NH 2021 Bill thread: Critical Bills need to be voted on 5/25

Here's the cmt email address....phone numbers below


Might be time to ask the three "Republicans" on the cmte WTF they are thinking killing good bills

Phone: 603-271-1403
Email: Sharon.Carson@leg.state.nh.us

Phone: 603-271-3077
Email: william.gannon@leg.state.nh.us

Phone: 603-271-8631
Email: Harold.French@leg.state.nh.us

If they get enough calls in next hour or two there may be a chance they will see the error of their ways and bring them back up for reconsideration today
A little late in the day, but I didn’t get the thread notification of course. I did email them asking why they did not vote ought to pass, for what it’s worth now.
There is still time for the full Senate to correct the actions of the committee..
Contact your own senator as well as one of the three listed above.
Did you just assume that I have friends?[sad]🙃

Looks like HB334 made it through, HB195 as well with an amendment. No update yet on HB197(I guess it stayed in committee since the 13 May vote) and disappointment on the other three as you've already noted.

Unfortunately the HB197 amendment isnt specific enough and leaves this open to shenanigans/interpretation......the point was to be specific and limit nonsense charges and this fails that test now

Amendment to HB 195 Amend the bill by replacing section 1 with the following: 1 New Paragraph; Reckless Conduct; Exception for Display of a Firearm. Amend RSA 631:3 by inserting after paragraph IV the following new paragraph: V. The act of displaying a firearm shall not, in and of itself and without additional circumstances, constitute reckless conduct under this section.
So the session day packet for tomorrow is available on the Senate calendar. HB440 is listed on it. Does that mean it may have been pulled out of committee despite the earlier referral to committee or is that just wishful thinking?

Also--in the hearing reports for each bill, they list the number of people who signed in to support. That option wasn't available for the 25th committee meeting. I tried with three different browsers. Are they counting emails instead?

Here is HB 334's for/against tally. Not good, but better than HB 195 which was 17 for and 218 against. The above mentioned HB440 is 435 for and 10 against, so that has public support.
HB 334 Hearing Report.PNG
Also--For the record, some of the pro gun organizations providing testimony in the hearings are are listed by name. I saw NHFC, Gun Owners of NH, GOA, Congessional Sportsman Foundation, and NRA in the hearing reports.

Clueless c*** here-I hate these people.
Summary of testimony presented in opposition:
Zandra Rice Hawkins (Gunsense NH)

  • There is a risk of accidental discharge as the result of an accident, bump, or
  • There have been a lot of improvements to safety mechanisms, but they are not
  • In the past couple years well known gun manufacturers, like Sig Sauer, have
had to offer fixed parts for firearms that would go off when dropped.
  • This bill does not specify the year after which the firearm would be permitted to
be carried on an OHRV or snowmobile. ?lol wtf? I need a Brown Bess
  • Does not see a need to have a loaded firearm on an OHRV or snowmobile.
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Also--For the record, some of the pro gun organizations providing testimony in the hearings are are listed by name. I saw NHFC, Gun Owners of NH, GOA, Congessional Sportsman Foundation, and NRA in the hearing reports.

Clueless c*** here-I hate these people.
Summary of testimony presented in opposition:
Zandra Rice Hawkins (Gunsense NH)

  • There is a risk of accidental discharge as the result of an accident, bump, or
  • There have been a lot of improvements to safety mechanisms, but they are not
  • In the past couple years well known gun manufacturers, like Sig Sauer, have
had to offer fixed parts for firearms that would go off when dropped.
  • This bill does not specify the year after which the firearm would be permitted to
be carried on an OHRV or snowmobile. ?lol wtf? I need a Brown Bess
  • Does not see a need to have a loaded firearm on an OHRV or snowmobile.
Where are you seeing all this information I can’t find it
Where are you seeing all this information I can’t find it

I can't directly link it, but: Welcome to the NH General Court | NH General Court

From the site, go to the Senate Calendar(lower right)--->Click on 27 May Senate Session--->Click on "Session Day Packet". You'll have plenty of option whether it is tabled bills, regular calandar, or whole packet. Find the bill of choice and click on the hearing reports.

Pics below:



I can't directly link it, but: Welcome to the NH General Court | NH General Court

From the site, go to the Senate Calendar(lower right)--->Click on 27 May Senate Session--->Click on "Session Day Packet". You'll have plenty of option whether it is tabled bills, regular calandar, or whole packet. Find the bill of choice and click on the hearing reports.

Pics below:
Thank you! Very helpful!!
I can't directly link it, but: Welcome to the NH General Court | NH General Court

From the site, go to the Senate Calendar(lower right)--->Click on 27 May Senate Session--->Click on "Session Day Packet". You'll have plenty of option whether it is tabled bills, regular calandar, or whole packet. Find the bill of choice and click on the hearing reports.

Pics below:
View attachment 486622

View attachment 486623

View attachment 486624

View attachment 486625
Thank you!
President of Senate and Speaker of House need to sign off then it goes to the Secretary of State to process and eventually land on Governors desk.....usually a weeks long process.....and senate/house can (and has) sat on bills for extended periods of time when it suited them politically
That description p¡ssed me off.

Without dismissing the potential for or prevalance of hijinks,
the rationale is presented under Enrolled Bills.
SB154 needs to go back to the Senate for a Concur, non-concur, non-concur and committee of conference. Ask for a Concur!
Please parse this for the uninitiated. I am playing catch up.
When either body amends and passes a bill that was originally passed by the other body, the body of origin has to either agree to that change, vote down that change, or let it be ironed out in a "committee of conference" appointed by the leaders of both bodies.

