I go, especially heavy mods i.e. triggers, and other stuff that changes the way it works
I would if any were open.
Braintree isn't accepting new applicants.
I applied there within a week or 2 of getting the pistol.
Pembroke is around $200-300 last I heard and I'm unaware if they are open for new members.

Stupid "pandemic"
Sounds like you're on the south shore but just thought I'd mention my club (Cape Ann Sportsmans Club) in Gloucester is accepting new members. Probably too far for you though.
Springfield sportsman is accepting members. It's actually in monson so only like an hour west of Boston. Right after the membership meeting you get your card and go shoot. At least it was like that a few years ago.
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