My Letter in Hartford Courant

May 29, 2008
Florence Mass
Feedback: 33 / 0 / 0
They changed some wording..but did print it...they have some good people over there...,0,7228805.story

Open Carry: No Law Against Upsetting Someone

Some facts need to be said about the issue of open-carry in Connecticut [Page 1, April 18, "No Need To Hide Handguns"].

First, if someone is "alarmed" by the sight of my gun, then that is his personal issue that he needs to work out; not mine or law enforcement's. Connecticut's gun laws do not mention the words "alarm," "conceal" or "responsible."

Second, if people can call the police just because they find something upsetting, then should we all start calling 911 when we see motorcyclists with no helmets? How about piercings, tattoos or bumper stickers? Passengers drinking alcohol in cars? Any other lawful activities we should ban?

Erik Provost, East Windsor
The more that come from people like us the better. People have become way too afraid of guns. They need to be respected not feared. I bet any of those people who are "alarmed" would be glad guns were around if they needed to be saved from a criminal...
Why might someone be alarmed at the sight of someone walking into a Starbuck's with a gun?

Gee, I don't know for sure, but do you think it might have something to do with the fact that it is almost a weekly event in this Country that some nut-job exercising his Second Amendment right walks into a restaurant, school, or church and slaughters several innocent people because he just lost his job, can't get laid, or is otherwise a dispossessed loser?

the sheeple are coming out for your article. [puke]

guns are bad and scary! oh no! everyone that owns a gun is a psychopath that enjoys slaughtering innocent liberal babies!
Here is the comment I submitted but I am not sure whether it will actually show up.

FathersMatter, if you seriously think that exercising one's Second Amendment right means going into a restaurant, school or church and slaughtering everyone there, than I am sorry but you are a complete idiot. It is the rhetoric like yours that causes law abiding gun owners to suffer constant prejudice and persecution. Have you actually ever been around gun owners? Do you realize that with the right to carry a gun comes great responsibility and those who carry are more likely to avoid trouble than to cause it? The "nut-jobs" you speak of are nothing more than just that; nut-jobs. They are as likely to take knife and stab someone or drive a car into a crown of people as they are to use a gun to do harm.
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