NH 2021 Bill thread: Critical Bills need to be voted on 5/25

Dumb question(I'm full of them).

Is there any way to see what the Governor's bill signing schedule looks like? Or maybe see what kind of post House/Senate discussions(meeting minutes, et al.) have occurred on certain bills?

Just kind of curious as it seems some people know when bills are going to be signed, so they either have insider information or there is a schedule I can't find. Example above-Design knew about HB195 before it was updated on the NH General Court site and yesterday several people on another platform knew about the dog laws that were signed before they were signed.
Dumb question(I'm full of them).

Is there any way to see what the Governor's bill signing schedule looks like? Or maybe see what kind of post House/Senate discussions(meeting minutes, et al.) have occurred on certain bills?
I'm pretty sure he's done, after Wednesday's public signing of some animal bills.

If I read correctly, all bills have become law, no vetoes.
I spoke too soon.

Today, he voted HB 98, which would change the date of our state primaries from September to August.

I guess we'll be having a veto session after all.
Back at least 12-15 years ago (I can't find any remaining news articles about it), a young man walking home from his job at night realized that two dudes in street hood clothing were approaching him rapidly from behind.

He turned towards them, and as he did so he used one hand to discreetly open his lockblade knife and held it behind his leg.

Turns out it was two plainclothes cops (Nashua, maybe?), and they identified themselves and showed badges. He was compliant, and the first time they were aware of the knife was when he folded it and put it away.

They arrested him for criminal threatening, and he wound up convicted. IIRC, it was a felony charge.
And their houses still stand? Post their addresses.

Just read his veto message on HB98. No skin off my back, but I thought one of the points of pulling the primary forward a month was so that the candidate that won had a better opportunity to campaign for the general.

He talks about vacations in the veto message, but this is simply swapping the current August work for July work.
Actually he nailed it and exactly why 141 is a tactical disaster that would cede control to Feds

There have been numerous instances/legit reasons to take issue with Sununu's actions over the last 14-16 months but he nailed this one......

Bookmarking this for when background checks return to hours/days as was occurring prior to COVID...
Actually he nailed it and exactly why 141 is a tactical disaster that would cede control to Feds

There have been numerous instances/legit reasons to take issue with Sununu's actions over the last 14-16 months but he nailed this one......

No. I don't disagree with the wariness of ceding something to the feds. I disagree with him blaming covid. Dude is out of touch with gun buyers and now we're pretty much stuck with the shitty system that nobody supervises.
That very well may happen unless the legislature does its fooking job and mandate and monitor/require reporting metrics from the gun line......

The performance issues in past are a product of the failure of legislature and executive branch to supervise/require performance/reporting

The fix takes money.

Guess what isn't going to happen-the gun line getting fixed.

It's going to be shitloads of time on hold while their automated message says send them a fax and if it comes to that, you might as not not even bother.
It doesnt have to cost money.......the DoS miraculously fixed the issues this spring when pressure began to be applied.....

All it would require is a quarterly report mandated and made public/sent to governor and legislature

Their "fix" was to pull bodies from other agencies who will eventually need them back. Bodies cost money and bodies is not the only thing they need.

Judging from my experiences buying three pistols last month, the gun line is faaaaaar from "fixed".
It doesnt have to cost money.......the DoS miraculously fixed the issues this spring when pressure began to be applied.....

All it would require is a quarterly report mandated and made public/sent to governor and legislature
They "fixed" it by pulling officers off the road to work full time in the GL, and only did that when they were under threat of being dissolved. Now that that has passed it will be back to SOP. Fed checks are already funded and was and still is the fist thing the GL does, so there isn't any difference in whether or not the fed check is actually done.
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Here's the thing though....DoS is funded by tolls on road....and they've been getting the max amount/percentage as long as I can remember

And for as long as I can remember they've had officers doing dumb shit like standing at toll booths looking for expired inspection stickers.....and other equally useless make work kinds of bish

So I'm pretty much 100% sure they can re-prioritize what they've got and make do with the budget they have

And as stated previously the performance issues are a function of oversight......ie the failure of the legislature and governor's office to monitor
I don’t agree with you because the state system has been flawed for decades. however, since you’ve talked about oversight please explain how that will work with an anti gun democrat Majority executives counsellor and an anti gun democrat governor? I don’t think it will. I think you be waiting weeks for your new pistol. The fbi has shown that irrespective of who ever is in the white house, checks are processed fast. Much faster than NH.
So the NH gun line has had up and down performance literally forever......

