Need Ruger Mark III repair in RI

May 4, 2009
Lincoln, RI
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Does anyone know where I can get a Mark III looked at in RI and fixed if necessary? Don't know how to describe what is wrong with it but I can't load a clip nor pull the bolt back. I received it for free so I don't mind spending some cash on it to get it working properly. Any help would be appreciated
I would disassemble it and put it back together and see if you still have the same problem. If had that happen to me before when i made a mistake during reassembly.
probably a reassembly issue. google for the proper technique to assemble and disassemble.

Remove the back strap first then try pulling back the bolt. You may have to shake it upside down and all sorts of directions to get the hammer to move into the right position, but keep it pointed in a safe direction.
I actually found out what happened to it the guy i got it from put the magazine in backwards and could only get it out by ripping it out with pliers. He said he had to destroy the magazine to get it out then he put back together and it was is jammed.
If you're mechanically inclined you can completely strip it and probably figure out which part is mangled. I put an aftermarket trigger in mine and it's a LOT of little parts but it can be done. Totally guessing but maybe the mag got stuck on the "magazine disconnect", which can actually be removed and it functions fine--but it will then fire without the magazine.

Otherwise send it to Ruger for repairs.
I believe you can send it into Ruger and have them fix it for free provided you pay for shipping and you weren't doing anything outrageously stupid to get it this way.
probably a reassembly issue. google for the proper technique to assemble and disassemble.

Remove the back strap first then try pulling back the bolt. You may have to shake it upside down and all sorts of directions to get the hammer to move into the right position, but keep it pointed in a safe direction.

this still sounds like it might be the problem...

whats probally going on is the arm on the hammer is in the mag well, thats stoping you from inserting the mag. the hammer is stuck up and of course wont reset because its little arm is in the mag well and not the mainspring house. so thats stopping your bolt from going all the way back.. its an easy fix so don't force anything.

you can shine a flashlight into the magwell. if its in there you should be able to see it. just thinking whatevers keeping you from inserting the mag even if its a broken or bent part, maybe its something left behinde from the old magazine that was beaten out of there. you should be able to see whats obstucting it.

i think there is a few youtubes on it also.
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