New Hampshire Non-Resident LTC

I had mine in my hand in less than two weeks. Granted, there was an error for my DOB and it took another week.
Two weeks tops! :D

My first NH CCW took 9 days from door to door. Last renewal took 16 days . . . but they were just switching from paper licenses to a plastic cc type license and printing them in batches (I called and was told this when I didn't get it in less than 2 weeks . . . received it 2 days after my phone call).
Greg said:
Any more info on doing this ? I would like to get a LTC for NH,since MA shares reciprocity (?) with no-one.A MA LTC A should be carte blanche in the rest of the US,but it's not.LOL

I'll email you the app. Fill it out, send it in with a check for $20, and a photo copy(both sides) of your MA LTC and send it in to the address on the form. Email inbound....

NH Residents get a 50% discount on the CCW, it cost them $10/4 years.

The form and instructions can be found here:

I don't carry around my FL CCW, only my MA and NH. No use or need in carrying other states CCW permits if they aren't recognized here (or where I'm likely to just get in the car and drive).
My first NH Non-Res application was a real shock. I phoned their office about 3:30 on a Friday afternoon. The girl who was answered was polite, cherful, and took my name and address. I walked down to the mailbox Saturday morning and was surprised to find an application there. I filled it out (had to wait till Monday to use the photocopier at work, cheap bastard that I am) and put it into the mail on Tuesday. That Saturday morning, there's the NH license in my mailbox!

The NH license is the same for residents and non-residents (cost, term, requirements). Whether a resident or not, you only need a license for concealed carry. Transportation, possession and open carry without any license are completely legal. (Of course, with all the Ma**h***s moving north over the past couple of decades, you'll probably get hassled for doing that in the southern part of the state.)

One additional benefit of having a NH permit is that they have some very nice (I was tempted to say liberal, but that would have given the wrong impression.) reciprocity policies. As a result, even your non-resident NH license lets you carry in 10 other states, none of which recognize your Mass resident LTC, since Mass won't recognize theirs. [AL, CO, GA, LA, MI, MT, ND, NC, PA & WY, according to]
Greg said:
Any more info on doing this ? I would like to get a LTC for NH,since MA shares reciprocity (?) with no-one.A MA LTC A should be carte blanche in the rest of the US,but it's not.LOL

If Mass. recognized other states CCW and if an out of state LTC wasn't next to impossible to get, it probably would be.
I got my NH application all filled out, sitting on my counter. The short wait is good news!!! Now, all i have to do is get off my arse and mail it in!
zombie, I'm not sure I understand your point?

A MA NR LTC is VERY easy to get, especially in comparison to many towns/cities in Eastern MA for Residents! NRs only have to comply with the law, no "add-on" requirements, LTC-A/ALP was all that they were issuing at last report (haven't checked lately, but it is on my "to do" list). It just took forever and a day to get it issued and you were looking at renewal within a few months of getting the last one!

Processing LTC apps in MA is a VERY low priority both at the local PDs and at the State, and each time budgets get cut, people get pulled away from this "unnecessary admin" (in the "PC" brass' opinion) position and get reassigned elsewhere.
They haven't even cashed my check yet. When I dropped off my app, the officer said the Dept. of Mental Health really holds things up because they hand check it.

He didn't know anything about the LTC laws, though. I was surprised.
Yup, DMH takes between 4 weeks and 6 months to respond to the PD request for info. They get not one penny from the changes in licensing laws/fees to do the background checks and they have a "shoebox" filing system. Processing gun applications goes against everything that these tree-huggers believe in, add in the no funding issue and they don't want any part of this process.
Got my NH Non-Res in 8 days. MA does recognize either two or three states LTC's, (last time I checked which was about 4 years ago) but they're all out in the middle of the country. If memory serves (which is doubtful) I think IA was one of them. Fat lot of good that does me. [roll]

No, No, No! MA doesn't recognize ANYONE else's LTC. There are a few states that recognize MA LTC in spite of that (AZ is one of them).

[State law provides that the AG "may" annually review other state's requirements for CCW and create a list for reciprocity. However, pigs would fly before any recent AG would do something that would allow for more legal ownership of guns in MA! Nothing forces the AG to do this, and thus the AG has never and will never do this.]
LenS said:
Yup, DMH takes between 4 weeks and 6 months to respond to the PD request for info. They get not one penny from the changes in licensing laws/fees to do the background checks and they have a "shoebox" filing system. Processing gun applications goes against everything that these tree-huggers believe in, add in the no funding issue and they don't want any part of this process.

Bet it would really light a fire under their fat polically correct asses if somebody out at Framingham were to send them a memo stating, "OK we're required to either deny or approve these license applications within 40 days, so if we don't hear back from you that there's some reason to deny them within X days, we're going to approve them all." I seem to recall using the phrase "until otherwise directed" to deal with a lot of problems involving high ranking people who couldn't seem to understand that the world wouldn't stand still until they got around to making a decision.
LenS said:
zombie, I'm not sure I understand your point?

A MA NR LTC is VERY easy to get, especially in comparison to many towns/cities in Eastern MA for Residents! NRs only have to comply with the law, no "add-on" requirements, LTC-A/ALP was all that they were issuing at last report (haven't checked lately, but it is on my "to do" list). It just took forever and a day to get it issued and you were looking at renewal within a few months of getting the last one!

Processing LTC apps in MA is a VERY low priority both at the local PDs and at the State, and each time budgets get cut, people get pulled away from this "unnecessary admin" (in the "PC" brass' opinion) position and get reassigned elsewhere.

Last I heard, in order to get a Mass. NR LTC, you had to show a "need" to be issued. They were no longer issuing "any lawful purpose" permits to out of state residents. If you know that's changed, please, let me know.
Ken, I think that many of the less anal PDs in MA are issuing in spite of no response from DMH. It's up to the PD to decide to wait for eternity or not.

Zombie, I will be checking with the state on the NR LTC issue. Considering who is the Sec of Public Safety currently, that change wouldn't surprise me at all. I did ask Chief Ron Glidden about it a few weeks ago and he didn't know what they were doing about NR LTCs.
derek said:
It arrived! :D

The one nice thing about NH is they figure the legicritters in MA made the law so tough that if you can get a MA LTC, they don't have any problems giving you a NH LTC and it saves them having to do a check. :D
Lynne said:
derek said:
It arrived! :D

The one nice thing about NH is they figure the legicritters in MA made the law so tough that if you can get a MA LTC, they don't have any problems giving you a NH LTC and it saves them having to do a check. :D

I think you're right.
LenS said:
Ken, I think that many of the less anal PDs in MA are issuing in spite of no response from DMH. It's up to the PD to decide to wait for eternity or not.

Oh, I know that, Len. How else would those of us in those few sane locations get our renewals within a semi-reasonable period. My point was for some issuing authority to make a big public production of it; just quietly ignoring DPH doesn't turn the heat up enough. Of course I'm just fantisizing, since I know it'll never happen. Even so, having one of those little CYA letters in the file would be a good thing for a Chief in case someone he issued a license ever turned out to be a certified nut job. [oops]

Wait time?

I believe NH must issue the Pistol/Revolver license in 2 weeks, by law. Mine took about that long. Have my Resident application all made out and ready to deliver when I move on June 3rd. The woman at the PD does all the checks, and said it takes 2 weeks or less. NH is a "shall issue" state. [lol]
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