If you want a solution to that then dont go back to sleep on the issue.....call/write your legislator and the governor and demand that they address the performance issues and have DoS provide performance metrics several times a year.

I would still rather have local control and than cede that control to a hostile administration bent on violating RKBA
You didnt answer my question, how will you force an anti gun governor to enforce this? How will you prevent future slow downs from an anti gun administration?
You didnt answer my question, how will you force an anti gun governor to enforce this? How will you prevent future slow downs from an anti gun administration?
Put the following requirements in statute:
1. Reporting requirements like # or calls per day or hour, Time of each call, etc.
2. Performance requirements: establish a baseline for performance
3. Audit with penalties for failing to perform
Their "fix" was to pull bodies from other agencies who will eventually need them back. Bodies cost money and bodies is not the only thing they need.

Judging from my experiences buying three pistols last month, the gun line is faaaaaar from "fixed".
AFAIK, calls are taking 5 minutes or less since about mid February. There were policy changes, staff changes and some equipment process upgrades. If you have actual data that is different, PM me.
AFAIK, calls are taking 5 minutes or less since about mid February. There were policy changes, staff changes and some equipment process upgrades. If you have actual data that is different, PM me.

I bought three pistols last month. Your 5 minutes is f***ing bullshit.

Put the following requirements in statute:
1. Reporting requirements like # or calls per day or hour, Time of each call, etc.
2. Performance requirements: establish a baseline for performance
3. Audit with penalties for failing to perform

LMAO. Pipe dream. Nobody holds anyone accountable for government failings in this state. See HB307 dead as a doornail in the senate for a recent example.
Actually he nailed it and exactly why 141 is a tactical disaster that would cede control to Feds
There is no control to cede. The feds already control it, starting with the requirement to conduct a background check.

NH does not require a background check. NH should not be involved in the process.

It doesnt have to cost money.......the DoS miraculously fixed the issues this spring when pressure began to be applied.....

All it would require is a quarterly report mandated and made public/sent to governor and legislature

The DoS can also miraculously un-fix the issue as soon as there's a change in the political winds. They didn't add troopers to the Gun Line because they cared about the wait time; they did so because they didn't want to lose this system and the jobs that go with it.

Please explain how a "quarterly report mandated and made public/sent to governor and legislature" is going to fix anything.
Here's the thing though....DoS is funded by tolls on road....and they've been getting the max amount/percentage as long as I can remember

And for as long as I can remember they've had officers doing dumb shit like standing at toll booths looking for expired inspection stickers.....and other equally useless make work kinds of bish

So I'm pretty much 100% sure they can re-prioritize what they've got and make do with the budget they have

And as stated previously the performance issues are a function of oversight......ie the failure of the legislature and governor's office to monitor
It doesn't work that way. Officers are hired for a specific job, sure they can re-assign them temporarily, but if you think the officers, or their union, will stand for taking sworn law enforcement officers off their normal duties to permanently re-assign them to a desk and phone, you are being delusional. They could only hire more people, which means more money. But it's more likely they will just go back to the old way of things.
It doesn't work that way. Officers are hired for a specific job, sure they can re-assign them temporarily, but if you think the officers, or their union, will stand for taking sworn law enforcement officers off their normal duties to permanently re-assign them to a desk and phone, you are being delusional. They could only hire more people, which means more money. But it's more likely they will just go back to the old way of things.

I agree banning public unions is the first step in the right direction
We are our own worst enemy

When you have a 2A group who general does good things, and one I have sent small donations to in the past, go completely off the rails and side with 169 Democrat Representatives and 10 Democrat Senators, I'll sure as heck say we have an enemy.

We had the opportunity to get NH completely out of the background check business. A business it should not be involved in anyways. Instead, we are back to an inefficient and technologically inept system that will not be fixed. Why won't it be fixed-because it costs money and effort.

Sununu blames it on covid, but when was the last time he bought a pistol as a private citizen. It isn't a covid problem, it is a gun line problem. He doesn't understand. What further misinforms him is when you have the gun rights group mentioned in his veto message poisoning him to the bill--all is good, it's "fixed" now-the evil feds, etc. Why did it need fixing? The gun rights group was one of our voices to the governor, and they let the gun owners and buyers of NH down. Not only on this bill, but by poisoning SB141, we lost our chance to fix OHRV carry.

