New Berry's bullets

Jan 15, 2018
Not Massachusetts
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I was not aware of these until today, but Berry's released last year some new offerings among which are some thick plated 200 and 220 grain 10mm bullets as well as a 100gr bullet for .30 Super Carry, but which is also compatible for various .32 and .327 Magnum calibers.

20¢ each seems really expensive, am I out of touch?
There will be cheaper prices from other retailers in the future.
200 grain 10mm sounds awesome- can't wait to load a hot version of these.
The current 200gr .40/10mm bullet that Berry's makes is generally enough from pistols as it's tough to get more than 1250fps with that without going over SAAMI pressures, but from a carbine that's not difficult, so I view these thick plate bullets as being for carbine use as well as pistol.

This is the first 220gr offering by Berry's in the 10mm, which is nice to see, I will have to get some of those in the future.
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