NH 2021 Bill thread: Critical Bills need to be voted on 5/25

HB334(OHRV bill) too. House doesn't agree with Senate's amendment.

HB334 passed by House(4/08/2021): http://gencourt.state.nh.us/bill_status/billText.aspx?sy=2021&v=HP&id=344
HB334 amended and passed by Senate(5/27/2021): http://gencourt.state.nh.us/bill_status/billText.aspx?sy=2021&txtFormat=html&v=SA&id=344

Unless I'm reading this incorrectly, the Senate amended HB334 to add aspects of SB141(much debated in other threads background check bill), and it looks like the sponsor of SB141 is the author of the amendment.

So WTF? Are we trying to package things so as to make them more palatable or are we tossing word salad on the walls trying to make it stick.


I woke up around 4 and saw this: 45 Bills To Be Taken Up During 'Committee Of Conference' Process
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Here's a link to various bills that will be heard/discussed this week

HB 417 imho is of particular interest and is on the schedule for today at 1p......it seeks to limit the governors unconstitutional emergency powers and would provide for an emergency order to expire within 30 days unless concurred by the legislature.......its a big step in the right direction


This is a good day to lurk/watch what goes on in conf cmte on bills....lots of good bills

HB 187 establishing controls/oversight over Dept HHS during state of emergency and other

SB 134.....the senate omnibus from hell hot mess that just needs to be put to bed......its a mish mash of shit that should be broken out and addressed individually next year.

HB 2 appears to be another omnibus from hell that similarly should die and individual issues addressed next year....too much rancid sausage in these omnibus bills.....

HB 291......a good house bill on absentee ballot issues was fooked to high hell by the senate.....

HB 326 another absentee voting accountability/reporting bill
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Rumor is the Senate mucked up both HB334 and SB154.. Trying to get copies of the amendments.

Final report on 334 is out.

The last Senate amendment essentially tacked on SB 141 to HB334.

House non concurred, but after the committee of conference, they are backing off the non concurrence.

I'm worried about SB154. While it is more of a feel good gesture than anything, I like the House's amendment over the original bill from the Senate.
Report on SB154 is out.

Recommendation: That the Senate recede from its position of nonconcurrence with the House amendment, and
concur with the House amendment
Well that's lame. Just skimmed it yesterday, but didn't see their addition.

Unless I'm reading it incorrectly, the new Application paragraph essentially makes the bill worthless.
So basically is says we won’t listen to any federal orders, but if the feds need help then “ok, what can we help you with? Here’s full access to our info and manpower”.

Am I reading that right?
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Am I reading that right?

Pretty much.

I don't understand how we got to this point.

We started out with the original which was kind of vague and conceptual in nature, but it stated a general good intent and passed the Senate. The House made it much more specific with an amendment and it passed the House.

Senate has concerns about the House amendment and nonconcurs. OK, no huge deal, let's chat and see how we can come to an agreement.

Senators Bradley, Carson, & Daniels along with Representatives Abbas, Lynn, Osborne, & Wallace(some of them sponsors of the original bill) think the specificity of the House amendment is OK, but decide to add a paragraph which essentially negates the whole intent of the bill???

WTF and where do we go from here on SB154?

What is the next gate for SB154? Anyone know?
Sununu in his own words....

Might give folks some insight into string pulling in Senate and why Sununu and a number of GOP senators refuse to support the GOP party platform/constitution and the numerous good bills that show good policy that is consistent with party platform that have come out of the NH House this year

Folks have a choice to make......Support Sununu/GOP leadership OR you can support GOP candidates that walk the walk as a great many in the NH House have in their support for party platform and the NH constitution
I encourage everyone to listen to the audio. Why? Because the conclusions of the opinion piece are just that, the writer's opinions, and have little connection to what was said. I'd say the writer had a pretty firm belief that he wanted to propagate and was hoping a few headline would be enough. Because the audio he cites does not provide the conclusions he had.

And @jpk You've been pretty firm in your posts that Republicans, including Sununu, should be in lock-step with the party and blindly follow the party. And now you are against the Governor saying Republicans should be Republicans.

And nowhere in that audio does Sununu put himself as party leader or say it should all be his way. In fact he says the differences are OK and should be discussed but in the end they should not let the squabbling fracture the party as it has the Democrats.

He's pushing party unity to expand the party's control of the legislature, @jpk isn't this what you say you want?
And the point you fail to recognize time and time again is that "Leadership" serves itself and fails to show any fidelity to the party platform or the constitution they take an oath to uphold

Without values the "Party" is meaningless.

This is something that the Dems learned long ago....they stick to their platform and voters turn out and vote for them.

Progressive republicans ignore the platform and soon enough people realize they stand for nothing but their own power.

Consistency builds trust
Trust garners votes

No consistency and values
No votes

Unfortunately so true :mad:
So where are we at after the sessions yesterday? I didn't get to listen to any of them.

SB154 with its shitty coc amendment was tabled by a vast majority(354-19). What is next there or are we screwed?

HB334 saw its coc amendment adopted by both bodies, so I assume there are the admin sign offs and then it goes up. I see why the language of SB141 was added as it is an insurance policy and also speeds up the implementation.

SB141 is enrolled. Has the Governor come out in public one way or the other for this? All I see is him gushing about the budget.

What ever happened to HB485? It never came out of the coc. IMO, there was probably way too much varied "stuff" in there, but I would have liked to see the Informed Consent portion implemented.
All I see is him gushing about the budget.

I suppose this was a little disrespectful-not of Sununu, but of the work that went into the two bills.

Especially since I just browsed HB2 and realized that holy crap, the I&D tax is being phased out. This directly affects my pocket book. Of course cynical me is waiting to see what goes up in cost.

77:1 Rate.

I. The annual tax upon incomes shall be levied at the rate of 5 percent for all taxable periods ending before December 31, 2023.

II. The annual tax upon incomes shall be levied at the rate of 4 percent for all taxable periods ending on or after December 31, 2023.

III. The annual tax upon incomes shall be levied at the rate of 3 percent for all taxable periods ending on or after December 31, 2024.

IV. The annual tax upon incomes shall be levied at the rate of 2 percent for all taxable periods ending on or after December 31, 2025.

V. The annual tax upon incomes shall be levied at the rate of 1 percent for all taxable periods ending on or after December 31, 2026.

Goes away in 2027.
This is the second Ward Bird bill.

I listened to the Senate session when this was passed. There was at least one senator speaking for the bill that had very little idea about what they were talking about and the bill's purpose. While she supported it and I'm thankful, it was clear that 2A discussions were not her forte.

I don't recall Mr. Bird's case being brought up at all during the senate discussions, but instead it was supermarket flashing and McCloskey event.
Back at least 12-15 years ago (I can't find any remaining news articles about it), a young man walking home from his job at night realized that two dudes in street hood clothing were approaching him rapidly from behind.

He turned towards them, and as he did so he used one hand to discreetly open his lockblade knife and held it behind his leg.

Turns out it was two plainclothes cops (Nashua, maybe?), and they identified themselves and showed badges. He was compliant, and the first time they were aware of the knife was when he folded it and put it away.

They arrested him for criminal threatening, and he wound up convicted. IIRC, it was a felony charge.

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