New to the Gun World

Feb 27, 2009
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Hey guys,
I just signed up to the forums, and am interested in getting my LTC soon. Has anyone had any experience with Danvers. It is listed as a black city, so should I even bother applying for the class A? A situation has developed at work that has made me feel threatened, and I figured this is the only way I'll feel at ease. Back in 2007 I appeared in court for displaying a false inspection sticker on my car, but the case was just thrown out. Other than that, I have never had any problems with the law. How much will this effect my chances? Any input would be appreciated.
Welcome to the forums...In this state, a false inspection sticker, (has anyone not done that?) could label you as an enemy of the state and you're likely on a watch list...[wink]

Seriously though, just apply - if you can't help where you live, (can't move to a green town), then take your class, cross your i's dot your t's and go for it. I would not say anything to the licensing officer about feeling the need to defend yourself - just fill out your forms and go for ALP - the worse they can say is: "no thanks".... After all, some CLEO's take great pride in limiting your rights....[thinking]
I'm going to give it a try. If they didn't approve a class A, would they offer a B or an FID, so I can at least have something in my home? Or do you have to apply again for that?
My office is in Danvers, and I did live there when I was in high school. That being said, I know several people with LTC class A in Danvers. I am not sure if they have all had them for a long time, but I will ask around. Have you gone down to the PD?
I'm going to give it a try. If they didn't approve a class A, would they offer a B or an FID, so I can at least have something in my home? Or do you have to apply again for that?

I think you'll be okay, (but hey - I live in Western Mass, so what do I know?). Just apply for your Class A ALP, (no restrictions). If you're a "good citizen" in the eyes of the CLEO, they will likely approve your Class-A, but could give it to you with "restrictions".... Make sure all your "papers are in order", dress neatly, be friendly and slip him a C-note, (kidding)... [grin]

Good luck!
Welcome to the forums...In this state, a false inspection sticker, (has anyone not done that?) could label you as an enemy of the state and you're likely on a watch list...[wink]

Actually, a false inspection sticker is a Felony here in Mass.
That's considered "forging a state document".
I remememer recovering a stolen car once for the police and it had a fake sticker on it. The cops charged the owner of the car with the felony. Talk about adding insult to injury.
Serpent, you're very lucky to get that thrown out.
If you were convicted, you'd automatically be disqualified from getting an LTC.
Serpent, you're very lucky to get that thrown out.
If you were convicted, you'd automatically be disqualified from getting an LTC.

Believe me, I was very nervous when I went in for that. I have never been arrested, or in trouble with the law in any shape or form. That must have been why they threw it out. The day it happened, the officer didn't even arrest me. He told me to get right to an inspection station...he was very cool about the whole thing...............Lesson learned on that one.
Believe me, I was very nervous when I went in for that. I have never been arrested, or in trouble with the law in any shape or form. That must have been why they threw it out. The day it happened, the officer didn't even arrest me. He told me to get right to an inspection station...he was very cool about the whole thing...............Lesson learned on that one.

Cops have different ways they can write you up for different offenses. It sounds like he didn't charge you with the felony of "forgery of state document", but of the far lesser charge of simple "uninspected motor vehicle".
Cops have different ways they can write you up for different offenses. It sounds like he didn't charge you with the felony of "forgery of state document", but of the far lesser charge of simple "uninspected motor vehicle".

I am not sure how he wrote it up, but he said he wasn't arresting me, but summoning me to court. I did have to pay fifty bucks for having an uninspected motor vehicle, and the magistrate did say he was dropping the criminal charges. Either way, it was really scary at the time. I just hope that when I put that on question 10 of the LTC application it does not automatically disqualify me.
If I remember correctly, typo1313 listed it as black because a guy with no experience walked in there looking for an ALP and he got B-rammed. Check the uberthread for more but I would say one possible strategy would be to just ask for A restricted or go for ALP but be clear about your co-worker situation. Danvers will issue unrestricted but only after you have been an owner for a while. A real help in your situation...[rolleyes]
Danvers will issue unrestricted but only after you have been an owner for a while. A real help in your situation...[rolleyes]

I just went to a local shop, and the guys there said that Danvers isn't that bad for permits, so I am just going to go for the LTC-A ALP, and I met someone there who offered the safety course. We will see what happens...
I just went to a local shop, and the guys there said that Danvers isn't that bad for permits, so I am just going to go for the LTC-A ALP, and I met someone there who offered the safety course. We will see what happens...