I may seem pissed off, but that is because I am. I'm the gun owner and gun buyer that is getting f***ed here. This crap has cost me money and time. We have majorities in the House and Senate. We have a decent, but middle of the road, governor who has proven he'll go the proper way on 2A and tax issues. We had an opportunity to fix so many things this year, but other than some tiny victories we failed. NHFC contributed to those victories, but in a mind blowing fashion that negatively effects me and my 2A rights directly contributed to those failures.
Of course it works that way

People get reassigned all the time and/or rotate in and out of jobs/roles

Those state troopers need to be on the road, not answering phones for something the state shouldn't be doing anyways.

I'm sure an increased road presence and therefore backup would have been beneficial for the officer involved in this OIS. We have a bunch of towns which rely on state troopers as their only police-dudes are spread thin.

Dalton Officer Involved Shooting | Multimedia | NH Department of Justice
From the veto message:

"...the New Hampshire Coalition against Domestic and Sexual Violence ... join(s) me in raising significant concerns with this legislation."

Like it or not, Sununu is covering his flank. Though he only mentions this one group, if he had signed the bill there are plenty of others of the same ilk who would have had another club to bludgeon him with when the next election comes - whether it's for Governor or US Senator.
Of course it works that way

People get reassigned all the time and/or rotate in and out of jobs/roles

The excuses are almost comical
You really are delusional. They will not "reassign" a sworn law enforcement officer to a desk civilian position, just not ever going to happen. We've got cops on this forum, speak up, would you ever be asked, let alone agree, if your chief came to you and said "well you're doing a good job but I want you to give up your PO job, union membership, some of you pay, and be our administrative assistant and sit at the front desk all day. The people picking up the phone and entering the data at the GL are nothing special, just administrative personnel.
Those state troopers need to be on the road, not answering phones for something the state shouldn't be doing anyways.

I'm sure an increased road presence and therefore backup would have been beneficial for the officer involved in this OIS. We have a bunch of towns which rely on state troopers as their only police-dudes are spread thin.

Dalton Officer Involved Shooting | Multimedia | NH Department of Justice

Lets not drag strawman arguments into this

This is about one thing and one thing only

Do you want to cede what little control we have to the fed OR do you want to keep it at the state level

Its clear to me that we have a BETTER chance of mitigating issues by keeping the NH Gun line......there's no perfect solution.....choose the lesser of two evils

Not a strawman argument at all. It was you that said "People get reassigned all the time" and he effectively offered a counter to your statement. And since you can't defend that YOU suggested reassigning officers, you scream strawman. And that we ever had control is just more delusion. The GL uses the Fed check system. The GL only exists at the discretion of the Fed, and it's only an administrative letter that makes that all go away, no new laws, no hearings, no appeals, just goodbye. And you say this equals NH having control [rofl]
If you want states to have control, GREAT. Fight for that at the Fed level. I'll even support that. But closing your eyes to reality and pretending you have control 1. does not give you control, and 2. guarantees that you will NEVER have it.
Bottom line is for the last few months the NHGL has been more effective than it has been for years. Could it go back, sure. The federal line delays 1 out of every 10 calls. Is that an acceptable rate? For many, the 1 out of every 10 is not acceptable.

The solution is to make sure the NHGL cannot drift back to their prior ways. There are many ways to do that.

From the header of the document below: Is this really good enough?
  • In 2019, 89.44% of the tens of millions NICS checks done annually are completed immediately, just over 10% of NICS checks are “delayed.”
  • • The vast majority (88%) of delayed NICS checks are resolved within three business days and 94% within 10 days.
  • • Only 0.7% of 2019 delayed NICS checks were never resolved.
  • Only minuscule 0.01% of transferred firearms are referred to ATF for retrieval because the purchaser turned out to be a prohibited person.

If I rephrase the last statement, the 99.99% of transfers are not an issue, which means that there are a lot of false positive denials in the system.
Just remember: out of the 112,000 denials in 2017, they prosecuted 12. This means that the other ~111,980 were abused by the system


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Nobody holds anyone accountable for government failings in this state. See HB307 dead as a doornail in the senate for a recent example.
BTW, it is worse than just HB307: SB154 was a senate disaster to begin with, and the House fixed it and then the Senate in the CoC screwed it up again. HB196, HB197 were also retained by the Senate Judiciary cmte. The Senate also corrupted HB334 with SB141. HB334 without that amendment would have passed.
When the NH Senate gets bad grades from NHFC for this years disasters, let's revisit the above statement.|
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