Mystic Valley Gun Club

What nights are applications accepted? Last I checked I think it was Wed. or Thur. but I can't make it because of work. Are there any other options?

The website says Thursdays. Email the clerk, email address is on the site, and see if there are other options.
We're working on a new website for the club. It's not 100% done yet, but what we have so far is here: Mystic Valley Gun Club. We got our old domain name back! (Eventually we'll cut the old domain over so they're both pointing at the same website.)

We would love to hear any feedback on the new website. Also if any members have pictures or anything like that that they'd like us to post please email them to
One thing I liked on the old site that I haven't found on this new one yet, are all of the printable targets that were available.

Other than that, the new site looks great.
One thing I liked on the old site that I haven't found on this new one yet, are all of the printable targets that were available.

Other than that, the new site looks great.

Thanks for the feedback. The printable targets are still there, I just haven't found a good way to integrate that content into the main site. (I'm trying to keep the menus as uncluttered as possible.) I will figure something out eventually.

For now:
Printable Targets ? Mystic Valley Gun Club
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Also the old website is still (temporarily) available in case there's something that I forgot to migrate over or if you just want to compare / contrast. The old website will be permanently retired when our hosting runs out in October.

Old MVGC Website
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