New M&P problem?

I dunno but I heard on WBZ 1030 AM this morning that either SF or LA just ordered a crap load of S&W M&P as well as "assault" rifles yesterday.

Go figure.
I took my M&P 45 to the range yesterday, fired 200 rounds of mixed ammo, down range, was pretty impressed with the way it shoots.... Hollow points, FMJ, TMJ and a mixture of sorts in the magazine... Slow fire, rapid fire, double taps, triple taps, two handed, one handed.... Has a natural point of aim, and all ten rounds in rapid fire session were all in center mass area between belly-button and neck line....Still carry my Glock 17 though.... I know when I press the trigger, it will go bang instead of kaboom....
Just got an M&P compact .40...I don't want to read bad stuff about it right now. I was still deciding between the 9 and .40 on my way to the shop to purchase too.
Geesh...S&W continues to be plagued with Q.C. issues ! You will recall that several years ago a bad batch of Model 64 revolvers were sent to the Department of Corrections down somewhere in either North or South Carolina, I believe. It seems like S&W has issues with LE contracts, and it is historical fact in years gone by, frequently contract handguns were not made to the same level as the fit and finish of the commercial product.

What might be at work here, too, is the predjudice against S&W by some of the LASD leadership. For the past thirty years or so, S&W has taken the back seat in the LE market, some of it justified, and some not. Overall their Third Gen pistols were comparible to anything coming out of Sig or Beretta, but once they lost the segment of the LE market to the allmighty Glock, they really worked hard to try to get that segment back, and it would be a shame if we are seeing a return to an unfortunate era of S&W history when "close enough" was the standard. They are not going to get a lot of slack cut for them because of past trangressions. Their track record has to be close to perfect. It may be that the LASD administrators are either overreacting (which is a fairly typical LE move) or there are some vey pro-Beretta people (an LASD favorite) who will go to any lengths to ensure that Beretta remains the most widely used weapon on the LASD, even to the point that they will use the failure of some S&W pistols to exclude them from further consideration as a duty weapon.

An individual's particular experience with a particular handgun (or any other piece of equipment) is at best anecdotal as there are individual specimens of manufactured goods which are either very superior or very inferior to the norm. The real trends manifest themselves when a particular handgun is issued in quantity and certain generalizations can therefore be made.

If the same kind of problems begin showing up in other contract orders, then S&W definitely has a problem, most likely not with design, but with manufacture.

Can you say Bangor Punta, boys and girls? (those who are Smith fans know what I am talking about [wink])

Mark056 (a Smith and Wesson stockholder)
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I have yet to have a what I consider a functions issue with the M&P's I've had in (400 plus) I will say that many departments use "reloads" from training an qualifying officers(not all) but many do this to save some money. I would venture to say that most FTE's are ammo related. Many times it can also be wrist firmness on the shooters part. True malfunctions due to parts fit or breakage will easily be repeatable. If it does it once in 100 rounds it is more likely the ammo. Only chronographing the ammo will prove this. Greg
Our PD just got thru their annual qualification run with their M&P 45s. They ran Speer LE Lawman RHT 45 Auto 155 gr Frangible Cleanfire for their qualifications. I'm pretty sure that they are carrying 230gr ammo for duty use.

These very different ammos must result in very different characteristics (training vs. carry) . . . feeding, recoil, etc. and perhaps can result in failures that might not occur with the carry ammo.
Our PD just got thru their annual qualification run with their M&P 45s. They ran Speer LE Lawman RHT 45 Auto 155 gr Frangible Cleanfire for their qualifications. I'm pretty sure that they are carrying 230gr ammo for duty use.

These very different ammos must result in very different characteristics (training vs. carry) . . . feeding, recoil, etc. and perhaps can result in failures that might not occur with the carry ammo.

Good points have been made about the ammo issue by several posters.

It's amazing that in 2009, some departments still use training ammo that is radically different from the duty ammo. I thought the axiom: "you fight like you train" had more or less become the mantra in police training circles...I guess not.

It was Detroit that announced they are buying 5000 M&P in .40. Smith and Wesson has a announcment on their web site. A unconfirmed report is that Milwaukee PD is going to replace all there Glocks with M&P also. Milwaukee has been having problems with their Glocks. I guess Glocks latest attempt at fixing the probelm did not work to their satisfaction
How cool would that be if S&W M&P stole most of Glocks market here in the US? Go USA!

It should be common practice for our government to buy American products. I know everyone loves Glocks, myself included but I chose to spend my money with Smith&Wesson to support US
The only thing "wrong" with my M&P9c is the shitty trigger which I got fixed by Dave Santurri. Its a beauty now! Never had any extraction/misfire issues, never used reloads though. The only thing with S&Ws QC is their triggers come off the line from 10lbs to 20lbs and some are grainy and rough.... nothing a good gunsmith like Greg Derr or Dave Santurri can't fix cheaply and quickly
OT, but is it legal to modify the trigger pull in MA?

Yes, they just need to make the trigger "MA Compliant" out of the factory. You can also get a gunsmith (or yourself if you know what you're doing) to remove the mag disconnect safety
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