
I've only ever gotten one. But my NH non-res expiration gets me a letter a month early reminding me to renew and including the form. God, I gotta move there if I find a job not too far away.
Isn't is nice to know that you are listed in a criminal database?

You are not listed in a criminal data base. Please recall that the Firearms Records Bureau is part of the Criminal History Systems Board. Since the CHSB is responsible for CJIS it makes sense that they have oversight of the FRB since you need a background check of the criminal history records to obtain a LTC.

Also too, your fingerprints are not part of the Criminal Data Base in the AFIS system at the Identification Section in Sudbury. Your prints are run against the data base when you apply/re-apply for a LTC but are not a permanent part of it.

Unless you have been arrested, your name will not appear in a criminal data base.

Mark L.
Also too, your fingerprints are not part of the Criminal Data Base in the AFIS system at the Identification Section in Sudbury. Your prints are run against the data base when you apply/re-apply for a LTC but are not a permanent part of it.

Unless you have been arrested, your name will not appear in a criminal data base.

Mark L.

You believe in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy too?
You believe in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy too?

No I it's that I have worked regularly with these data bases and for 5 1/2 years worked with AFIS specifically in the area of firearms licensure.

I don't mind smart-ass comments when the people writing them know what they are talking about (such as Scrivner) you obviously don't.

Mark L.

JayG: A little quick on the draw? [rolleyes]

Mark: A little touchy? [slap]

Easy guys this is a fun, friendly and informative forum...[kiss]

As Jay's sarcasim points out it is unfortunate that anything to do with firearms licensing in Mass is handled through a department within the Criminal History Systems Board. Seems like a sideways slap by the "powers". Considering the overly protective and unnecessiarily indepth involvement of the various state agencies in this process it is difficult to maintain objectivity when dealing with them. You have to know he was kidding (unless you two have a history and maybe we need the CHSB to be involved...then I'll just sit back and watch) [popcorn]

Yeah, sometimes I let the smartass/snark get the better of me. No disrespect was intended.

I am certain that your experience is 100% above reproach, that the systems as you describe them function as described without malice aforethought.

I am equally certain that each and every one of us, by virtue of our 2A interest, have a file or files kept on us at both the state and federal levels.
Considering so many of our politicians today the comment...databases aren't criminal / your info is in a "government" database...seems like an oximoron!? [thinking]
Does it bother anyone else to get mail from, and have to send mail to the Criminal Systems History Board? I can only wonder what my mailman thinks of seeing those letters.
Does it bother anyone else to get mail from, and have to send mail to the Criminal Systems History Board? I can only wonder what my mailman thinks of seeing those letters.

I was wondering that myself, I just received a letter from them (I requested it.) Plus all of the gun/knife/survival/hunting/cav store/brigade QM catalogs as well as all the packages I get he must be wondering. He is quite friendly though.
I am equally certain that each and every one of us, by virtue of our 2A interest, have a file or files kept on us at both the state and federal levels.

My apologies for being a tad snappy. I can say this much that if there was a state file on any of us because of a 2A interest, I'm fairly confident that I would have found it by now. For whatever it is worth, I know that the MSP does not have such a file, and off hand I can't think of another state agency that would maintain a file such as you describe.

The Feds, of course, are a horse of a different color...there I suppose anything is possible.


Mark L.
Doubt you'd have been snappy had I not been a condescending dink... [sad] No apology needed.

As for the state, well, I'll believe that the MSP doesn't keep files (Heck, my dad's retired MSP and he doesn't even know how to disassemble his S&W Model 39...) [wink]

I wouldn't be surprised in the least, though, if having "X" number of FA-10 forms filed in a given time period gets one a little extra scrutiny...

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get my tinfoil hat re-lined... [laugh]

My apologies for being a tad snappy. I can say this much that if there was a state file on any of us because of a 2A interest, I'm fairly confident that I would have found it by now. For whatever it is worth, I know that the MSP does not have such a file, and off hand I can't think of another state agency that would maintain a file such as you describe.

The Feds, of course, are a horse of a different color...there I suppose anything is possible.


Mark L.
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