Never met a movie I couldn't get through until now

Whacky dirt eating Shailene Woodley in uniform chasing a sniper seemed like a lay up. I could forgive cops going to multiple victim locations and directing lasers through trajectory paths to find the sniper hide and then grit through the FBI honcho say "no brass and no casings". But it really took its toll.


Antonio Bandaras, I think the movie was 'Sin'.

Got up and walked out of the theatre.
Not a movie but The Wire was a complete waste of time for me. The worst part I kept thinking it was going to get better so I kept watching. Watched the last episode looking for the next episode icon in the corner of the screen. I wanted to gouge my eyes out with a fork.
That's nothing.

Try A Serbian Film.
That and the centipede thing = stuff i don't need to see even if fake, seen enough gory real world humans dying/burned, although the one that actually probably bothered me the most was where those a**h***s that burned the cat alive, simply for it having committed the crime of existing.
That and the centipede thing = stuff i don't need to see even if fake, seen enough gory real world humans dying/burned, although the one that actually probably bothered me the most was where those a**h***s that burned the cat alive, simply for it having committed the crime of existing.

The centipede thing was so wild it was satire. I thought it was pretty funny.

I thought A Serbian Film would be like that: so gonzo that it would be ridiculous. It... wasn't.
I love history, specially from Napoleon to WW1. So much happened. So I was looking forward it.

Not even the battles were good. The movie should have been a series, and the battles should have been epic.

It could have been awesome.

That’s one of those movies I assumed was good, cause who’d make a bad movie about Napoleon?
If you haven’t seen the English patient (ex dragged me to the movies, back in the days), then you don’t even know the meaning of boring.

I fell asleep quickly watching that movie and I guess my stereo volume was too high cause when the plane crashed it scared the shit out of me!
I made it 45 seconds into this movie, no joke.

The camera shake is so over the top, I said “nope.” It makes Blair Witch look like it was shot on a gimbal.

I made it 45 seconds into this movie, no joke.

The camera shake is so over the top, I said “nope.” It makes Blair Witch look like it was shot on a gimbal.

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I really hate that whenever a game or movie goes like full hipster edgelord bullshit like that. Like we dont need the screen to shake, it doesnt enhance the product. [rofl]

I cant explain this one. I love action movies. I like spies. I am a Tom Cruise fan.

For some reason 3/4 into every Mission Impossible movie I've 'watched', my head drops back, I start drooling, the snoring starts, and I start catching flies.
I slogged through Mullholland Drive last night. I was ready to hit RECORD on the DVR and watch the rest another nigth, but discovered I was 11 minutes until the end.

"REALLY?? We're. . . .like in the middle of this thing."

11 minutes later, "WHAT THE ACTUAL F?"

I mean, you get to see Naomi Watts topless. And Hank's wife from Breaking Bad, younger, topless was nice too. But WHATDAFORK???? There were scenes in the movie that just didn't even match with the rest of it. And it JUST F'ING ENDS!

I've read that Lynch gave a clue-card with the DVD with 10 clues. I'm sorry. If I wanted a movie with homework, I'd go back to 8th grade.

Funny is this: He DID put a lot of thought into it. The entire first 2 hours (yes, I did just say that), the acting is. . . . thin, fake, bad. Frickin Betty is just annoying. The etnire time, I'm thinking, "WTF? Naomi Watts is a better actress than that." Then you get that last 30 min of her being the OTHER person. Oooooh. Wow. Not just a complete make-up and hairdo job. But she's visceral and real. Strangest part - Lynch said the first 2/3+ of hte movie is NOT a dream. Ummmmm. WTF?

It's been 12 hours and it's still pissing me off. LOL
One of the best movies ever! Watch it a few more times, you'll get it eventually.
I slogged through Mullholland Drive last night. I was ready to hit RECORD on the DVR and watch the rest another nigth, but discovered I was 11 minutes until the end.