Senate Bill 1.0 is passed by the Senate, then it goes to the House. House amends that to SB 1.1; the Senate either says, "Okay, cool, we agree", or "No way, no how!", or "Pretty close. Let's work this out administratively."
Please parse this for the uninitiated. I am playing catch up.
Senate needs to review and make a decision on the amendment.
Senate Bill 1.0 is passed by the Senate, then it goes to the House. House amends that to SB 1.1; the Senate either says, "Okay, cool, we agree", or "No way, no how!", or "Pretty close. Let's work this out administratively."
Great School house rock type analogy!
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I only got to watch a little bit of the session. Mainly the union nuthuggers speaking on the "right to work" bill and the bill the next day which separated the tipped vs regular minimum wage. Which of course NHPR sees that as freezing the tipped wage--rolling eyes here.

It will be interesting to see how Sununu deals with 141 and 154. On one hand, he may see himself as a NH homer and say gun line is the way, but hopefully he listens to the common sense in the bill and signs this into law. SB154 is a big nice middle finger to the feds. I'm not sure if Sununu is a f*** the feds guy. Hopefully he will be once the senate concurs with the amendmant.

Some crossover votes for each bill below.

House Repubs voting AGAINST OTP for SB141:
Andrus, Louise Republican Merrimack 01 Nay
Comtois, Barbara Republican Belknap 07 Nay
Gay, Betty Republican Rockingham 08 Nay
Green, Dennis Republican Rockingham 13 Nay
Marston, Dick Republican Hillsborough 19 Nay
McKinney, Betsy Republican Rockingham 05 Nay
Stapleton, Walter Republican Sullivan 05 Nay
Theberge, Robert Republican Coos 03 Nay
Trottier, Douglas Republican Belknap 06 Nay
Umberger, Karen Republican Carroll 02 Nay
Wolf, Dan Republican Merrimack 05 Nay

House Dems voting FOR OTP for SB141:

Baroody, Benjamin Democrat Hillsborough 43 Yea
Goley, Jeffrey Democrat Hillsborough 08 Yea
Jack, Martin Democrat Hillsborough 36 Yea
King, Mark Democrat Hillsborough 33 Yea
Schamberg, Thomas Democrat Merrimack 04 Yea
Shaw, Barbara Democrat Hillsborough 16 Yea
Tucker, Edith Democrat Coos 05 Yea

House Repubs voting AGAINST OTPA for SB154:
Harrington, Michael Republican Strafford 03 Nay
Thompson, Dennis Republican Coos 01 Nay
Wolf, Dan Republican Merrimack 05 Nay

House Dems voting FOR OTPA for SB154:

King, Mark Democrat Hillsborough 33 Yea
Labranche, Tony Democrat Hillsborough 22 Yea

Dan Wolf voted against both of them. Who is pulling his string?
Jeff Goley and Mark King are two reliable pro-gun Democrats. Goley is a hunter, a bit Fuddy, but King just loves guns and shooting.

I've enjoyed serving on Fish & Game with Mark King. His email is "NHprogressive", he has his car completely custom-wrapped in Bernie stuff, and he is a 100% progressive.

He's also a nice guy to chat with, intelligent and polite, and 100% pro-gun. I'm sure some in his caucus call him a DINO.
Regarding SB145, we have this to consider:
ATF issues rule change proposal regarding pistol braces
That said, I don't know of a single range that would not disallow the shouldering of braces anyway, as they are extremely risk-averse and fudd-dominated, like Pelham and Chester.
Nobody at our range would give even the faintest of a shit if someone shouldered a brace; most wouldn't understand the subtlety, and those who did couldn't care less. We have a very MYOB range.
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You definitely don't know my local ranges, all of which would tell the Feds and Fudds to GFYS.
I would like to visit such fantasy ranges. Those in southeastern NH seem like they're trying to appeal to people across the border, who would be in love with heavy restrictions. Chester, in particular, has just about been ruined with rules.
I would like to visit such fantasy ranges. Those in southeastern NH seem like they're trying to appeal to people across the border, who would be in love with heavy restrictions. Chester, in particular, has just about been ruined with rules.

In my experience the ranges you are going to are the strange ones. The only range I've been to with a whole bunch of weird rules was Rabbit Creek in South Anchorage. Even they wouldn't really care about something like this. Of course, I just bought a decent chunk of land, so I think I'm done going to ranges unless I want to go long range on a rifle.

While the majority of ranges are mostly sane about bs......there is no shortage of fudd-like members that regularly complain about normal/safe/established shooting practices......that would readily go full zumbo and call authorities if it suited them imho

While it is often an uphill climb, it is almost always worth trying to get on the boards of whatever organization you're a part of whether that be ranges, god forbid an HOA, or even in the town government.
Well, it doesn't really have a lot of substance, I wasn't sure what to expect. Down in the Flatland I usually got a Form letter or maybe and Aid would respond. I guess the fact that she responded personally and so quickly is something. In 2020 she got 1,413 votes to John Greer's 1,305. If she got fourteen e-mails like mine, that's only 1% of her constituents, I bet she'd take notice.

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I would like to visit such fantasy ranges. Those in southeastern NH seem like they're trying to appeal to people across the border, who would be in love with heavy restrictions. Chester, in particular, has just about been ruined with rules.
Well, take a look for yourself at how my club thinks:

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