Post here when you got your permit and let everyone know how it went. The other guys story surprised me a little so it is possible we didn't get the whole story.
So, I had my interview today. I got my class A with a restriction on concealment. The detective felt that given my very limited experience(just going to Manchester Firing Range twice in the past two weeks) he had to place the restriction on my license. I am happy none the less. Are there any good clubs to join in the Danvers area? I was thinking a glock 23 or a M & P .40 for my first gun. Any suggestions on these two guns?
The detective felt that given my very limited experience(just going to Manchester Firing Range twice in the past two weeks) he had to place the restriction on my license.

While I had fired firearms (legally) in another state (10+ years ago), the detective never asked me anything about it. From the content of our conversation, he would have no way of knowing if I had ever seen a gun in person (other than the safety class I suppose). Further more when he asked about "hunting and sport", I said, "I don't hunt" (moreover, without a license, how could I have?) My justification for ALP was basically "self defense"...

Obviously, as you have read around here, its a crap shoot, and I am glad you got what you are looking for, but its disappointing that you got a pretty lame excuse for a restricted license (but you would not be the first or only)...

I like the M&Ps much more than glocks, but that's just my useless opinion...

Congrats and good hunting...
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So, I had my interview today. I got my class A with a restriction on concealment. The detective felt that given my very limited experience(just going to Manchester Firing Range twice in the past two weeks) he had to place the restriction on my license. I am happy none the less. Are there any good clubs to join in the Danvers area? I was thinking a glock 23 or a M & P .40 for my first gun. Any suggestions on these two guns?

Danvers Fish and game back by Market basket.
Believe me, I was very nervous when I went in for that. I have never been arrested, or in trouble with the law in any shape or form. That must have been why they threw it out. The day it happened, the officer didn't even arrest me. He told me to get right to an inspection station...he was very cool about the whole thing...............Lesson learned on that one.

Don't feel guilty! Who cares, the only bad thing would be that you couldn't get your license, but you did. Just the state being bullies.

I have an M&P 9mm and I really like it. I would definitely buy that gun in another caliber and/or compact. That .40 ammo is going to add up real face if you want to practice a lot. Are you able to buy a .22 along with that purchase so you can practice more? I'd go with the .40 but start saving right away for a .22.

Have fun and see if you can't find someone in your area to help teach you the ropes! Welcome.

my buddy just got his ltc from danvers. his took 10 weeks. as far as m&p or glock, try some Walther's and Sig's before you decide.
Are you able to buy a .22 along with that purchase so you can practice more? I'd go with the .40 but start saving right away for a .22.

That sounds like a good idea. I do like the M&P alot, but I agree on the expense of the ammo. The detective said to come back after I have some practice and he would lift the restriction on concealment.

I do want to get an AK or AR before Obama bans them. How does that type of stuff work here in Mass?

I can already see the money adding up, and I don't even have the license yet.
Hey guys,
I just signed up to the forums, and am interested in getting my LTC soon. Has anyone had any experience with Danvers. It is listed as a black city, so should I even bother applying for the class A? A situation has developed at work that has made me feel threatened, and I figured this is the only way I'll feel at ease. Back in 2007 I appeared in court for displaying a false inspection sticker on my car, but the case was just thrown out. Other than that, I have never had any problems with the law. How much will this effect my chances? Any input would be appreciated.

Talk to one of the lawyers on this forum specializing in firearms law. I'm not sure what they charge for a consult, but they sure as hell can improve whatever chances you may have of getting an ALP..that having been said, in some towns basically you have to be having sex with a high city official to get an ALP.
That sounds like a good idea. I do like the M&P alot, but I agree on the expense of the ammo. The detective said to come back after I have some practice and he would lift the restriction on concealment.

I do want to get an AK or AR before Obama bans them. How does that type of stuff work here in Mass?

I can already see the money adding up, and I don't even have the license yet.

I just bought an AR off of a member on the forum. You can check out shops for prices or browse the classified sections here. You're best bet might be to build one so that you can do it in sections and save money. I don't know a lot about that so look around in other posts.

