Need upper guidance

Aug 10, 2005
Feedback: 6 / 0 / 0
I own a Bushmaster DCM model. I would like to purchase a fully assembled upper, use my Bushmaster bolt and charging handle and after removing the 3 pounds of lead from the stock end up with a 16” barreled plinker that I could, once or twice a month, convert back to a DCM rifle. I want a flat top upper so I can use some optics. This is going to be an economy plinker so I want an inexpensive, yet functional upper. I have been search the web and shotgun news and it seems the
hassome good values. Opinions and comments welcome. I need some guidance.
I just got a complete new S&W flat top upper with every thing, plus the guy threw in a colt carrying handle and front sight for $461 on gun broker..

There's some gun shops on gun broker that have some great deals on new uppers..

Wait untill the last minute and you can catch a deal..
I just got a complete new S&W flat top upper with every thing, plus the guy threw in a colt carrying handle and front sight for $461 on gun broker..

There's some gun shops on gun broker that have some great deals on new uppers..

Wait untill the last minute and you can catch a deal..

That sounds like a pretty good deal.

I purchased one from Del-ton ( that has been 100% reliable. It was $395 w/ BCG, $305 without.

Here is my review:
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