Need to borrow a shooting jacket.


NES Member
May 9, 2010
North Shore
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Got a great offer to give high power a shot this weekend. Wondering if anyone has a shooting jacket I can borrow? I'm a XL to XXL tall. I work in Seabrook NH and live in Salem MA. I'll travel to pick up.
Got a great offer to give high power a shot this weekend. Wondering if anyone has a shooting jacket I can borrow? I'm a XL to XXL tall. I work in Seabrook NH and live in Salem MA. I'll travel to pick up.

What club will you be shooting at?
Sorry I don't have one for you to borrow. They are a big help. A friend of mine used to lend me his at Ames for the 200 yard offhand Tuesday night shoots. (Thank you Bill L. if you are reading this.) Good luck with the shoot. Champions Choice has all manner of cool shooting stuff including coats if you decide to buy one later.
White Feather
Short notice but try the used equipment section on You should not have much of a problem finding a loanee at the match if one fits. One thing about high power shooters is their willingness to help a new shooter get into it.
These are decent jackets for casual use they are by no means as good as a CC or creedmore but well made and do a good job for short money. Good like. I started with a old canvas 10x jacket.
I have a spare size 44 Hardback. I guess that would probably be about an XL?

What match? I might be there too.
Thanks to all. I found a 44 that is available to me so I think I'll go with that.
I'll be shooting at Nashua. I'm not exactly new to it as I have shot 3 cmp matches in the past but all were reduced at 100 and 200 yards.
I'll be using my brother in law's rifle and ammo. I think 78gr? Whatever he used and bought a ton of at Camp Perry.

I've never heard of a 78 gr projectile but as long as it's heavier than 55's or 62's you can shoot it at 600 yards at NFGA.
Many of us keep extra ammo on hand for people that may need it.

As long as you can stay on paper and have the proper ammo we'll allow you to shoot.

We also have a strict muzzle down policy you should know about.
Anytime a bolt is being closed on a live round the muzzle MUST be pointed horizontal or lower.
The area behind the impact berm at NFGA is populated. If there were ever a slamfire with an elevated muzzle and the round
left the range over the berm the potential is very high to get the entire club shit down for good.

Other than those simple and common rules we try to have a good time and run a decent match.

Let's hope the weather holds up and we get to shoot.

How did you do?

He did great!

Some of the best shooting I have seen from a 1st time 200/300/600 cross the course shooter.
His Brother in Law lightly coached him with positions, sling use and sight come ups.
His safe rifle handling habits were perfect and we never had to repeat the muzzle down rule to him once.
He had to use his brother in laws zero's so it took him a bit to get dialed in.

What I was most impressed with was that in the rapids he took the time to aim and squeeze all shots off properly as opposed to dumping the mags as fast as possible spraying shots all over the place. As a result he saved rounds in the rapids but the shots he had on paper were in very good groups for his stage in the game.

He got to try on a few Creedmoor coats so now he knows what size he needs and he even got a lead on a fair deal on a used one from another shooter that was there.

I was very impressed with how he did and i hope he sticks with it!

The weather was rainy. We had over 20 people when we started the match but then all but 6 people dropped out when the rain got heavy. There was an odd number remaining that were willing to shoot in the rain so I just ran the line as opposed to the usual run the line / pits and shoot the match too.

I got the match results posted online last night.
On a side note, was I the only one thinking it was Ms. Damato and that she looked like the girl from The Fifth Element?
cool, strangely Im actually looking forward to shooting in the rain someday. I picked up my rifle in nov 2011 only was able to go to Reading 2 times in 2012 and once 2013. Ny scores go up every time....I have only been to a handfull of local cmp matches this year. If I didnt use my pelletguns I would have 0 practice...
cool, strangely Im actually looking forward to shooting in the rain someday. I picked up my rifle in nov 2011 only was able to go to Reading 2 times in 2012 and once 2013. Ny scores go up every time....I have only been to a handfull of local cmp matches this year. If I didnt use my pelletguns I would have 0 practice...

Why didn't you come to NFGA Saturday?
To far reading is about as far north as I can get to in reasonable time to get back home. Babysitters are tough enough to get on weekends let alone for more than a few hours.....maybe next year.
Might want to look around a bit before doing anything. I have read over on cmp forums that Augusta Arsenal was known to blue some rebuilds at the end of WWII could someone have just huffed it to a shine?
G Smith,
Thanks for the encouragement, I had a great time as expected.
Also as expected I'm now trying to figure out how to con my wife out of the money to buy some equipment. My son is only 2 so I'm having a hard time convincing her that any of it is for him. ;-)
G Smith,
Thanks for the encouragement, I had a great time as expected.
Also as expected I'm now trying to figure out how to con my wife out of the money to buy some equipment. My son is only 2 so I'm having a hard time convincing her that any of it is for him. ;-)

If she reads post #24, it might just get a little more difficult.
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