Shooting is an expensive hobby but you can find ways to do it on the cheap. I've got a list a mile long of the things that I want to get so I just prioritize, save up and be patient. I think being patient is the hardest part!
A situation has developed at work that has made me feel threatened, and I figured this is the only way I'll feel at ease. ...

No one has commented on this yet? OK I'll be the a**h***.

Not having any input on what your situation is at work, I have to wonder: do you plan on brandishing a firearm because someone is "threatening" you at work?

Has someone directly threatend your life? Or threatened to take your milk money? There may be other things you need to do first to address this situation, rather than arming yourself in response to an altercation with a coworker.
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No one has commented on this yet? OK I'll be the a**h***.

Not having any input on what your situation is at work, do you plan on brandishing a firearm because someone is "threatening" you at work?

Has someone directly threatend your life? Or threatened to take your milk money? There may be other things you need to do first to address this situation, rather than arming yourself in response to an altercation with a coworker.

yes. Don't do this.
So, I had my interview today. I got my class A with a restriction on concealment. The detective felt that given my very limited experience(just going to Manchester Firing Range twice in the past two weeks) he had to place the restriction on my license. I am happy none the less. Are there any good clubs to join in the Danvers area? I was thinking a glock 23 or a M & P .40 for my first gun. Any suggestions on these two guns?


Both are excellent guns. Try out both and see which feels better in your hand - the grip angle is a little different for each. I prefer the M&P but YMMV.

I'd consider getting them in 9mm vs .40. Good self defense loads in 9 are everybit as effective as .40 from a full sized pistol, are easier to control for a new shooter and cost about 1/2 per round then .40 so you'll shoot/practice more.

As a new shooter, stick with a full sized vs a compact - compact autos in anything over .380 are not as easy to shoot as a fullsized - they're not hard to shoot but it's just easier to develop good shooting habits with a full sized pistol - and you can't CC with a restricted license anyway so there's no need to go small.
Has someone directly threatend your life? Or threatened to take your milk money? There may be other things you need to do first to address this situation, rather than arming yourself in response to an altercation with a coworker.

Thats a good question 45collector. All I can say about the situation is that he is an ex-coworker, and due to past behavior it is the only course of action. I won't be parading around work with a gun or anything like that. My life or livelyhood has not been threatened, but I would not put it past this individual on trying to do something.
I am not sure how he wrote it up, but he said he wasn't arresting me, but summoning me to court. I did have to pay fifty bucks for having an uninspected motor vehicle, and the magistrate did say he was dropping the criminal charges. Either way, it was really scary at the time. I just hope that when I put that on question 10 of the LTC application it does not automatically disqualify me.

If you are worried about the implications you should check with a lawyer before you put in the application. There are a couple of very good ones who frequent this forum. I had some questions before I put in my application and I actually met with a lawyer - he assured me I should not have any problems.

If you want the info send me a PM and I will forward the name and PH# out to you.

In all cases - it is usually best to apply for the full Class A license. Leave it up to the chief in your town to knock it down. Probably the worst that happens is you get a restricted Class A and you will not be able to concealed carry.

Good luck.

While I had fired firearms (legally) in another state (10+ years ago), the detective never asked me anything about it. From the content of our conversation, he would have no way of knowing if I had ever seen a gun in person (other than the safety class I suppose). Further more when he asked about "hunting and sport", I said, "I don't hunt" (moreover, without a license, how could I have?) My justification for ALP was basically "self defense"...

Obviously, as you have read around here, its a crap shoot, and I am glad you got what you are looking for, but its disappointing that you got a pretty lame excuse for a restricted license (but you would not be the first or only)...

I like the M&Ps much more than glocks, but that's just my useless opinion...

Congrats and good hunting...

I think I just found part of the requirement for obtaining an unrestricted Class A LTC in Danvers...

No one has commented on this yet? OK I'll be the a**h***.

Not having any input on what your situation is at work, I have to wonder: do you plan on brandishing a firearm because someone is "threatening" you at work?

Has someone directly threatend your life? Or threatened to take your milk money? There may be other things you need to do first to address this situation, rather than arming yourself in response to an altercation with a coworker.

+1 for pointing this out... if you are comfortable, post more details as people are likely to be able to help.

I didn't get a gun for this reason, but I had a situation come up (posted about it on the forums) where I thought having a gun came in handy. In hindsight, it seems I could have done some things differently.
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