my shooting partner has a blatant disregard for firearm safety.

I appreciate the situation, you're 19 and he's 57.
The remedy to this is. You need to find a new place to live. Living free on someone else's dime imposes expectations on one or both sides that you should not have to deal with.

I wouldn't go shooting with him again, but if you do, I would break it down into very basic steps that you 100% control as suggested above. You load and handle all guns, guns never leave the firing line, you select and position the gun on the table pointing down range and your friend is permitted to pick up the gun keeping it pointed down range, fire and place it down exactly as he found it and that's it.
Advise the consequences of deviation from this plan before you start " so, before we begin today, I will be the one doing all the loading and unloading, you will keep the gun pointed down range at all times, you will advise me before shooting, you will keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot - if we mess up on any of these, the day at the range is over and I will pack everything up and we go home. Make sense? Okay, good."

This makes your expectations explicitly known ahead of time and also the consequences. And if he screws up, you have to follow thorough (like dealing with a child), and stop everything immediately and pack up and leave. This is how to teach the slower people an important lesson.

My recommendation is to move out, the latter part is really a less desired alternative.
I rarely shoot with others, this is one of the reasons. Not everyone has common sense, and that's a dumb thing to not have when handling something that can kill you or other people.

I suggest moving.
My ex wife is Greek. She said if we had a boy, she was going to dress him as a Greek soldier for the Greek festivals - she meant the dresses. Glad she's an ex wife and to this day, I won't set foot in a Greek restaurant because of her!

Can't take them seriously when they wear a dress.
I wouldn't take him back to the range until he can recite the "four cardinal rules of handgun safety" backwards and fowards, verbatim.

I would give him "one more chance" and let him know in no uncertain terms ahead of time that this is his true "last chance" to be your shooting partner. Up to now it seems he hasn't taken it seriously, and you let him "get away with it."

If you like the man, offer to pay for him to take the firearms safety class. If you can't afford that, spend at least a half-hour at home going through those four basic safety rules, and why they're each important (even if you screw up and pull the trigger, if it's pointed in a safe direction nobody gets hurt, etc...).

Good luck. Hopefully you can drum it into him and have the best of all worlds.
shoot him first, because it sounds like this guy is on track to shoot you.

seriouspost: explain to him exactly why he's a retard. unless it's after a blatant safety violation, be cool about it. i've only yelled at someone once and it was because when i turned around from where i was standing there was a 1911 pointed upward at my face. i did not take kindly to that. you need to sit down with this kid and explain to him that he's a danger to himself and others right now and to chill the **** out.

if from there he wants to go be a ****wit at the range, let him go on his own, and you go on your own. if his butt hurts over your choice because he's unsafe, that's his problem.
To take a different tact, being aggressive, yelling or other stuff mentioned in this thread will just make him defensive and indignant.

I suggest speaking to him off the range in a casual setting bringing up your concerns and see if he is ready or willing to talk about it. Timing about difficult discussions is really an art form. If you get anywhere with him, I would suggest that the two of you find a safety class to take together.

Everytime he muzzle sweeps me I say something but he just kinda shrugs it off.

Every time??? There should be no "every time." He does it once, you call a cease fire, unload the guns and conduct a full safety brief. You don't start shooting again until you get his buy in. Be as aggressive as you need to be to get your point across. This isn't something you pussy-foot around.

He does it a second time, pack up your shit, because he's done. If you have a problem with that, you need to grow some balls!

Why does this guy need you to "take" him shooting anyway? Why doesn't he have his own gun? Makes me wonder if he's a prohibited person...
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Everyone I take to the range must watch a safety video and read the range rules and I send the info by email in advance.
We discuss safety too at the range and every gun should be treated as loaded.

For new people, I start by loading only one round at a time.

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Either lay down the ****ing law or don't go shooting with him.

Who the **** cares if you live there for free. Doesn't do shit for you if you're dead.

Beat me to it. Seriously that's Russian roulette right there. Especially if you're careless. Plus , if he doesn't kill you he'd kill someone else around him. What a stubborn dick.
living > living free

I wouldn't take him shooting. A more amiable way to do this is to sign him up for a safety course (a real one, not one of the bare minimums one). He can consider it as a helpful present from you.
Make a little joke..."Dude, you almost shot me! Time to review the rules."

1. Always assume a gun is loaded.
2. Keep your finger off the trigger until you're ready to shoot.
3. Know your target and what's behind it.
4. Don't point a gun at anything you don't want to destroy.

Short and sweet. Every time he breaks one, tell him which one he breaks.
Don't shoot with him anymore. If he wants to go, make up an excuse, and be nice.

You should be able to stall him long enough to save up enough dough to move out on your own.
Screw all these other posts with explaining to him, talking to him. The first time some f'tard did that to me, I'd take the gun back and tell him he's an idiot and never shoot with him again. It isn't lack of firearm safety that's the issue, it's being a dumb shit that's the problem.
You sir are a gambler! How many chances to be shot will you allow before you lay down the law?

Sorry didn't mean to be flippant in my advice.

OP, if you can't assert yourself as an instructor and lay down the rules, then you definitely shouldn't be going shooting with him. I've had lots of students make mistakes, but I'm always right next to them, and I stop it as it's happening.
Not a chance in hell I'd ever take this guy shooting again. What's worse? Being temporarily homeless or permanently dead?
Sorry didn't mean to be flippant in my advice.

OP, if you can't assert yourself as an instructor and lay down the rules, then you definitely shouldn't be going shooting with him. I've had lots of students make mistakes, but I'm always right next to them, and I stop it as it's happening.

I can totally see this being effective if you're not shooting at the same time, and made a point to teach him/her safety. So maybe OP, dedicate a range trip or two just to observe and teach (and stop bad behavior before it turns deadly).
Screw all these other posts with explaining to him, talking to him. The first time some f'tard did that to me, I'd take the gun back and tell him he's an idiot and never shoot with him again. It isn't lack of firearm safety that's the issue, it's being a dumb shit that's the problem.

This 100%. I swear most posters didn't even read the OP. There is no fixing stoopid. No magic formula that was passed on for you to share. The guy is a reckless idiot. End of story.

Did anyone catch the post about the guy who almost traded blows over being reprimanded about range safety? You think that is rare?
I hope you keep them locked in a safe and make sure he never gets the code. If he did have the code I could picture him being like a curious child showing his friends daddy's loaded gun, and accidently shooting them or him self. I assume you are smart enough not to give him the code, but who knows maybe he said something early on like "I should have the code just incase you're not here and it's an emergency"..if that's the case I suggest you change it immediately.....oh and move out ASAP.
Every time??? There should be no "every time." He does it once, you call a cease fire, unload the guns and conduct a full safety brief. You don't start shooting again until you get his buy in. Be as aggressive as you need to be to get your point across. This isn't something you pussy-foot around.

He does it a second time, pack up your shit, because he's done. If you have a problem with that, you need to grow some balls!

Why does this guy need you to "take" him shooting anyway? Why doesn't he have his own gun? Makes me wonder if he's a prohibited person...
he has his own firearm. intact thats the one he nearly shot me with. its a ruger p95. but he likes my ak pistol and my other "assault rifles"
i wouldn't take that cat shooting again. Now if you have to alter the living situation because of it then so be it id rather have to look for a place to live then get shot and have to deal with that
Just give him blowjobs instead of taking him shooting. Freudian analysis says that that the gun he's sweeping you with is symbolic of his Johnson.

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