For an SD pistol, you want a pistol that's reliable. And by reliable I mean you take it to the range and have maybe 1 ftf every 1k rounds. I'm not convinced you can get that for $250. I'd spend an extra $150 and get a Glock. That is, unless you suffer from plasticpistolphobia like some of the users here. Then you could get a nice Ruger SP101.
It's not plasticphobia, but more exploding-glockphobia. But I am really just not a huge Glock fan, though I will admit that if I could find one to fit my budget I would grab it.
I will probably save a bit more $$$ to get something a bit better than my budget was going to allow. I have borrowed a 1911 for the time being, and having a Springfield GI 1911 on my side sure does feel good. I hope I can scrounge enough $$$ to pick up something similar, as there is NOTHING like a 1911. If not, I have a few weeks before this has to return to it's home, and I hope to find a deal by then.
Thanks for the suggestions, and if I can't afford the 1911, I think the Ruger p95 will be mine unless something better comes along, as I really like the way it's built and the SA/DA trigger. But a Ruger SP101 in .327 Federal would be nice as well.
Also, I would really like something 9mm or bigger, though a .380 would do if need be. I would like to have a "real gun", rather than a mouse gun. I have looked at .32 and .25 auto ballistics, and they do nothing to impress me. Honestly, I would take a .22 mag over either, as ammo would be cheaper and close to the same power.