NH Alert: SB116. Still on the Gov's desk. ***Vetoed***

Put 2000 people into the next hearing with everyone testifying and I bet we change the outcome in a positive manner........

Everyone needs to show for the hearing of the senate version of this bill.....time to raise the black flag
I have a photo of the roll call sheet. Please let me know how to post it.
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I have a photo of the roll call sheet. Please let me know how to post it.

Fixed. And it is worse than we thought. For those who maybe can't read it well, this vote was to retain the bill. A YEA was a bad vote. One republican was absent, 4 voted no and the rest voted yes.


If any are your rep, email, call, visit, whatever, but if they voted Yea, let them know that you are aware of how they voted, and that they probably just lost your support. The only way they might recover support will be to be a strong advocate for getting SB116 not only out of committee, but to seeing it pass on the house floor. Anything short of that and you'll happily vote for anyone but them in the next election. Yes, anyone. At least you will be able to trust someone who is outwardly anti-2A, and will know what to expect when they vote.

If they aren't your rep still feel free to contact them, but you'll have to use your friends in their district as a proxy for not getting votes.
Disappointing but not surprising. Politicians will tell you what you want to hear but will do whatever they want when it comes to voting. To think any of them are there to represent the people is being naive. They'll lead us right up to, and over the cliff every time
The vote on this bill is a product of two things.

1. Comrade Jasper and his merry band of ~30 traitors first and foremost....the committee composition would have been significantly friendlier to the defence of rights under OBrien
2. Comrade Hohenwarter from the NRA
This republican house is an fn shit show...

Some of the crap that is passing is astounding. [sad2]
This republican house is an fn shit show...

Some of the crap that is passing is astounding. [sad2]

This is why folks need to make a commitment to walk door to door in Comrade Jaspers district and those of his stalinist comrades in the 2016 primary and general election.....they need to be defeated even if it means losing the seat
Now Somersworth is pulling bullshit:

Update... Somersworth PD is blatantly and deliberately ignoring the 14 days to issue or deny PRLs....
Neither mine nor my gf's PRLs were ready today which they should have been being day 14. We were again told that it sometimes takes more than 14 days. We asked nicely to get it straightened out and we were told it wasn't going to happen today and to call on Monday to check progress. I called the lawyer that a member told me to contact and she can't do anything unless I want to spend the money to sue them. We were told multiple times by the Somersworth PD that the 14 days is a "guideline" and not a law. Other than spending the money to sue, is there anyone else that can issue our PRLs or get the PD to stop dragging their feet?

My Hans Blix email sent to the chief, mayor, manager, and all state reps and senator. I did have permission from the individual.

Hello Chief Dean Crombie,

I am writing to you because it has come to my attention that you are breaking the law. What law would that be? Well it would be RSA 159:6. An acquaintance of mine has informed me that he submitted an application for a Pistol and Revolver License on February 21st, 2015. It is now March 6th, the 14th day and the licenses are not ready. He was told by your staff today and I quote "the 14 days is a guideline not a law." The legislature doesn't write "guidelines" they write law. Per RSA 159:6, you have 14 consecutive days from the time the license application is in your possession to approve or deny the license. Since you have done neither, you are in violation of this statute. I know for a fact you are well aware of this law. Earl Sweeney, before his retirement as the assistant commissioner of the department of safety, briefed all police chiefs on RSA 159. I also know you received an updated license application packet in September 2014 with updated forms and of course all the administrative rules and the RSA itself.

So I can only surmise that you are willfully refusing to follow this law. Why is not my concern. And it is not even the concern of the court because the courts do not care about excuses considering how straight forward and easy to follow this law is.

RSA 159:6-f provides that the applicant is to be awarded attorney and court fees by you personally for refusing to comply. I've heard that some firearms attorneys in New Hampshire charge many thousands of dollars to the client that you are liable to pay. Oh and I might add, your retirement is likely fair game for a court order to pay out.

I would also like to note that RSA 159:6-f allows the town officials such as the selectmen and mayor, to be personally liable and I believe they have been successfully sued for this in the past.

And if you are curious about the chances of this occurring please ask Chief Streeter of Newton how the licensing case against him went. I hear he paid Mr. Ferrara quite a bit of money for his willful disregard of the law.

You are a servant of the people and the people are watching.

Have a nice day.

We need to get this passed.
I am wondering what it would take to raise funds to do a class action against several of the towns at once. Much like Comm2A is doing in MA.
It would probably be an easier start to do a class action lawsuit against the state police. They have already testified to having broken the law numerous times (during their testimony before the house). I regularly see reports of people taking a month to get their out of state P&R License.

Multiple plaintiffs with a single defendant is simpler that multiple plaintiffs and multiple defendants.
I actually got a response.

Apparently my letter is "threatening."

The person who is affected did not want me to provide his name.

Hello soloman02

The Somersworth Police issues many licenses each week and we do follow the law. One of the main reasons we may hold up a permit is because we are waiting for an out of state felony record, I am sure you wouldn’t want someone with a felony record to have a permit would you? Also many times we go to an applicants residence to verify the application over and over and he is never home.

This sort of thing is beyond our control and we do the best to comply with the law. If you gave me the persons name I could go right to the file and find the answer but you did not provide it. The permit could have been misplaced, I don’t know. We make every effort to work with people and most thank us for our quick response and yours is the the first threatening letter I have ever received. I am in the office every day and would be more than happy to discuses this with you, I would also like the mystery applicant to call me (have no idea why you didn’t provide it) and will explain the holdup once I find who he is. Again we do many of these each week without a glitch or complaint.

Sincerely, Chief Crombie
I don't think law is subverted by mere excuses, which is what that letter is full of. If he gets to the last day and had no information against issuing it, it should be issued period.

Do you want me to write another letter?
another BS answer from a CoP. If you have a felony you can't purchase a firearm, the license doesn't grant you immunity.

and stop being so threatening! you may have made him pee his pants lol
I don't think law is subverted by mere excuses, which is what that letter is full of. If he gets to the last day and had no information against issuing it, it should be issued period.

Do you want me to write another letter?

The person affected is stopping by the station to pick them up shortly. However he was told that if he has not been called, then the license is not ready and he has not been called.

Draft your letter. I'll let you know when to send it.
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