New Saiga 7.62x39


NES Member
Mar 26, 2008
Central Vermont
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So I purchased one of these rifles last night, with the 20 inch barrel.

I will eventually be converting this to a standard AK configuration with a scope, I ordered some of the parts this morning.

However, before I do the full conversion to the pistol grip/stock which involves various cutting and drilling and whatnot, I decided to take an intermediate step and try out the stock that you can order from cheaper than dirt or various other places which includes a pistol grip ON the stock, so you don't end up moving the trigger and guard forward, though it is an adjustable stock so will be pinned.

I am posting about this because I searched around and hadn't found too many folks who have used this stock and thought someone out there might be interested when purchasing their own Saiga.

I will post here how it works and looks after I receive it.

I am also replacing the FCG and adding the bullet guide to allow it to accept pre ban AK mags. I will also be making sure I have enough US parts to comply with the law.

After I have tried the new stock/pistol grip combo sufficiantly, I will either then continue with the conversion or purchase a second Saiga and do the complete conversion on that one and post the results.

Since this is the 20 inch barrel, it will be scoped as well.

Can anyone suggest a good yet decently priced optic? And a source for preban AK mags?
Check either Tantal Collector's source or Kalinka Optics for a scope set up and other parts you may want/need. A google search should bring up both suppliers.

I've seen a few stocks including one from Tapco that looks promising, but if you're going to scope this rifle, consider getting one of the factory Saiga dragunov style stocks with flip up cheek rest for extra cheek weld height when using a scope. I have one on my .308 Saiga and it feels and shoots way better than the sporter stock.



I saw one for sale at the Wilmington show from the guy who is usually on the back wall at every show with bins full of parts and stocks and they're still online here and there, mainly on auction sites.
I finally finished it. I have a scope mount on it with two rails, one is currently occupied by a green laser (5mW green laser sight by Firefield). It comes with both the butt cap switch and a pressure switch. Works pretty well out to maybe 100 yards in daytime.

I also have a Leapers 6x32 Mini Mil-Dot scope on the top rail. The scope itself works pretty well, I had it zeroed to 200 yards.

You can't use the iron sights with the scope mount, however.

Strangely, the scope mount attachement point on the side of the receiver was just a little to big to allow the scope mount I ordered to fit, so I had to grind a little bit off the bottom, leveing a nice bright silver stripe underneath it. That's ok though, it matches all the other little scrapes this thing took while I worked on it. Oh boy do I have some touching up to do.

I've used the drop in adjustable stock with the pistol grip on the stock. I have not moved the trigger forward.

A lot of people told me before hand that installing the bullet guide was a simple project, and yes, it IS simple, IF you have a drill press and skills with a tap, and make sure, absolutely sure, that you mark and measure correctly.

I had more problems installing my bullet guide than you would believe. First, I marked the hole for the guild just slightly, ever so slightly, off center. I don't know if something moved while I was marking, or what.

Then, I broke the tap off in the hole I had drilled. Never did get it out, even after ordering a tool to remove it.

Third, the bullet guide I ordered from Danzig Arms was just great. Unfortunately, I ordered the one for a curved trunion. Mine was flat.

This meant I had to grind off a significant part of one side of the curved bullet guide to make it work. Oh, did I mention, before I figured this little bit out, that I tried to test feed a bullet from a magazine after installing the bullet guide only to have the bolt dig in to the guild and actually get stuck with a bullet half in the chamber?

I replaced the FCG with no problems, however, as well as the gas block. Strangely, I find that I don't like the new trigger as well as the old one.

I then ground off part of the magazine release lever to allow the preban AK mags to snap in to place. Grind, check, grind, check, grind, check... They all fit pretty well now, though one does have a slight wobble.

Now that it's all set, however, it shoots really well, no jams or misfeeds, every time. I have several old preban magazines and they all work just fine, even the one oddball magazine that will only take 29 rounds instead of 30.

All in all, I learned a lot from this project. I've never even attempted anything like this before and don't consider myself mechanically inclined. I just like to jump headfirst in to things until I learn something.

It was a fun project, and I have a really great rifle now for when the zombies come. And if I ever do find an AR upper, I'll have a little bit more confidence in putting it together.
In Massachusetts, is it legal to modify a Saiga 7.62x39 to accept pre-ban AK magazines? I know you can legally convert it to the pistol grip-style (complying with 922.r), but I'm fuzzy about adding the bullet-guide, to enable the use of the pre-ban mags...
In Massachusetts, is it legal to modify a Saiga 7.62x39 to accept pre-ban AK magazines? I know you can legally convert it to the pistol grip-style (complying with 922.r), but I'm fuzzy about adding the bullet-guide, to enable the use of the pre-ban mags...

Yes, as long as you make the gun AWB compliant in the process of doing so.

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