"REALLY?? We're. . . .like in the middle of this thing."

11 minutes later, "WHAT THE ACTUAL F?"

I mean, you get to see Naomi Watts topless. And Hank's wife from Breaking Bad, younger, topless was nice too. But WHATDAFORK???? There were scenes in the movie that just didn't even match with the rest of it. And it JUST F'ING ENDS!

I've read that Lynch gave a clue-card with the DVD with 10 clues. I'm sorry. If I wanted a movie with homework, I'd go back to 8th grade.

Funny is this: He DID put a lot of thought into it. The entire first 2 hours (yes, I did just say that), the acting is. . . . thin, fake, bad. Frickin Betty is just annoying. The etnire time, I'm thinking, "WTF? Naomi Watts is a better actress than that." Then you get that last 30 min of her being the OTHER person. Oooooh. Wow. Not just a complete make-up and hairdo job. But she's visceral and real. Strangest part - Lynch said the first 2/3+ of hte movie is NOT a dream. Ummmmm. WTF?

It's been 12 hours and it's still pissing me off. LOL
She was dreaming about past events including having the other chick murdered then woke up and bang
Not a movie but The Wire was a complete waste of time for me. The worst part I kept thinking it was going to get better so I kept watching. Watched the last episode looking for the next episode icon in the corner of the screen. I wanted to gouge my eyes out with a fork.
Didn’t you like Donut? He’s crazy with cars!
David Lynch.


Oh come on. I love watching Dune with the bad overdubbed thinking-whisper thing. That is the true sign of a bad movie - you have to have teh actor whisper to further the plot. Dune. Carlito's Way. Just terrible terrible movies.

Not a movie but The Wire was a complete waste of time for me. The worst part I kept thinking it was going to get better so I kept watching. Watched the last episode looking for the next episode icon in the corner of the screen. I wanted to gouge my eyes out with a fork.

Amen. It was a 2 night mini-series strung out into 13(?) episodes. I've never got it.

I cant explain this one. I love action movies. I like spies. I am a Tom Cruise fan.

For some reason 3/4 into every Mission Impossible movie I've 'watched', my head drops back, I start drooling, the snoring starts, and I start catching flies.
The first one was OK. The one with Seymore Fillip Whatever - meh. The one with the bike duel? Stupid. The latest 3 - with this super-plot of this strange english guy and the MI6 agent double agent triple agent chick - HARD PASS.

Hell, the same thing with ALL of the recent Bond flicks. Stop. Just stop having SO MUCH CONTINUITY! Sheesh. "I am here to kill you, Mr. Bond." "Mr. Bond, I am here to kill you - btw - I sent that last guy to kill you." "Mr. Bond. . . . " repeat. They make them SO un-re-watchable.

One of the best movies ever! Watch it a few more times, you'll get it eventually.

Mmmmm. Maybe for Schrader's wife's boobs. LOL

She was dreaming about past events including having the other chick murdered then woke up and bang

Actually, I was so annoyed I looked it up and Lynch said it most definitely is NOT this. LOL. That's when I decided I wasn't going to watch it again.

I don't need movies with homework. If you want me to watch a second time, you gotta give me something more than just "ha. You missed 58 things - you gotta go watch again." There is no thrill in that.
Had a string of awful movies we randomly picked recently.

It was this one, The Menu, and Blink Twice
Great timing, Runaway Jury popped up in my feed after watching Unforgiven. What a POS. I FF through most of it because I wanted to see how bad the virtue signaling would the charts bad.

for those that haven't seen it, don't. The plot is a lawsuit against a firearms manufacturer after a workplace shooting and jury shenanigans

I doubt it happened there but it is kinda funny in Lord of War where they do all this virtue signaling about "See guns r bad, it ruined this guys life basically" then 10 seconds later they basically show a bunch of the villagers getting hacked to death with machetes or something, which more or less proves the point most of us have been trying to make for eons.
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