NH State Pistol Championship THIS WEEKEND (11 Dec)

Aug 9, 2013
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The 2022 NH State Service Pistol Championship will be held on Sunday, December 11th, at the Sig Sauer Experience Center in Epping, NH. The match program is attached, and duplicated below for easier reading. There will be a sizeable prize table.

CMP Registered 1000 Indoor Service Pistol Tournament
Includes CMP Excellence in Competition Pistol Match within Aggregate
Date: December 11th, 2022
Sponsoring Facility: Sig Sauer Experience Center (SEC), 233 Exeter Rd, Epping, NH 03042
Rules: In accordance with the current edition of the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) Competition Rules for Service Pistol.
Eligibility: Open to all eligible participants. You do not have to be a member of SEC, the NRA, nor a CMP affiliated club to participate.
Registration Fees:
CMP Service Pistol 1000 $60.00 ($40 for SEC members), includes EIC Match ($15) and prizes
Note – All fees are waived for junior competitors with a parent or legal guardian.
Entries: There will be four relays of 10 competitors, operating on two indoor ranges (static 50 yard, and
turning target 25 yard). Competitors can pre-register by e-mail at cmpnh@thecmp.org. Relay 1 starts at
0900 on the 50 yard indoor range, subsequent relays every 90 minutes (10:30, 12:00, 1:30). Registration
will start 30 minutes prior to each relay (check in at the Pro Shop inside the SEC). Fees collected upon
Competitors arriving the day of the match, without registration or pre-registration, will be accepted on a
space-available basis. Personal checks, cashier’s checks, and cash will be accepted.
Match Schedule: Registration begins at 0830. The match will start at the 50 yard indoor range, where all
slow fire stages will be completed. Shooters will then proceed to the separate indoor 25 yard turning target
range (where they started registration), where they will complete the match. Firing will commence
promptly at 9:00 (relay 1), 10:30 (relay 2), 12:00 (relay 3) and 1:30 PM (relay 4). The course of fire is listed
below. All firing will be conducted in Indoor ranges. The aggregate will consist of a National Match Course
(30 shots), a President’s 100 (40 shots) and an EIC (30 shots) for a 1000 point State Championship
Aggregate. Two ranges will operate simultaneously – indoor 50 yard for all slow fire shooting, and indoor
25 yard for all sustained fire shooting. Relays will flow from the slow fire range to the sustained fire range,
with plenty of time for transition. This will allow the facility to accommodate the maximum number of
shooters. Shooters will complete ALL slow fire before switching ranges and finishing with the sustained
fire stages.

Service Pistol State Championship Slow Fire (400pts) – Start in 50 yard indoor range
Match 1SF National Match Course Slow Fire 10 Shots, 10 minutes on B-6 Target
Match 2SF President’s 100 Slow Fire 2 strings, 10 shots, 10 minutes on B-6 Target
Match 3SF EIC Slow Fire 10 shots, 10 minutes on B-6 Target
Service Pistol State Championship Sustained Fire (600 pts) – 25 yard indoor range
Match 1T/RF NMC Timed/Rapid Fire: 10 Shots Timed, 10 shots rapid on B-8 Target
Match 2T/RF P100 Timed/Rapid Fire 2 strings, 10 shots, 10 minutes on B-8 Target
Match 3T/RF EIC Timed/Rapid Fire 2 strings, 10 shots, 10 minutes on B-8 Target

Classification: The CMP classification system for Service pistol competitions will be used for the State
Championship, and is summarized below for clarity. Competitors without a CMP classification may use
their NRA classification until obtaining a CMP Service Pistol classification.
CMP Service Pistol Classifications
High Master: >90%, Master 85-89.9%, Expert 80-84.9%, Sharpshooter 72-79.9%, Marksman <72%
Equipment: Competitors will abide by CMP rule 4.1.1 regarding Service Pistol requirements. Generally,
iron sights, a four pound trigger pull and copper jacketed/plated ammunition are the major requirements.
Please consult the rule book to ensure your pistol qualifies before match day. Triggers will be weighed.
Awards: Awards will be given to the winners in each of the 3 matches. A first place award will be given in
each classification category for each match provided there are at least 5 competitors in the class and
category. A second place award will be given if there are at least 10 competitors in the class and category,
and a third place award will be given if there are at least 15 competitors in the class and category. EIC
“Leg Points” will be awarded to the top 10% of non-distinguished shooters meeting the minimum cutoff
score (250).
Challenges: A challenge fee of $1.00 will be charged for each challenge made. Challenges will be judged
and validated by a 3 person jury.
Match Conditions: Scoring will be done by competitors. Competitors will pass scorecards right and score
the target on their left. Competitors will be responsible for repairing their own targets. Scorers and
competitors must sign each scorecard in order to receive credit for the match. Range personnel will assist
in every way possible to avoid delays. Competitors may use approved overlays to assist in scoring targets.
Only Range Officers may use approved scoring plugs. If a shooter disagrees with the point value of a shot
a Range Officer can be requested to plug it. Once a plug is placed in a target it may not be removed until
the score is resolved. Challenged targets will be removed from the target frame by a range officer and
taken to the Chief Range officer for scoring. Competitors must provide their own staples and staple guns.
Range Facilities: The Sig Sauer Experience Center is a newly built, state of the art facility. Sig Sauer
has graciously offered to host the 2022 NH State Championship at their facility, and provide range
personnel to execute the match safely.
Regulations & Safety: Violations of CMP pistol rules, range regulations, or good safety practices, will
result in the competitor’s removal from the range and forfeiture of fees. A signed hold harmless agreement
and a CMP Eligibility Affidavit and Liability Agreement is required for all competitors. Eye and ear protection
must be worn by each shooter firing on the indoor range. Double hearing protection is recommended.


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