Need a Self-Defense pistol with low budget: $250

Apr 21, 2009
Newmarket NH
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I am trying to find a good reliable self defense pistol that will fit in my very meager budget of $250. I have seen new Kel-Tec PF9's for $250, but the place didn't have any in stock last time I checked. Any suggestions in what to look for of where I might be able to find a good deal? I am open to anything that will be reliable and fit within my budget. I know it's not a lot of money, but it's what I have to work with. Concealment isn't really an issue right now, as I will have to open carry until I get a permit.

Thanks for any help you can give.
Keltec P11 is about the same price but about 1/10" thicker. Also has two more rounds in the mag and a truly crappy trigger. But it goes bang...

Other than that... maybe a used Rossi or Charter Arms snubby. I'd go for the Charter Arms over the Rossi, though.
I'd bet you can find plenty of used snub revolvers at that price point. You'll probably have to come up with another 20$ for a box of quality ammo, but that should just about do it.

EDIT: And another 40$ for an open-carry holster.
KTP has 2 Ruger P95dc's for $300, and a S&W SW9VE for $300 as well. They also have an Astra Terminator 6" 44mag for $295 and an American Derringer .32 H&R Mag for $275.

What would be the best pick out of the bunch? I like the looks of the Ruger, and I have read a few good reviews on them in the past as well. The Astra is a revolver, so it would be inherently reliable if it's a decent gun, but I have never heard of them and a 44 Mag is a big round with a lot of recoil as well. The derringer only has 2 shots, but it seems as though it should be pretty reliable and decently easy to handle as the .32 mag isn't the most powerful round by far.

Any thoughts?

I have also been considering just using an Uncle Mike's holster for open carry, as I can get one for around $10-15, and save money for a good concealed holster once I get my permit.
I say go with the Ruger p95. Here is why: It is built like a tank and it shoots the low recoil 9mm. 9mm is also cheap ($10/box at walmart) and readily available.
Honestly in that price range, I'd go with a S&W Sigma. They had a rough start of production but any made within the last 6 years or so, are really a good hearty low budget gun from a company with the best customer service in the buisiness.
Honestly in that price range, I'd go with a S&W Sigma. They had a rough start of production but any made within the last 6 years or so, are really a good hearty low budget gun from a company with the best customer service in the buisiness.

Unless he finds a used one, he's out of luck. Dealer cost is around $300 on those.
As a suggestion - How about a 3rd Gen S&W - built like tanks, reliable, in the range...On second thought mine cost me about $400 out the door so they may not be a choice for you.

A Ruger Security Six is about your target point though - it sounds like you are looking for an semi over a revolver though - start saving and the options open like - some destined to open very soon thing
You are in NH. You can get a Hi-Point.....

I wouldn't wish one of those on anyone. There are far better alternatives. A used Makarov can probably be found for not too much, or any number of older serviceable wheelguns.

For an SD pistol, you want a pistol that's reliable. And by reliable I mean you take it to the range and have maybe 1 ftf every 1k rounds. I'm not convinced you can get that for $250. I'd spend an extra $150 and get a Glock. That is, unless you suffer from plasticpistolphobia like some of the users here. Then you could get a nice Ruger SP101.
For an SD pistol, you want a pistol that's reliable. And by reliable I mean you take it to the range and have maybe 1 ftf every 1k rounds. I'm not convinced you can get that for $250.
You've never heard of a revolver?

I'd spend an extra $150 and get a Glock. That is, unless you suffer from plasticpistolphobia like some of the users here. Then you could get a nice Ruger SP101.
What part of "I am trying to find a good reliable self defense pistol that will fit in my very meager budget of $250. I know it's not a lot of money, but it's what I have to work with." did you not get? If he HAD $400 to spend, I suspect he'd have said so.
You may consider a Baretta Tomcat or Bobcat.
Granted the calibers offered are small but these neet little guns are under rated.
Well made & reliable with nice features like tip barrels, double or single action & 1911 style safety.
They can be found in great condition used for $250. Especially in NH.
I wouldn't wish one of those on anyone. There are far better alternatives. A used Makarov can probably be found for not too much, or any number of older serviceable wheelguns.


There is a reason I put "...." at the end of that. [wink]
I paid $295 OTD for this:


You will be hard pressed to find a more reliably handgun than that, at any price. And do not underestimate the .38 Special. Fill that sixgun up with Remington 158 gr +P lead hollow points or Speer 135 gr +P Gold Dots and you will be well armed.
Good advice here.

Post a "Want to buy" thread in the correct section of the forum. Get a very quality retention holster if you plan to open carry, at minimum.
KTP has 2 Ruger P95dc's for $300, and a S&W SW9VE for $300 as well. They also have an Astra Terminator 6" 44mag for $295 and an American Derringer .32 H&R Mag for $275.

I personally like the Ruger DC95, had one for years and sold it when I first moved to CT. Before I got "My Papers" Anyways it was a good piece shot great and was fairly accurate. Whould buy another one.
For an SD pistol, you want a pistol that's reliable. And by reliable I mean you take it to the range and have maybe 1 ftf every 1k rounds. I'm not convinced you can get that for $250. I'd spend an extra $150 and get a Glock. That is, unless you suffer from plasticpistolphobia like some of the users here. Then you could get a nice Ruger SP101.

It's not plasticphobia, but more exploding-glockphobia. But I am really just not a huge Glock fan, though I will admit that if I could find one to fit my budget I would grab it.

I will probably save a bit more $$$ to get something a bit better than my budget was going to allow. I have borrowed a 1911 for the time being, and having a Springfield GI 1911 on my side sure does feel good. I hope I can scrounge enough $$$ to pick up something similar, as there is NOTHING like a 1911. If not, I have a few weeks before this has to return to it's home, and I hope to find a deal by then.

Thanks for the suggestions, and if I can't afford the 1911, I think the Ruger p95 will be mine unless something better comes along, as I really like the way it's built and the SA/DA trigger. But a Ruger SP101 in .327 Federal would be nice as well.

Also, I would really like something 9mm or bigger, though a .380 would do if need be. I would like to have a "real gun", rather than a mouse gun. I have looked at .32 and .25 auto ballistics, and they do nothing to impress me. Honestly, I would take a .22 mag over either, as ammo would be cheaper and close to the same power.
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