need a little help, critique for my letter to my local reps

Mar 22, 2008
Northern Middlesex county
Feedback: 6 / 0 / 0
so I have been trying to think of what I would like to include in my letter to my state reps on the preposed revisions to our tyrannical gun control laws. here is what I have so far. are there any points I am missing

My name is Nickortizzle1035. I have been an avid shooting enthusiast and hunter since I was a small child and have been working for a licensed firearms dealer for seven years. I know what it is like to have to learn the overly confusing and often frustrating firearm laws of this state. I am writing to ask if you will support the second amendment by opposing Governor Patrick's proposed "act to strengthen and enhance firearms laws in the Commonwealth". After reading through the revisions to the already strict gun control laws of this state, I feel it is my duty as an American to inform you that these laws will turn almost EVERY law abiding firearms owners in Massachusetts into Criminals. Aren't this state's laws on obtaining and owning firearms strict enough? why do the laws that are already unnecessarily strict need to be tightened to the point where almost all lawful gun owners would be deemed criminals unless they sell or destroy their own personal property. I think it is quite obvious that the criminals, which these laws were meant to hinder, will not comply. The redefinition of "high capacity" ten rounds of ammunition to seven rounds ammunition is a slap in the face to shooting sports enthusiasts across the state. I don't know if you, or the authors of this proposed bill, are aware, but there are almost no manufacturers who make a seven round magazine for a majority of firearms available to the public. It seems that this number was chosen with the strict intent of choking off the amount of available firearms to the people who have walked the straight and narrow for years and have taken the time and effort to take a safety class and get properly licensed. I am also somewhat confused by the mention of limiting "high power ammunition" I have been a firearm owner for a long time and wanted to know what "high powered" ammunition is being focused on? is there a certain muzzle velocity? or a specific caliber that is deemed "high power" would my deer or bear hunting rifle be considered "high powered"? I hope you have a chance to read this email and think over who these laws will effect negatively (legal firearm owners). Will you side with me along with other responsible firearms owners and sportsmen in opposing this bill. Thank you very much for your time.
Good points, but it's a big, long paragraph. I suggest you pick the bill apart one point at a time:

1. Straw purchases are already illegal under Federal law.
2. There is no "gun show loophole" in MA. All firearm sales, whether private or through a dealer, must be reported to the state.
3. Is there a crime wave caused by licensed MA residents buying more than one gun a month? Sometimes people have the opportunity to buy a couple of target guns from someone quitting the sport, or they have a chance to hunt in Alaska and need a shotgun plus a rifle. Again, all sales are reported to the state.
4. Armor piercing ammunition is illegal under Federal law.
5. In 2004 the legislature adopted the restrictions of the 1994 Federal law, including a 10-round limit on new magazines, legally grandfathered the older larger capacity magazines, set limits on certain firearm features and said these changes would be permanent in this state. Licensed MA residents have complied with these restrictions for nearly a decade, and many have invested substantial sums in this specialized equipment. Now the governor proposes to make it a felony to load more than seven rounds in those 10-round magazines, and to completely ban and criminalize the possession of the larger magazines which were declared OK by the legislature just nine years ago. And there is no compensation to the owners for the loss.
I have been a shooting enthusiast and hunter etc., etc. . . .

Just my suggestions at the end of a long day. I'm sure there's more to be said. I avoid the words "assault" and "weapon" in my letters.
yeah, it's one big block of text. be clear and concise, use numbers....don't use "bullet" points, as they're scary.

Or, If you do use "bullet" points, make sure it's 7 or less to be fully compliant.
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