New Style PPK/S still bites?!?!


NES Member
Oct 20, 2009
Quincy, MA
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I just purchased a used PPK/S and I have to say, I love the little pistol. I find it to be a great compromise in power and size, with a bit of style. Unfortunately, it is biting the hand that feeds it. Now I know the PPK/S was redesigned with a longer tang to help defeat the "slide bite" but that elongated tang is biting me. I have some pics to illustrate.




It seems that the left edge of the tang is actually very sharp where the flat side of the grip meets the curved top and bottom of the tang and that's biting into my thumb nickle. Has anyone else experienced this, and if so, found a fix?
Never experienced myself as I do not have a PPK/S (yet?) but I would think that the solution would be careful application of a file, sand/emery paper and cold blue to the offending edge or corner.

[smile] I got big hands. With my Colt 45 SA I can't get but two fingers under trigger guard and on the grip. My PPK / S is my favorite "pocket pistol" I never have been slide bitten by that piece. I shot a newer Kel- Tec (sp) and that one just has too much kick for a .380 Maybe those who have slide cut issues might be helped by some grip changes. Of course I am trying (unsuccessfully) to not be smart ass sounding but I bet grip problems are the biggest cause and thus can be fixed. Trouble is this has to be practiced to be maintained and with the rareity and cost of this ammo these days that is a problem.
My smart ass two cents worth.
I've got an older Interarms PPK/s. Original style grip tang and I've never been bitten. Average size hands.

I'm trying to remember the name of the gunsmith who offers "edge melting" services on carry guns, especially on the PPK series which seem to have sharp edges out of the box. Darn. I'll keep thinking.
I have a S+W PPK/S and have also had the gun gouge in to my hand when shooting. I believe the only fixes are to either buy grips that help round out the edges or like some have said either you or a gun smith could smooth out the edges of the frame. Myself I am leaning towards trying a new set of grips first then maybe have the edges rounded.
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