New Marlin XT-22 .22LR

Feb 15, 2011
Worcester, MA
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After becoming aware of how expensive it is to shoot shotshells every week on 3 rounds of skeet, I think that it's time for me to pick up a .22 to go plinking and form good shooting habits before I step up to a 700P [smile]

After searching around, I didn't find anything here about the new Marlin XT-22 coming out.

Specifically, I was looking at the -22VR (heavy barrel). Any recommendations or opinions? Since it's such a new rifle, I'll probably wait for the reviews to come out on them to see if they're worth the buy or not. But right now though, it looks like a great gun to pick up to shoot on the cheap.
never rule out some of the older remington bolt actions or even mossbergs.......The CMP has/had some nice kimbers ?
Since your program (getting a little experience and practice) is pretty undemanding, if you like the rifle when you hold it your hands, I'd bet you'd be happy with it. This is based on the Marlin's reputation, not on any particular knowledge. You might be just as happy with a rifle from Savage, or a number of other manufacturers. The difference in how they shoot isn't going to amount to anything outside of a serious target match.

I'd add this question to yours. If I want a rifle more or less like this, and I want a good set of target-type peep sights (i.e. click-adjustable to at least 1/2 MOA), how do I go about getting it set up, and how much will the sights add to the cost of the rifle?
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