Need help on buying a used New/used Glock 26 in MA- Questions

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NES Member
Apr 7, 2014
Central MA
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Yes I did search but Im not going to lie its easier this way...

I really want a newer Glock 26. I see and hear different opinions on MA compliant 3rd party purchases.

So I know I cant get a 26 at a dealer but 3rd party can I buy any Gen 26? Will a dealer do the transfer to me?

Thanks in advance for your help Im still learning these crazy laws...
being compliant only refers to what a dealer will transfer/sell you

there is nothing illegal about owning, using, carrying any handgun that not on the fake list
being compliant only refers to what a dealer will transfer/sell you

there is nothing illegal about owning, using, carrying any handgun that not on the fake list

Congratulations, you confused me. For someone new like me when they see posts like this you confuse the heck out of me. What do you mean? I need a dealer to transfer a used gun so I will be compliant. So if a dealer wont transfer a 26 then I cant buy one.
You have the option of going to a dealer for the transfer, or you can do a personal transfer (face to face) with a MA resident who has a valid LTC and who has the firearm you are looking for. Personal transfers are only affected by the assault weapons ban and not by the made up compliant handgun list that the AG claims is valid.

All you have to do is fill out a FA-10 (paper or electronically). Not sure what is so confusing about that.
the "list" only dictates what a FFL can sell or transfer... if it is not on the list most will not deal with it ie no transfer

if you find another LTC holder in this state with the handgun you want you can do a face to face transfer either on a paper fa-10 or on a computer with the efa-10

there is nothing for an LTC holder to deal with for so called compliance other then dealing with the AWB (assault weapon ban... rifles/shotguns). you can own any handgun you want, that you can find someone in this state to sell you.
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