New Scammer

Sorry......I had posted a few things in the WTB and keep getting PM from users with new registrations and 0 posts. They all delete their profile after a few PM's and the emails are bogus. Was following up on previous posts about new users.............
Time for a scammer mega thread so we can have a running list of recent names and dates all together to compare or discard. Helluva lot easier than trying to search for 20 diff threads with a title of who knows what just to find and match one name.
Time for a scammer mega thread so we can have a running list of recent names and dates all together to compare or discard. Helluva lot easier than trying to search for 20 diff threads with a title of who knows what just to find and match one name.
e. e. cummings Dept.​

Besides the use of trailing digits, another tell is that
the screen name contains no capital letters.

( [shocked] )
I haven’t seen much of what some of you are reporting.

I’ve been getting private messages from ads but the people ask a question such as “is _________ still available” but then they turn the conversation off for replies.

Thats happened a few times recently.
I haven’t seen much of what some of you are reporting.

I’ve been getting private messages from ads but the people ask a question such as “is _________ still available” but then they turn the conversation off for replies.

Thats happened a few times recently.
are you posting WTB ads? those seem to be the ones they reply to
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