(I love how everyone blames the hammer uvula).
I don't rely on videos.
These photo galleries at the guntalk-online web shrine
have good photos you can magnify, painstaking descriptions,
and you advance the process at your speed -
not constantly hitting <Pause>, <Backspace>, and <Play>.
(In case you did more than a simple field strip:
But in any case:
But in particular, any instructions that tell you to hammer on the gun are bogus.
Any internal part which needs to be moved
doesn't need to be moved by inertia -
they're accessible to a thin probe (see below).
You do have to visualize what you're doing,
and in certain steps keep the gun oriented
so that gravity keeps the hammer and/or hammer strut
from flopping around.
Years ago I made a hook out of wire to put the thingy in position.
Those slotted vest-pocket screwdrivers for an RS232 connector
that they hand out for free at trade shows work just peachy keen.
I can even use a full-length pencil to trip a mag disconnect -
I don't need to push a magazine into the well.