No what

Mar 24, 2013
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I am first time buyer. I want a 9mm. Semi-auto for home/range and tuckable carry. I am getting a little tired of waiting for someone in SE MA to get a Shield. Does anyone have another suggestion for a MA compliant gun?
First thought: if you want to be able to buy ammo pick a different caliber...
Second: have you tried a shield? Might want to, I wasn't impressed. What about a kahr?

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I am first time buyer. I want a 9mm. Semi-auto for home/range and tuckable carry. I am getting a little tired of waiting for someone in SE MA to get a Shield. Does anyone have another suggestion for a MA compliant gun?

Ruger SR9c, fantastic firearm...great trigger, great size to shoot and conceal
I suggest trying one also. Or at least handling one if you see one at the range

I love mine. There are plenty for sale on the classifieds.
Kahr pm9 all the way!!

If you can afford it, the Kahr is a fine pistol. The trigger is going to be miles better than the stock Shield trigger, too. Though it's a long trigger, it's exceptionally smooth and a sweet shooter. Conceals even better than the shield, too.
Buy a gun that doesn't Suck.

This. M&Ps are kinda ghey.

Ruger SR9c, fantastic firearm...great trigger, great size to shoot and conceal

This also. But it's a double stack so it isn't exactly similar to what he's looking for. If you can afford it go PM9 or look at a PPS. Just do NOT buy a LC9. G26 is another goodie if you don't mind a double stack like the SR9c. Good luck.
All I wanted for my first gun was a shield. I looked and looked and could not find one. I ended up buying an M&P .40C with an apex trigger job. Could not be happier. Love the gun, conceals well and feels great to shoot. Just so happens that a friend bought a shield in .40 about 3 weeks later and I got to shoot it. I'm sure the recoil from the 9m would be less but the shield in .40 was not fun to shoot at all. I do not regret my decision one bit.

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If you can afford it go PM9 or look at a PPS.

Yes, the Walther PPS is also a fine pistol, though it's a bit longer and taller than the Kahr. It can also be found for cheaper than the Kahr will be. The G26 is a fine option, as well, though it's a bit thicker than any of the aforementioned pistols and you will have to pay top dollar used for one in Massachusetts. Check one out at a local shop and see if it isn't too blocky for carry for you.
Thank you all. 2 follow up questions. How tuckable in an IWB is a M&Pc? And are they any easier to get?
thanks again.
Or try one of the Walther compacts. Might have the same problem finding one though..
The PPS isn't a bad firearm in my expirence, but I don't like the mag release on the Walthers and they tend to be on the higher end of the price spectrum
Kittery Trading Post in Kittery, ME got in 90 Shields the other day. They will sell you one but it will need to be transferred to a MA FFL.
go with the pm9 or pm40. I personally liked the 40 better, but anything in the smaller range will have some bangin recoil. Close range, conceal carry guns are my favorite.
Thank you all. 2 follow up questions. How tuckable in an IWB is a M&Pc? And are they any easier to get?
thanks again.

I carry mine (.40c) in a crossbreed IWB and no one ever has seen it. Tucks great and does not print at all. I carry at the 4 o'clock position and it does not even hurt when sitting in the car. Sometimes I forget that it is there TBH

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CVS, feminine products aisle.... Plenty of "shields" available in varying sizes and configurations [rofl]

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