NE1 replaced the factory S&W Bodyguard sights??

Jun 24, 2013
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just took it to the range for the first time and instantly found that the all black sights really just blend into the background of the target. I'm more used to the white dot sights my glock has which I pick up much easier with my less than 20/20 vision. Has anyone replaced the factory S&W sights yet? What brand did you go with and what do you think of them? I've thought about just white dotting the front sight as well but know that if I don't do it perfectly it will greatly affect my aim(not that this is a range gun but being more off than normal would really not be good).
Just ordered a set of the Williams FireSights (green fiber front, red fiber rear). Going to install just the front only and see how she (and I) like that setup. Have that on my Buckmark, her Ruger MkIII, both LC9s and the SR9c.

please post how they fit I'm curious.. the XS would be my choice for the white but the front sight having to be basically glued in not pressed in like factory really bothers me.
Makes me wonder.... how well can a BG be shot with the sights peened out of it?

I just want something white on the end to break up all the black(at night specifically).. especially since this is a carry piece and if I have to pull it and am not holding you by the shoulder and burying rounds in your abdomen I will not be able to use the current sights for anything. We all know most violent confrontations happen under the cloak of darkness not in broad daylight under ideal situations.

We all know its not a range accuracy weapon but making it more functional for its purpose is never a bad thing IMO
May try the big dots sometime soon. Not sure what else it out there. Should be interesting. Another BG380 thread to bring the haters out
I'm in the same boat as you 4040. Can't see the sight on the BG. I have the new M&P and was thinking about going with the XS. I'll be interested to see what you find out. BTW, I really enjoy mine. About 600 rounds now and perfectly reliable to a fault.
Anybody put the NEW Williams Fire sights on the Bodyguard 380?

I saw above that one person bought a set.

I'm looking to find out how it worked out if you did buy the new Fire Sights for it & PLEASE post pics!
For now, I have painted the front sight first with white paint & then topped it with florescent green.

It really helps with sight picture at the range. (Black front & rear sights are hard to see in my indoor range)

I will eventually swap them out for XS Big Dot's "or" Williams Fire Sights...

BG sight.jpg
My brother is looking at the fire sites for his bodyguard. How was the fit? He was thinking about the big dot but they have a problem with the front site not fitting tight and he limes the fiber optic better...
Front sights were not so bad to do... The Rear sights were a @#$%^ to get out...

I would recommend putting the slide in the freezer for an hour or 2 before you remove the old sights...

The trigger bar kit does not lower the pull it just shortens where it starts & breaks PLUS the shape of the trigger feels better on the trigger finger.
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