New Hampshire Metallic Silhouette 2023 Schedule

Mar 21, 2008
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Covid is behind us and the 2023 Silhouette Shooting Season is just 1 mud season away. NRA Approved Silhouette matches are held at three different clubs in NH. Mont Vernon, Dunbarton and Holderness. Mont Vernon and Dunbarton are 100m ranges while Holderness shoots a 200m discipline.

The purpose here is to provide a link to the schedule, NRA match bulletins and match results.

Always looking to finding more folks interested sharing their passion and interest in competitive shooting.

2023 NRA Silhouette NH Schedule and past results

Printable 2023 Schedule in PDF
Are there any High Power Metallic Silhouette matches/ranges in New England? Only spots I know of are in PA...Williamsport, Ridgway
I looked and looked for High Power and Black Powder Silhouette in NH or surrounding states.
For a regulation range, shooting NRA approved matches, Ridgway unfortunately was one of the closest.
There's Shippensburg down near York PA.
Cumberland County Rifle Men in NJ have a regulation silhouette range and hold NRA approved BPRC shoots.
I'm Not sure about High Power.

Treat yourself.
Contact Ridgway and attend a shoot.
You'll be amazed with the ranges.
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