Need some help deciding first MA handgun

Sep 24, 2012
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Hello, I'm new to having an account here, but I have been surfing the threads and doing research for some time now. I recently got my MA LTC-A with no restrictions, and I have been doing so much research to find the "perfect" handgun, that I think I've just plain confused myself. When I first statred the procedure of getting my class A a few months ago, the gun that I really fell for was the Wather PPQ 9mm, but as I soon figured out, it is not MA compliant. Since then I have been mainly looking at Ruger and S&W, and possibly a Walther P99, but they can get pretty expensive. I have decided that for now, until I get some training under my belt, I will not be using it for concealed carry, and I want a full sized semi-auto, that fits my hands much better than a compact. And I'm pretty sure I want a 9mm, it seems to be a good all around caliber

Now I know very little about guns, except for the research that I have done. And of course, everyone that I ask has a different opinion, a few guys that I work with are big into guns, one swears by Ruger, the other hates anything but a Glock. But I'm not sure that I want a used gun for my first one. I only have two gun shops that I know of in the Berkshires (yeah, I'm out there) and that's Daves and Pete's, and Dave's are dicks.

I'm sure there a few guys on here that have had all of the guns that I'm looking at, and might have something to sway me one way or the other, and that would be greatly appreciated. I have a hard time deciding what to spend my hard earned money on, and like I said, I've done so much research that my head is just spinning trying to make up my mind. any feedback is aprreciated,

If you live near nh check out manchester firing line, rent a few. Glocks are aweaome they always go bang, my big mit doesn't care for them. I own a m&pc .40 and love it, bit snappier than 9mm. Good luck and welcome to nes.
First piece of advice, you can get any handgun you want through a private sale. Second piece of advice, used firearms are just as good as new ones. Just do your due diligence and deal with reputable members on this site. You'll save some money to put towards your next purchase.

It sounds like you prefer striker-fired handguns, as opposed to hammer-fired. You will not go wrong with a good company like Glock, Ruger, Walter, S&W and etc. Go to MFL in Manchester or MFS in Holliston and try different guns until you make up your mind. Personal experience and preference will far outweigh the words of strangers online. Chances are, you'll probably end up with more than one firearm so I wouldn't be too picky choosy. Congrats and good hunting.
Prioritize your wants. Is it important that you feel really comfortable carrying it concealed all day? This will be a big factor and will pare the number of options down dramatically. Do you want a particular caliber? Again, this will help you narrow it down. Buying used will help you expand what you will be able to get, but you still need to find what you want used (you can do so on the forums here). Spend time researching. Spend time shooting guns, if you have access. Some ranges will rent guns.

At this point, you should be down to a handful of options. Look at how the guns are set up. How they break down, how they're built, what are their features? This will help you narrow it down to whatever couple seem to fit your criteria.

It's basically a long series of choices that will eliminate a number of guns narrowing your options.

One more thing to consider: In Mass., there aren't as many options for buying new. Always remember, Mass. compliant guns may come with a heavy trigger (Smith & Wesson semi-autos are notorious for this) which will make the gun hard to shoot accurately and require a trigger job to make the gun accurate.

Again, like someone else said, you can pretty much own any handgun you want in Massachusetts. The problem is actually finding what you want.
One final thing: In the end you can just buy a few guns and see what you're wants really are. I did that, and was able to turn around and sell the ones I didn't want relatively easy with the forums and the online FA10 form. You can sell 4 firearms a year with this easy online form. After that, you need to go through an FFL gunshop to do anymore sales. At the start of January 1st, you get 4 more online FA10s to sell guns with.
I am in the same boat. Still havent gotten my LTC-A yet supposedly waiting on the state to mail it. I am thinking about carry the sig p250C in a .45 and a sw bodyguard.389 on my ankle. Does anyone know if we can get the xchange kits for the p250?
For a first handgun you really can not go wrong with a ruger MkIII 22lr. You will end up with one anyway.
I have never cared much for the compacts. I can not get a stable grip on them period. I dont even want to know how poor of a grip I will have under stress,fear,rushed grip from concealment if I ever had to "use" it. I dont have big hands either. I like the grip of my S&W 4013 TSW. Its no compact but not full size either. When I go to grip and draw my 4013 its there. theres no fumbling. Do not rule out revolvers for carry either...
Dont count out the older 1st 2nd generation guns either.
Consider asking around and trying out as many guns as you can to see what you like.

Just because you think you're in love with one gun doesn't mean it properly fits your hand.

I always try before I buy. Good luck! :)

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I am in the same boat. Still havent gotten my LTC-A yet supposedly waiting on the state to mail it. I am thinking about carry the sig p250C in a .45 and a sw bodyguard.389 on my ankle. Does anyone know if we can get the xchange kits for the p250?

I own the P250 in .40, and exchange kits are readily available. Most shops carry them, as well as the Sig Sauer Academy pro shop up in Epping,NH.
Ruger SR9 (or SR9c if you choose to look at compacts)

My SR9c is super accurate and the trigger pull is phenomenal for an out of the box gun that costs less than $500.
Thanks for the replies guys, I wasn't aware that I could get non MA compliant handguns through a private sale, now to find a PPQ. I looked into the SR22 Ruger, and it fits my hand well, but I'd rather get something with a bit more power to it than a .22. I need to find a shop that has the SR9 in stock to take a look at it. I was also seriously considering the S&W M&P 9mm. I will probably wait until next month for the gun show at the Big E before I make a choice unless I find one that I really like.
The sr9c is great for ccw, and the mass mags have a pinky grip you can put on to fit your hand better.
That's what I use when I don't have my full size 17 round mag in it. Great gun, great trigger, and great price.
. I wasn't aware that I could get non MA compliant handguns through a private sale

Just keep in mind that is only true for a private sale from one MA resident to another MA resident. A private sale across state lines needs to go through FFLs and the MA FFL won't transfer a non MA compliant gun
A full sized 9mm is a great choice for a first gun. Any of the ones already recommended will work fine for you.

If you can, shoot them all. If not, you probably won't go wrong just trying different ones out.

Oh and dont forget to get a .22. At $1.50/box, you can get a lot of practice in with a .22 for not a lot of money.
If you end up with a Glock, give some thought to the Advantage Arms .22 conversion kit for the Glock. Its not cheap, but you get to run your actual full sized gun, with .22.
Same grip, same angle, same trigger.

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