Need advice on buying a S&W 22A


NES Member
Nov 9, 2008
N/W of Boston
Feedback: 46 / 1 / 0
I was thinking about getting the 22 cal. conversion kit for my Sig P229R and had a brain fart. Probably better to go with a S&W 22A instead. I'm not interested in the 41, although it is nice. The 41 is a bit high priced for me at this time. I'm not thinking Ruger either.

So, on the 22A, should i get the 5.5" barrel or the 7"?

What about the high-viz sights?

Does the high velocity ammo damage the recoil buffers? How much of a problem are the buffers anyway?

What grips? I have small hands.

Any and all recommendations will be happily considered.
5 inch. Hi-Viz is personal preference... I prefer normal sights.

The buffers are replaced in less than 30 seconds and last about 2000 rounds apiece. High velocity may reduce their life but S&W will send you more if you ask.
I had the 7" and shot nothing but hi velocity, got about 4000 rounds out of the buffers.

I used the plain black sights, but thats me and I prefer them for target shooting.

Firing pin broke at about 6000 rounds, Smith had one to me in 2 days.

Nice plinker, but not accurate or adjustable enough for competition.
I have one with regular sights and 5.5" barrel. I live in Waltham and would be glad to let you try it (I also have a Mosquito).

I bought it used in March, and have since replaced a buffer once (I called S&W and asked for 6, they sent me 10 for free within a couple of days). The buffer is behind the spring and is very easy to swap out (though it's a bit weird to strip, you have to push on a button under the barrel, the Mosquito comes apart MUCH easier).

I use both CCI mini-mags and CCI standard velocity ammo in it with no problems at all. Only time I had misfires were when I tried Champion ammo I got in a swap.

I don't have 'small' hands, no do I have big mitts, but the grips fit me great. As an example, when I shoot the M&P 9C, my pinkie has nowhere to go so it's too small for me.
Thanks for the replies. I'm kinda surprised that there wasn't a better responce. The 22A looks like it might be a nice bang for the buck.

Thanks, Becka, for the generous offer. I might take you up later on.
I have a 5.5" I bought used - it's been good to me. Excellent little plinker. If you were looking to duplicate the operation of your Sig, not as good a choice as the conversion or a Sig Mosquito would be. If you want something fun and cheap to shoot, all you need is ammo, mags and a spare buffer. Even if S&W doesn't send you a free one, they're still under $3 apiece.

Mine is beat up on the outside, and I got a hell of a deal on it since the dealer said it wouldn't eject, and didn't know why. I had diagnosed it while it was still on the shelf as "Hey, where's the extractor?"

[rofl] [smile]
For the money, you can't go wrong. Bought mine in 1992 and still have and use it.

Hi Viz? If you are shooting indoors and the range lighting is dim, then your throwing money out the window, outside entirely different.
I have S&W J and K frame .22 revolvers and a model 41 auto. My son has the 22A and a P22. We both also shoot Glocks and 1911s with .22 conversion kits. It depends on why you want the .22. If you want it to practice with your carry gun I,d get the .22 kit. If you just want to shoot a .22, the others may be more accurate.Either way,shooting a .22 is great practice and cheap fun.
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